Count Kielmansegg is absent. Sent copy of JH's Cape Results to king this week. Will distribute other copies to institutions [in Netherlands] if JH will forward these to Embassy.
The Sir John Herschel Collection
The preparation of the print Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (Michael J. Crowe ed., David R. Dyck and James J. Kevin assoc. eds, Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, viii + 828 pp) which was funded by the National Science Foundation, took ten years. It was accomplished by a team of seventeen professors, visiting scholars, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and staff working at the University of Notre Dame.
The first online version of Calendar was created in 2009 by Dr Marvin Bolt and Steven Lucy, working at the Webster Institute of the Adler Planetarium, and it is that data that has now been reformatted for incorporation into Ɛpsilon.
Further information about Herschel, his correspondence, and the editorial method is available online here:
No texts of Herschel’s letters are currently available through Ɛpsilon.
Count Kielmansegg is absent. Sent copy of JH's Cape Results to king this week. Will distribute other copies to institutions [in Netherlands] if JH will forward these to Embassy.
Gratitude for receipt of JH's Cape Results.
Two unsuccessful trips to Kensington to carry out JH's commission. Unable to meet 'Sir J.' Please write 'Private' on letters addressed to FB.
Congratulations on completion of 'Herculean labors' represented in Cape Results.
Gratitude for receipt of JH's Cape Results. Congratulates Margaret Brodie Herschel for her part in it.
Apologizes for not noticing JH's offer 'written upon the second leaf' [of JH's Cape Results] to send engraving of JH's portrait. Assures JH that TC would treasure it.