Invitation to spend the night with him when he comes to town for the council meetings of the Royal and Astronomical Societies.
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Invitation to spend the night with him when he comes to town for the council meetings of the Royal and Astronomical Societies.
Will be expecting him on Thursday.
Has had a letter from H. C. Schumacher announcing his discovery of a new comet in Draco. There is to be a R.S.L. Council on Thursday.
JH did not miss anything by being absent from the council meetings of the R.S.L. and R.A.S.
They should not refuse H. C. Schumacher's request. Regarding a diploma for the King of Denmark.
Is the R.A.S. to send an address to the Queen? The diploma is ready for the King of Denmark.
Regarding an address to the Queen. Hopes to see him on Thursday.
Has sent the letter and diploma to the King of Denmark. Regarding the printing of Thomas Maclear's paper on N. L. Lacaille. H. C. Schumacher has seen a third comet.
Should think that the R.A.S. would be pleased to receive the 5-ft. telescope. Regarding the printing of Thomas Maclear's paper. H. C. Schumacher has sent a paper by Wilhelm Olbers on the constellations.
Thanks for his invitation. N. L. Lacaille's observations are in process of reduction and work is continuing on the constellations. Regarding the project for a new observatory. Greenwich observation could probably cover a wider field if staff were increased. Has received a silver medal for JH from Wilhelm Struve. Government is to print Thomas Maclear's paper. T. G. Taylor has arrived from Madras bringing his fifth volume of observations.
Has sent his communication on the comet to various observatories and the Times. Will consider candidates for medals at the next council meeting.
It was a quiet meeting at the R.A.S. Medals have been appropriated by the R.S.L. Presumes he has had notice of the next visitation. Will be pleased to see him when in town. A new comet is to be seen.
Will communicate JH's remarks concerning the Royal Medal to the R.S.L. council. Regarding the constitution of the Board of Visitors. He is now printing the star catalogues of Edmund Halley, Tycho Brahe, etc.
Correcting a statement he made in his letter of 24 Nov. [see JH's 1840-11-24], regarding the members of the R.A.S. and R.S.L. who are also members of the Board of Visitors.
Regarding the award of the R.S.L.'s Royal Medal.
Regarding the planning of the constellations. Is having success with his own Cavendish experiments.
Latest news of his Cavendish experiments. Will get the star maps printed for him. There is to be a meeting of the Council of the R.A.S. to consider the award of medals.
Is sorry to hear of his illness. The R.A.S. has awarded its medal to F. W. Bessel. Robert Main's paper on parallax is being printed. Is to be a meeting of the Standards Committee in February. Has arranged the printing of the star maps. John Wrottesley is to be the next president of the R.A.S.
Will be pleased to accommodate him. Star map is being printed. Encloses a paper on Sound by Dr. R. J. Kane, for his comments.
Has communicated JH's remarks to John Arrowsmith. Is sorry for the inconvenience caused.