[Marked 'Private & Confidential.'] Seeks help from JH and George Peacock in persuading 'His Eminence' to change date of meeting.
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The Sir John Herschel Collection
The preparation of the print Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (Michael J. Crowe ed., David R. Dyck and James J. Kevin assoc. eds, Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, viii + 828 pp) which was funded by the National Science Foundation, took ten years. It was accomplished by a team of seventeen professors, visiting scholars, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and staff working at the University of Notre Dame.
The first online version of Calendar was created in 2009 by Dr Marvin Bolt and Steven Lucy, working at the Webster Institute of the Adler Planetarium, and it is that data that has now been reformatted for incorporation into Ɛpsilon.
Further information about Herschel, his correspondence, and the editorial method is available online here: http://historydb.adlerplanetarium.org/herschel/?p=intro
No texts of Herschel’s letters are currently available through Ɛpsilon.
[Marked 'Private & Confidential.'] Seeks help from JH and George Peacock in persuading 'His Eminence' to change date of meeting.
Mr. Simonoff desires to see [JH] and 'distinguished vicar.'
Regarding the printing of JH's memoir, which William Fitton has now taken to read: suggests it be printed in abstract first of all.
JH's request for one hundred copies of the abstract was discussed at the Geological Society yesterday and it was decided to print the whole paper in the Transactions.
Would like JH to have his portrait painted by H. W. Pickersgill, at no cost, before JH departs for the Cape. RM's wife is in Hampshire.
Further regarding the projected portrait of JH by H. W. Pickersgill.
Further comments on the painting of H. W. Pickersgill. Hopes that JH will sit for Pickersgill. Also hopes that JH will attend the Geological Society Anniversary on the fifteenth.
Charles Lyell was gratified to receive JH's letter, which RM has now perused. Sees that JH has some Trilobites for RM, and he would be pleased to receive them as soon as possible so that he can incorporate the new information into his forthcoming book. Affairs at R.S.L. in a sad way, though useful papers are being printed. About to visit Devon with Adam Sedgwick.
Received JH's letter with pleasure; delayed replying as hoping to comment. Theories have been shown to Charles Lyell, William Whewell, etc. Gives his own comments on JH's theory. Installed Whewell as President of the Geological Society. Pleased JH is to become a subscriber to RM's book, which moves slowly along. Received a collection of fossils from Fernando Po recently.
JH's letter has appeared in print in Charles Babbage's Bridgewater Treatise. Comments on the books of Babbage and William Whewell. C. R. Darwin has read his paper on Coral Reefs. RM is to be General Secretary of the next B.A.A.S. meeting. [William?] Ayrton was elected F.R.S.
Has now received JH's letter of the 5th. John Phillips will give JH the exact terms of the grant from the B.A.A.S. Will call at Slough to see the Herschels on his way to town. Deeply regrets that JH is not interested in the position at Cambridge, but M. J. Johnson will go far.
Regarding tickets for Lady Herschel's gallery. There has been some fracas with Charles Babbage over the distribution of these tickets.
Explaining why he wrote the letter to the Morning Post. Has heard that JH is about to be offered a baronetcy. Must also ask him about the future Presidency of the B.A.A.S.
Urges JH to attend next Geological Society meeting, meet [Carlo Andrea, Conte de] Pozzo di Borgo, and see RM's new ordnance maps.
Charles Babbage believes that RM prevented Babbage from becoming president of B.A.A.S. Denies this. Hopes JH can keep Babbage 'from overloading the cup of misfortune.'
The Silurian System is now at the binders, and he is now relaxing and doing Christmas visiting. Proposes to write to the editor of the Annals of Philosophy giving details of the vase to be presented to JH to mark his Cape sojourn. Can also send the literary effusions to Lady Herschel if she desires them.
Has a few pounds surplus from the subscription for JH's vase and wonders if it could be used to supply a plinth for the pedestal. Does JH agree? Perhaps Lady Herschel can supply the wording.
The Bishop of London favors the idea of JH becoming Savilian Professor of Astronomy. What are JH's views on the subject? William Buckland would rejoice.
JH's letter settles the case of the Savilian chair. Gives news of suitable houses for the Herschels that are likely to come up for sale.
The Times has published an attack on the B.A.A.S. and stated that JH has left the B.A.A.S. Would JH write to the Times to contradict this statement. RM is to continue as General Secretary for a further year. [Note from Herschel to see Times of yesterday (3-3-39).]