A note, sent with the manuscript papers of Stephen Groombridge, to JH as President of the R.A.S.
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A note, sent with the manuscript papers of Stephen Groombridge, to JH as President of the R.A.S.
Regarding Prof. Baden Powell's paper on dark bands. Is making catalogues of the moveables of the observatory.
Considers paper by [Baden] Powell to be worthless. Sent it to JH today care of Mrs. Stewart.
Responds to JH [see JH's 1840-5-16 or later] indicating to what address GA had sent his reply [see GA's 1840-5-17].
Concerning prism refraction.
Regarding the printing of Thomas Maclear's Survey papers. Work on magnetical and meteorological observations.
Sends JH a copy of extracts from unpublished papers on the question of standards, and asks for JH's comments on these extracts.
Copies of report are available if JH's friends on Board [of Visitors] want to see it. R.S.L. selected GA's polarity paper for Bakerian Lectures. Thanks for JH's influence.
Requests the views of JH, and all other Standards Commission members, on the various subjects before the Commission; GA will compile these and circulate them to all Commission members to expedite discussions at future meetings.
Asks for JH's help in trying to determine the likely cost of making magnetic observations at Greenwich.
The Royal Observatory wants to make magnetic observations at Greenwich, and it appears will need to make some building alterations. Estimates are required immediately by the Admiralty/Treasury, and GA seeks JH's assistance.
Thanks JH for his help [see JH's 1840-8-14], and tells JH about a visit to Greenwich by Charles Wheatstone.
Regarding equipment at Royal Observatory. Comparison of planets.
Asks JH for comments on GA's proposals for the Standards Commission [see JH's 1840-7-29]; GA comments on some time spent recently in Glasgow and surrounding regions.
Further observations on David Brewster's experiments. On heliometers. Observations on suggestions for Standards.
On the possibility of obtaining a heliometer from Munich.
Sending two copies of the 'Extracts relating to Standards.' Remarks on these extracts. Requests JH to fix a date for a meeting to discuss the report.
A notice of meeting of the Standards Commission.
A notice of meeting of the Standards Commission.
A note to accompany a draft of the report of the Standards Commission.