Possible to purchase 12 postage covers for 11d in the Strand. Points out an apparent error in one of JH's books on sound. How does an open pipe vibrate? Regarding the private character of J. L. Lagrange.
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The Sir John Herschel Collection
The preparation of the print Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (Michael J. Crowe ed., David R. Dyck and James J. Kevin assoc. eds, Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, viii + 828 pp) which was funded by the National Science Foundation, took ten years. It was accomplished by a team of seventeen professors, visiting scholars, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and staff working at the University of Notre Dame.
The first online version of Calendar was created in 2009 by Dr Marvin Bolt and Steven Lucy, working at the Webster Institute of the Adler Planetarium, and it is that data that has now been reformatted for incorporation into Ɛpsilon.
Further information about Herschel, his correspondence, and the editorial method is available online here: http://historydb.adlerplanetarium.org/herschel/?p=intro
No texts of Herschel’s letters are currently available through Ɛpsilon.
Possible to purchase 12 postage covers for 11d in the Strand. Points out an apparent error in one of JH's books on sound. How does an open pipe vibrate? Regarding the private character of J. L. Lagrange.
Regarding JH's telescope. Includes a rhyme on it.
Points out an error JH has made concerning J. E. Bode's law. What is the proper notation for the satellites?
Thanks for the gift of the book. Thomas Longman is now the editor of Lardner's Cyclopaedia. Latitude of the pole star incorrect in Charles Knight's publications. Regarding truth.
Thanks for his reductions of Schiller's observations. Many people believe the claims made in the 'Moon Hoax'. Is writing a book on the use of the globes.
Sending two formulae.
Regarding the workings of Insurance Companies and Benefit Societies. Recommends an actuary. Hopes JH will come down for the Anniversary meeting.
Has just had a tract on Friendly Societies from J. W. Woolgar. Answers some queries regarding the work of such societies.
All the tables in Charles Ansell's work are expressed in decimals. Gives advice on type of insurance for sickness and death. Regarding the true inventor of J. E. Bode's law. Very few at the Anniversary dinner.
Advice on how to start a Friendly Society. Calculated the sun's pull on the Earth.
Is working on tables A and B. Further regarding Charles Ansell's life tables.
Sending more [life] tables. No age 65 in Charles Ansell's tables. Gives further advice on the running and financing of Friendly Societies.
Further regarding life tables and their workings. Francis Baily has a sheet of his grand catalogue on hand.
Just dispatched the letter when JH's arrived. Regarding benefit societies and their workings. Will write to J. W. Woolgar.
Has just received his letter. Further advice on Friendly Societies.
Has already sent him [William?] Tidd's tables as he requested. Regarding the printing by 5th April. Has sent tables to Farley.
Their Tidd Pratt tables crossed. Comments on Charles Ansell's and J. T. Pratt's tables.
Is sending all the tables to the printer tomorrow. Has given tables A and B a heading. J. T. Pratt's table is similar to his own though not accurate in decimals to the pound.
Printer unable to send proof to Richard Farley so JH will not be able to have proof by the 5th. Has requested printer to forward proof to JH.
Hopes Richard Farley's proof was in order. Gives details of steel pens he uses. Picture he sends is by W. H. Smyth. Is moving to new address.