Search: Johnes, Mariamne in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1800-1809::1801::10::21 in date 
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Mariamne Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Oct [1801]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/15, The Linnean Society of London

Has so far failed to find the '[Lichen] floridus' for Smith. Will preserve Smith specimens of 'Conchium salicinum', though its pods are so hard she will struggle to dry them. Offers to send seed of 'Spartium monospermum' which has sparingly ripened this year. Thanks for seeds of 'Chelone barbata', she has given half to Todd, the gardener, and she will sow other half in spring. Anticipates her garden will be in "high beauty" next summer as her father gave her much manure and a man to take care of them, and she now has her mother's 'Auricula' collections. 'Strelitzia reginae' soon in "high beauty", it has many pods. Asks what the enclosed specimen is, it was found on the hills by Todd two years ago.

Rejoices with Smith on "happy event of peace" and hopes it be permanent; supposes Norwich was "very gay" with illuminations, she only had her dressing room illuminated. Congratulates Smith on his "vocal parties". Requests seeds or root of 'Gentiana verna', being delighted with the account of it in [William] Curtis' "[Botanical] Magazine".

The Linnean Society of London