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William George Maton
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/60, The Linnean Society of London

Discussed with [Alexander] Macleay and [Robert] Brown the design for the ornamented page for Prince Leopold's signature in the Linnean Society Charter-book, to also be used for other royal signatures. Process by which the Prince will sign and bye-laws. Pleased Smith has not promised his vote for new Royal Society president to anyone. Brief details of Sir Joseph Banks' will: [Robert] Brown to receive the library, museum and £200 per annum for life, to afterwards go to the British Museum, and Lady Banks given whole of the landed property for life, afterwards to be divided between Colonel Stanhope and Sir Henry Howley, Banks' closest relatives. Flattered by Smith and [William] Roscoe naming ['Matonia'] after him.

The Linnean Society of London
George Annesley
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/82, The Linnean Society of London

Describes places of interest on the route from Stafford to Arley, including Coalbrook Dale, the China works at Coalport, and Mr Whitmore's grounds at Apley, in anticipation of imminent visit from the Smiths.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
John Nichols
13 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/JN/7, The Linnean Society of London

Returns some corrected proofs. Discusses additional volumes, writing of a preface, and whether to have a contents and an index.

Note in John Bowyer Nichols' hand attached.

The Linnean Society of London
London Royal Society
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/97, The Linnean Society of London

From William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society, inviting subscriptions for a monument to the memory of Sir Joseph Banks. Annotated by Smith, stating that he has subscribed £10, the maximum amount, and that "no one has a greater claim on his gratitude and regard than [Smith has], nor can any one be more ready to acknowledge it".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/60, The Linnean Society of London

Mrs Goodenough taken ill with constipation then diarrhea on journey to Rose Castle but successfully treated her with Calomel. Sir Joseph Banks died day before he left London, initiating a contest for Royal Society presidency: Banks named [Davies] Gilbert; [William Hyde] Wollaston [(1766-1828), chemist and physicist] and Sir Humphry Davy have declared themselves candidates; [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert and Sir Alexander Johnson are urging [Edward St Maur, 11th] Duke of Somerset [(1775-1855)] to contest; and Carlisle the surgeon is canvassing for Prince Leopold.

Sir Joseph Bank's will: [Robert] Brown given £200 per annum, a poor pittance in London; Sir Everard Home's [(1756-1832), physician] omittance extraordinary but appears Banks borrowed £4000 of him without repaying; Revesby Abbey in Lincolnshire Lady Banks' for life and afterwards Sir Edward Knatchbull's [9th baronet (1781-1849)], Lady Banks' nephew. The Queen [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV] "engrosses all conversation at present", Goodenough thinks if even a small part of the rumours are true it would be shocking; Sir Humphry Davy, who lived near her abroad, has been closeted with the King [George IV (1762-1830)].

The Linnean Society of London