Regarding the printing of JH's memoir, which William Fitton has now taken to read: suggests it be printed in abstract first of all.
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Regarding the printing of JH's memoir, which William Fitton has now taken to read: suggests it be printed in abstract first of all.
JH's request for one hundred copies of the abstract was discussed at the Geological Society yesterday and it was decided to print the whole paper in the Transactions.
Gives permission for publication of JH's paper ['On the Astronomical Causes Which May Influence Geological Phenomena'] in Geological Society's Transactions. Mentions report of a giant fossil found in United States.
Writes to inform RM of the arrival of Mr. Simonoff, director of the astronomical and magnetic observatory of Kasan, and indicates Mr. Simonoff's likely interests.
Attempts explanation of curious subterranean acoustic phenomenon at Nakoos. Explains other natural acoustic phenomena and eruptions of geysers in Iceland. P.S.: Do not nominate JH to council of Geological Society.
Would like JH to have his portrait painted by H. W. Pickersgill, at no cost, before JH departs for the Cape. RM's wife is in Hampshire.
Further regarding the projected portrait of JH by H. W. Pickersgill.
Unsatisfied with H. W. Pickersgill as the person to paint JH's portrait. JH wants to consider further what to do.
Further comments on the painting of H. W. Pickersgill. Hopes that JH will sit for Pickersgill. Also hopes that JH will attend the Geological Society Anniversary on the fifteenth.
Wishes to nominate Mr. Hardin [?], who has written on Indian geology, for membership in the Geological Society.
Describes various geological aspects of the Cape area and mentions JH's astronomical work. Regrets that RM's brother is leaving the Cape.
Charles Lyell was gratified to receive JH's letter, which RM has now perused. Sees that JH has some Trilobites for RM, and he would be pleased to receive them as soon as possible so that he can incorporate the new information into his forthcoming book. Affairs at R.S.L. in a sad way, though useful papers are being printed. About to visit Devon with Adam Sedgwick.
Some geological samples have been lost on the way to England; JH comments on his ideas of the effect of the earth's hot core on the construction of the earth's crust.
Received JH's letter with pleasure; delayed replying as hoping to comment. Theories have been shown to Charles Lyell, William Whewell, etc. Gives his own comments on JH's theory. Installed Whewell as President of the Geological Society. Pleased JH is to become a subscriber to RM's book, which moves slowly along. Received a collection of fossils from Fernando Po recently.
JH's letter has appeared in print in Charles Babbage's Bridgewater Treatise. Comments on the books of Babbage and William Whewell. C. R. Darwin has read his paper on Coral Reefs. RM is to be General Secretary of the next B.A.A.S. meeting. [William?] Ayrton was elected F.R.S.
Has now received JH's letter of the 5th. John Phillips will give JH the exact terms of the grant from the B.A.A.S. Will call at Slough to see the Herschels on his way to town. Deeply regrets that JH is not interested in the position at Cambridge, but M. J. Johnson will go far.
Regarding tickets for Lady Herschel's gallery. There has been some fracas with Charles Babbage over the distribution of these tickets.
Has read RM's note to the Morning Post correcting error in the report on the dinner [in JH's honor]. Wishes money had not been mentioned in RM's reply. Is grateful for all RM's work in arranging for the dinner.
Explaining why he wrote the letter to the Morning Post. Has heard that JH is about to be offered a baronetcy. Must also ask him about the future Presidency of the B.A.A.S.
Urges JH to attend next Geological Society meeting, meet [Carlo Andrea, Conte de] Pozzo di Borgo, and see RM's new ordnance maps.