Congratulates JH and Margaret Herschel on birth of a daughter [Francisca?]. Asks JH's opinion of the ideas of 'lines of force' and 'lateral shakes.' Conducts a force experiment with J. P. Gassiot.
Showing 1–20 of 198 items
Congratulates JH and Margaret Herschel on birth of a daughter [Francisca?]. Asks JH's opinion of the ideas of 'lines of force' and 'lateral shakes.' Conducts a force experiment with J. P. Gassiot.
Will call at Collingwood. Wants to show JH some experiments and asks JH to have phosphorous and starch ready.
[Detached postscript] Ask president of 'B. I. Academy' to inform council of Math and Physics section how to handle [Robert] Mallet's paper and Sir W. Hamilton's letter.
Reminds JH of new format in Nautical Almanac to represent symbols of late F. W. Bessel. Thomas Henderson was working with unknown quantity [in preparing N. L. Lacaille's star catalog].
Asks JH to prepare an eloge of F. W. Bessel.
Explains to JH the R.A.S. Council's intent in asking JH to be Foreign Secretary, and the arrangements that have been made when JH declined.
Sends WW's Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen (1846) via J. E. Wappäus.
Has the opinion regarding Oxford of S. J. A. Compton (Lord Northampton). This will make his absence less consequential if he cannot attend the Council meeting.
Received P. S. Laplace's [book] from Paris and sent it to Mr. Stewart as JH directed.
Council will meet Friday 16 January. Does not think [Roderick] Murchison has returned. [Alexander von Humboldt's] Cosmos was reviewed well.
Sends his last year's observations of falling stars and comments on them. Has he seen the new planet [Astrea]? Sends some new songs of his own composition.
Sending some extra large trout caught by the Miller, together with the 'local' trout so that he can compare them.
Has entered JH's name for Foreign Secretary of the R.A.S. and explains the circumstances. On his observations and method of observation of the recently discovered asteroid Astrea.
Asks for some specifics of the mounting and proceeds to explain how the mountings will work [see JH's 1845-11-25].
A notice of meeting of the B.A.A.S. coal distribution map committee.
Circular Magnetic results. Observations of solar spots. Determining Longitude.
Has procured some glass rod fit for the experiment. Comments on the results. [Robert] Hunt has been working on crystallization and magnets and has told him of JH's interest. Grieves to hear of his illness. His paper in JH's hands will be left for the time being until he has more time.
Regarding a botanical garden at the Cape and suitable staff. Would like to join with JH in a memorial to the Colonial Office.
Observatory work slowed since William Mann's absence due to head injury. C. P. Smyth's replacement not yet arrived. Regrets lack of assistants; wants to complete triangulation at Bushman Flat.
Describes mistakes made by R.S.L. in sending letters to [Christopher] Hansteen through Stockholm.