Presenting A. T. D'Abbadie, who has made a voyage to Brazil. Remarks on JH's calorimeter.
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Presenting A. T. D'Abbadie, who has made a voyage to Brazil. Remarks on JH's calorimeter.
Sends a copy of the Astronomical Remembrancer to which he referred. The garnet star is BAC 7582. Encloses a list of variable stars and comments on the proximity of two of them.
Discusses letter to [G. B.] Airy and JH's response to it. Discusses instruments at Toronto Observatory. Describes 18 November 1841 magnetic disturbances. Working on Atlantic declination maps.
H. C. Schumacher wants an application from the R.A.S. RS complied, giving reasons. 'Miss B.' [Elizabeth Baily] reluctant to write even the shortest formal note. Suggests JH announce her gift on taking the chair. Wants to 'jump' at [F. W. A.] Argelander's offer [to complete the British Catalogue]. Progress on his 'apparatus.' Has asked J. C. Adams to give the R.A.S. notice of the controversy about Neptune, in which U. J. J. Leverrier ('a very cantankerous fellow') has engaged. If Adams refuses, would JH respond?
Compiles published work, unpublished work, and lectures; asks JH to proof the compilation. Discusses meetings of R.S.L. concerning charter by-laws.
Has mislaid a piece of paper on the Addiscombe examinations that he intended sending to JH. Appear to be some changes in policy. Has taken a house in Grosvenor Place for one or two months. The Commission is not yet out.
Would like JH's opinion on a memoir by M. McCann on the reflection of light from binaxal crystals. McCann is a candidate for a mathematical chair in Queen's College [Cork].
Has at last received his letter and withdrawn the index.
Informs JH of the death of CP's father, James Cowles Prichard.
Has notes on John Flamsteed. Shall he send them? Gives notices of two variable stars.
R.A.S. voted to give its medal to William Lassell. Recounts the discussion of this among the members. G. B. Airy will be the next president. Applauds JH for the work he has done in this position. An 'olive branch' tendered to [W. S.] Stratford; he was made vice president.
Elizabeth Baily will be pleased to see him on the day mentioned. Also agrees with him to present the bust of her brother to the R.A.S. JH may have casts of the bust.
RS, Vice President of R.A.S., writes to JH, President, about a series of Council and membership matters.
Thanks for his letter regarding M. McCann. Does he know anything of the capabilities of Parkinson Wilson, Mr. Hobson, and Mr. Sandiman? Had intended to communicate his own researches on platina a long time ago, but was hoping to conclude them first. Thomas Graham will send down the form of certificate for him to sign.
The Equatorial has arrived safely at the Cape. William Mann has declined the position at Madras and G. R. Smalley offered his services. What does JH think? Encloses letter from Thomas Maclear and one for Lady Herschel.
As JH is compiling a complete catalogue of variable stars, wonders if he has noticed the one listed in the Berlin maps. Has recently made a cometary summary.
Has just heard from Edward Sabine that there is still a vacancy at the Madras Observatory. Would like JH's support if he applies to the East India Company.
May use his cometary summary by all means; believes that J. G. Galle's is the most complete but his method requires improvement. Thinks he has traced the history of Halley's Comet and will be writing a paper on the subject.
Archbishop of Canterbury is to take his seat at the R.S.L. on Thursday next and is to dine with RI beforehand; will JH join them?
Sending an extract from a letter dealing with magnetic and electrical instruments recently sent to Egypt for purposes of exploration.