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Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
13 Jul 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/135, The Linnean Society of London

Staying with Lady [Pleasance] Smith's aunt, whose house and garden is a "specimen of what one reads about in English novels of the best age, before the history of manners & character gave way to the picturesque or the frightful", although the journey caused his fever to return, which was treated with bleeding and James's powder.

Printing new editions of his "Compendium florae Britannicae" and "Introduction [to Botany]", and anticipates the continuation of "English Flora" to be "merely a pleasure & amusement". Resolved to limit his letter writing, "especially in reply to foolish schemes & questions about botany"; he is now being solicited about a Norwich Botanic Garden, certain it will not amount to anything. Criticises missing date in Roscoe's last letter.

Received from Paris "Annales de las Societe Linneenne de Paris", containing an eulogy of Broussonet. Corrêa has died at Lisbon; he had been a "little perverted by French botanists" and developed a "jealous twist" against Englishmen, especially Sir Joseph Banks.

The Linnean Society of London
Jean Vincent Yves Degland
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Jul 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/111, The Linnean Society of London

Observations on 'Cheiranthus cheiri'; requests Smith's opinion. Sending specimen of 'Cheiranthus fruticulosus', and of doubtful 'C. erysimoides', for identification.

The Linnean Society of London
William Parkinson
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jul 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/48, The Linnean Society of London

Fears the specimen he sent last year of 'Stachys ambigua', gathered near Quorndon, Leicestershire, never reached Smith; offers to send it again. Pleased to see the "long promised" "English flora" is appearing, and that Smith "does not follow the example of this generation of expensive works by putting too high a price on the book".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Jul 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/92, The Linnean Society of London

The lumbago he suffered from on his journey to Rose Castle has brought on gout. Relates an anecote relating to "the late sweet warbler" Mrs Sheridan and an apothecary. Smith must have enjoyed Sir Thomas Cullum staying.

Rose Castle gardens have suffered much, including goosberries, currants, and plums; a great loss for them living in a lone house so far from a town. Forwarded Smith's letter to Mrs Martin.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Jul 1824
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/85, The Linnean Society of London

Left London early for Lady Cullum's health. Missed Prince Leopold dining with the Linnean Club but [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough], Sir Claude Scott [(1742-1830)], Mr Colebrooke, [William George] Maton, and Sir Benjamin Hobhouse [(1757-1831), politician] attended. Lambert's state of mind too unsettled for him to write to anyone unless absolutely obliged. Hopes Lambert sent Smith the continuation of his "[A description of the genus] Pinus" work. This summer possibly going to Ramsgate and Margate, [Kent], or Paris by steam vessel, and plans to visit Smith in Saxmundham, [Suffolk].

The Linnean Society of London