Has arrived from Paris and will continue to Hamburg. Regrets not being able to revisit Collingwood. Requests JH's work concerning the southern skies.
Showing 1–20 of 61 items
The Sir John Herschel Collection
The preparation of the print Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (Michael J. Crowe ed., David R. Dyck and James J. Kevin assoc. eds, Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, viii + 828 pp) which was funded by the National Science Foundation, took ten years. It was accomplished by a team of seventeen professors, visiting scholars, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and staff working at the University of Notre Dame.
The first online version of Calendar was created in 2009 by Dr Marvin Bolt and Steven Lucy, working at the Webster Institute of the Adler Planetarium, and it is that data that has now been reformatted for incorporation into Ɛpsilon.
Further information about Herschel, his correspondence, and the editorial method is available online here: http://historydb.adlerplanetarium.org/herschel/?p=intro
No texts of Herschel’s letters are currently available through Ɛpsilon.
Has arrived from Paris and will continue to Hamburg. Regrets not being able to revisit Collingwood. Requests JH's work concerning the southern skies.
Thanks JH for Gamma Scorpii observations. Plans to have Edinburgh Observatory record observations of 2-3000 stars over 30 years. Edinburgh observations for 1841 published.
Gratitude for receipt of 'splendid volume' [JH's Cape Results].
Copy [of JH's Cape Results] sent to French king. Kings of Hanover and Holland have accepted. AP today paid £1000 to Drummonds [for JH's publishing costs].
Thanks JH for the receipt of a report of JH's work.
Received JH's Cape Results.
[Form letter] Institution of Civil Engineers acknowledges receipt of JH's Cape Results.
Received personal copy of JH's Cape Results, and three for College Library, J. C. Adams, and Cambridge Philosophical Society. Please advise on propriety of sending letter of thanks to Duke of Northumberland [Algernon Percy]. [9 Aug.postscript:] Visited [T. W.] Hornbuckle last week.
Note to accompany details of WL's observations of the satellite of Neptune. [Details are found in WL's letter to H. C. Schumacher of 1847-8-6.]
Gratitude for Cape Results. Placed it next to account of the Northumberland Equatorial and Dome.
Sent copies [of JH's Cape Results] to royal sovereigns in seven nations. Encloses letter from Russian ambassador, F. I. Brunnov. Agrees with JH about 'large Commission' on account for publishers Smith, Elder & Co. AP owes letter to former U.S. minister Edward Everett in Boston; will send [Cape Results] with it.
Is grateful to JH for undertaking to review Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos. Regarding copyright and printing of this book.
Gratitude for [Cape Results]. Feels JH 'let off [James] Dunlop in a softer stile than he deserves.'
Gratitude for Cape Results. Special comments on JH's 'method of sequences' and cometary theory. Refers to article on Halley's Comet in Astronomische Nachrichten. Reports observations of Saturn's satellites and orbit of Gamma Virginis.
Received JH's note of 8 [Aug 1847] and went immediately to Smith, Elder & Co., but no copies [of JH's Cape Results] were ready. Will gladly transmit them to recipients designated by JH.
Sent eleven copies [of JH's Cape Results] to Northumberland House to be packed and sent to destinations chosen by [Algernon Percy] Duke of Northumberland. Encloses JH's account.
Thanks for [Cape Results].
Assures JH that [Cape Results] will receive warm welcome in libraries of India. Suggests other recipients there. Send copies with dispatches from India House.
Asked [William] Empson to write to JH about 'republication.' Thanks for [Cape Results]. Invites JH to visit. Glad that JH voted for [J. G. Shaw-]Lefevre [for M.P. from Cambridge].
Will be pleased to dispose of the copies of the Reports when they arrive. Thanks for his own copy. Maria Edgeworth will be pleased with hers.