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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
1 May 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/124, The Linnean Society of London

Sends this before Smith leaves Norwich. Thanks for parcel and trees, though some in poor condition. Intends to attend Linnean Society anniversary meeting. Thanks Smiths for congratulations on his military honours [Lieutenant-Colonel of Diss Volunteers], though he would prefer to be one step lower, as his current one involves great trouble and responsibility; reassures Smith his position does not involve any hard riding, though suffered from "gravel" recently, but it passed through.

Discusses reports of the dissolution of Parliament; worries that it will give Bonaparte opportunity to attack whilst the country is in confusion of a general election. The volunteers have had a great influence in preventing invasions, and in the last war and at the time of the Mutiny were the "salvation of the country".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
8 May 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/110, The Linnean Society of London

Detailed description of a 'Carex' he is unable to identify, requests Smith's opinion. List of plants growing in Worcestershire and not yet figured in "English Botany", offers to send specimens. List of habitats of plants found by him in West of England and Guernsey. Pleased to hear third volume of "Flora Britannica" is published but wishes there was an English translation of it, "for the benefit of lady botanists", believing it would have sold well and "made the last edition of [William] Withering unnecessary". Disappointed that [James] Sowerby has not proceeded further in his work on fungi. Rough description of possible 'Ophrys arachnites' from Switzerland, believes it may be allied to 'Ophrys apifera'. Has received seeds of "very indifferent quality" from Lord Valentia [George Annesley] in Calcutta, India.

The Linnean Society of London
William Withering
Sir James Edward Smith
16 May 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/114, The Linnean Society of London

Sending box to Linnean Society containing 400 plants gathered in Portugal by himself and his father, [William Withering], most of which are present in the catalogue he presented to the Society last spring. Comments on "unfortunate necessity which most men now feel of forsaking the milder sciences which can only flourish in peaceable times, for the barbarous study of War".

The Linnean Society of London
Romanus Adolph Hedwig
Sir James Edward Smith
22 May 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/41, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter. Gratified that Smith accepted the portrait of his father [Johann Hedwig (1730-1799)] he sent, his loss; pleased Smith is using his father's classification in describing the mosses in "Flora Britannica" vol 3. Intends to request moss specimens from [James] Dickson from his new work, for his own continuation of his father's work on mosses, though he is struggling to find a publisher. Offers to send Smith moss collection. Has written a book on ferns after microscopic studies of many genera; would like it to be published and engraved in Britain; requests Smith's assistance; offers to send paper on ferns for Linnean Society.

The Linnean Society of London