Édouard Marie (Édouard) Heckel (1843–1916)

French pharmacist, physician, and botanist. Studied at the naval medical school, Toulon, then studied flora in Martinique for therapeutic agents in 1859. Pharmacist, first class, Montpellier, 1867; MD 1869; doctorate in natural sciences, 1875. Botanised in Australia, China, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and elsewhere. Served as a physician in the Franco-Prussian War; resigned from the navy in 1874. Professor of botany, Faculté des sciences, Marseilles, 1877; of materia medica, École de plain exercise de médicine et de pharmacie, 1879. Translated CD’s Cross and self fertilisation and other works into French.


Osborne 2014, pp. 165–9

