Search: [McGilvray (nee Hooker), Maria] in addressee 
Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
Hooker, J. D. in correspondent 
[McGilvray (nee Hooker), Maria] in correspondent 
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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond in repository 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
[Maria McGilvray (nee Hooker)]
7 November 1840
Source of text:
JDH/1/3 f.163-170, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH thanks his sister [Maria Hooker?] for writing to him, he mentions her dog Skye & trip to Ireland. Is pleased that their grandfather still lives & Bessy's [Elizabeth Hooker's] health is restored. Writes that he misses music. The HMS 'Erebus' is preparing to leave Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania]. Lists the food they are buying for provisions, complains at the high price of food due to the stockpiling of local corn which means flour for bread is imported from America. JDH has met with Miss Williamson, governess to Lady Franklin's daughter. Mentions the news that the missionaries from the ship 'Camden' have been murdered. JDH has been collecting shells for his sister & [Ronald Campbell] Gunn will also send her a collection in exchange for minerals. JDH advises his sister to always label her shells carefully & recommends the following books: Wood's INDEX TESTACEOLOGICUS & a manual by Sowerby. JDH has seen Dr Johnstone at Hobart Town, he will soon sail home on the ship 'Emu'. Tells his sister about Mr Gregson, a Tasmanian related to the Selbys of Selby Hall, who is going to London University & whom JDH has given a letter of introduction to their father, Sir William Jackson Hooker. The Gregson family live near where Browne did after leaving Flinder's ship & JDH often botanised there. Under date Nov 9 [1840] JDH writes the 'Erebus' is ready to sail. One of his messmates, Dagman, will stay at Hobart to man the observatory along with Lieutenant Hay & Scott from the HMS 'Terror'. The ship's provisions include 6 pigs. JDH is studying German. Some men have deserted, the remaining crew are all healthy. The duration of their journey southward will depend on the conditions, JDH hopes they will spend a winter in the ice. The expedition goes first to Campbell's Island then to the land the French discovered & after that into the unknown. As the seasons are all reversed for JDH he has trouble remembering whether his family will be at Invereck, Kilmun, Glasgow or London.

Hooker Project