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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Robert Brown
28 November 1842
Source of text:
JDH/1/2 f.35-36, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to Robert Brown about places he has botanised during the [Antarctica] expedition. Mentions Madeira & Tenerife briefly. Describes St Jago flora as tropical vegetation in oases on sandy plains. Notes the Palma Christi bushes, a Anasnaceae[?], European vegetation in the Valley of San Domingo, a Lotus Campanala asphidium & an interesting Umbeliferous plant probably also in Christian Smith's collections. Arrived at Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land in winter, 12 May [1840]. Describes the island, climate & the distribution of flora, noting: a water plant of genus Chara, Conferva, mosses, marsh grass sp. of Juncus, Halorageaceae & Portulacea. Also details distribution of fungi, lichens, Jungermannia, Musci, Filices, Graminea, Compositae, Portulacae, Umbellifera, Rubiaceae, Rosaceae, Caryophylleae, Ranunculaceae & an unknown Bulliarda. All plants are very hardy in the snow. Letter continues dated 28 Nov 1842 addressed from HMS 'Erebus', Berkeley Sound, East Falklands. JDH explains that the letter has been unfinished for 2 years as he was disappointed in the St Helena collections to go with it. He fears his 'out of season' collections from the Kerguelen, Auckland & Hermite Islands are inferior to those of King's ship, Darwin, D' Urville & Cook's naturalist Anderson. Sir John Franklin & Gunn asked after Brown. In Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania] & New Zealand JDH collected orchids for Brown incl. a Freycinetia. Discusses: Kerguelen Cabbage, Chilean Misidendron[?] from Hermite Island, British Museum plants from Macquarie & Royal Company's Islands. Describes geology of Emerald Island. Will send Brown Falklands plants. Expedition goes south to the ice then to Cape of Good Hope & Rio de Janeiro. JDH intends to focus on Cryptogammia. Mentions classification of Gunnera, article on fossil wood in TASMANIAN JOURNAL, the Macleay's garden & the loss of Menzies. Colenso will send Brown NZ fossil woods. Thanks Brown for proposing him at the Linnean Society & Athenaeum.

Hooker Project