Asks if he can bring his guests, J. C. L. and Mme [Simonde de] Sismondi and [Fanny] Allen, to CB’s parties.
Showing 1–15 of 15 items
Asks if he can bring his guests, J. C. L. and Mme [Simonde de] Sismondi and [Fanny] Allen, to CB’s parties.
Can give no information on the separation of the sexes in the guanaco.
Thanks GRG for his gift [A list of the genera of birds (1840)] and trusts that now GRG will be able to finish John Gould’s MS for Zoology.
In a revise [of Birds] CD has altered "Colaptes Chilensis Vigors" to "Chrysoptilus Chilensis G. R. Gray". Is that right?
Sends proof of index of final number of Birds for checking.
Believes "absurd letter" hastily read at last Geological Society Council meeting was from Charlesworth’s solicitor. Suggests that it may have been sent to entrap the Council and that it should be read over carefully.
JSH writes to decline an offer to accept the office of Steward at the anniversary dinner for the Literary Fund Society. Explains this is due to commitments lecturing at Cambridge and in the region of his Hitcham parish.
Says he will call tomorrow to examine indicated specimens and books at Geological Society.
No summary available.
Petitions for a Civil Pension.
Discusses foliation and cleavage. Comments on dip of cleavage laminae in mountains. Mentions views of Sedgwick and Studer. Suggests reading C. L. von Buch [Travels through Norway and Lapland (1813)] "as an amusement". Praises views of William Hopkins. Suggests reading paper by H. D. Rogers ["On cleavage of slate-strata", Edinburgh New Philos. J. 41 (1846): 422–3)]. Comments on the paper.
No summary available.
Comments on letter by Bernhard Studer ["Remarks on the geological relations of the gneiss of the Alps", Edinburgh New Philos. J. 42 (1846–7): 186] and on article by DS ["On slaty cleavage", J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 3 (1847): 74–105]. Discusses geological cleavage and foliation.
Discusses establishment of the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew by William Jackson Hooker; asks about how to find a book of paper samples like one owned by Babbage for the Museum.
JSH writes to decline invitation to anniversary dinner of the Royal Corporation of the Literary Fund. Explains this is due to commitments lecturing at Cambridge.