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John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Feb 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/63, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for plants, the unnamed one is 'Ophrys loselii'; asks if it is the same as 'O. paludosa' in "Flora Danica". [William] Hudson doubts if 'Aquilegia alpina' is different from 'A. vulgaris'. Declines Smith and [Samuel] Goodenough's invitation to join Linnean Society on basis that he has nothing to write about; he has no botanical pretensions, other than to know the British plants and specifically those intended by [John] Ray. Has the real 'Malva parviflora' of Linnaeus, found by Hudson in Devon. Remarks on prolific accenting errors in [William Withering's] "Botanical arrangement".

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Feb 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/64, The Linnean Society of London

Discrepancies between 'Carex' listed in [John] Ray's "Historia plantarum" and "Synopsis"; surprised 'Carex caepitosa' is not in the "History", other 'Carex' anomalies. Asks Smith to remember 'Aconitum napellus' and 'Cammarum'. Disputes [Thomas] Woodward's statement that 'Arenaria verna' is probably not indigenous. Requests specimen of 'Conferva corallinoides' from [Samuel] Goodenough. Remarks on his 'Fucus multifidus'. Asks if Smith has seen Mr Rigby's treatise on sugar.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
21 May 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/65, The Linnean Society of London

A connection made between himself and Mr Rigby, which will likely effect the rest of his life and a large portion of his son's. Hopes Smith likes his new house [on Great Marlborough Street, London]; its proximity to Sir Joseph Banks must render it agreeable; envies Smith his journey to Oxford with Banks and thinks Smith was "born under an auspicious planet" and deserves the many advantages he enjoys. Botany at a standstill in Norfolk. Expecting a 'Carex inflata' or 'C. montana' from [William] Hudson; received two 'Fucus' and an 'Ulva' from Mr Wigg. [James] Crowe ill with gout.

Believes it will be long time before marine plants are well known. Discussion of 'Aconitum napellus', 'Polypodium thelypteris', 'Carex caespitosa', 'Carex recurva', 'Arenaria verna', 'A. striata', asks what 'Veronica fruticulese' is now called.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Jun 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/66, The Linnean Society of London

[Robert] Stone [(c 1751-1829), botanist] has found 'Carex strigosa' near Bungay, [Suffolk]. Satisfaction he receives from [John] Ray's "little, accurate descriptions". Requests 'Dinathus glaucus' and 'Carex capillaris'. Fears he will not receive any further correspondence from [Samuel] Goodenough.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Jul 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/67, The Linnean Society of London

Sending specimens for Linnean Society. Remarks on 'Carex strigosa', recently discovered in Norfolk. He and [Thomas] Woodward were unsuccessful in their search for 'Ophrys loeselii'. Requests 'Dianthus virgineus', 'D. glaucus', 'Anconitum napellus', and 'A. cammarum'. Woodward has found 'Carex limosa'.

Recently treated a case of "retroversi uteri" according to Dr Denman's "Introduction to Midwifery" but the patient miscarried.

Received specimen of 'Equisetum fluviatile' from Woodward, expects it it rare.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Dec 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/68, The Linnean Society of London

Happy to hear Matlock, [Derbyshire], agreed with Smith so well and that he is now in good health. Pleased with Smith's Dr De Ramm, although as Smith observes "he is but a bit of a Botanist"; received of him 'Lemna arrhiza' and promise of 'Alisina natans', and a letter from [Nicholas] Gwyn. Mr Sutton has acquired the living of St George's Tombland, [Norwich], and will occupy the same room where Smith, [Thomas] Woodward, and himself often discussed botany. Received from Gwyn the true 'Centaurea solstitialis'.

Received Smith's 'Carex capillaris'. Received letter from [Samuel] Goodenough entirely on 'Carex'; some of Goodenough's remarks including 'Carex caespitosa' not in England, and Linnaeus' 'C. muricata' is 'C. spicata' Fl Ang. Requests 'Echinophora spinosa'. Offers to send specimen of 'Salsola fruticosa' for Linnean Society. Asks Sir Joseph Banks' opinion of Peter Pindar's [John Wolcot's pseudonym (1738-1819), satirist] poem to him ["Sir Joseph Banks and the Emperor of Morocco: a tale" (1788)].

The Linnean Society of London