Nicholas Slanning ( 1643 - 1691 )
Birth: June 1643 Death: April 1691 Career: Cupbearer to Queen Catherine of Braganza (1663); Commissioner for Assessment for Cornwall (1661-1678), Devon (1661-1662, 1665-1680), Cornwall and Devon (1689-1690); MP for Plympton Erle (1669-1679), Penrhyn (1679-1687); Standard-bearer to the Band of Gentleman-Pensioners (1676-1684); Commissioner for Rebels' Estates, Devon (1686); Vice-Warden of the Stanneries (1686-death); Governor of Plymouth (1688) Honours: KB 1661; Bt 1663 Membership: Fellow Election Date: 21/12/1664 Proposers: John Evelyn Date of ejection/withdrawal: 9 August 1682 Other RSActivity: Expelled for non-payment of arrears.