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Macleay, Alexander in correspondent 
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Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
18 Jun 1817
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/133, The Linnean Society of London

Forwards letter. Asks Macleay to send [Thomas Andrew] Knight his pencil corrections to Knight's paper. He leaves tomorrow morning.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
23 Nov 1817
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/134, The Linnean Society of London

Duke of [John Russell, 6th] Bedford 's letter concerns Linnean Society only so has returned it. Suffering from a "tedious stomach & bowel compl[ain]t". He and Lady [Pleasance] Smith "can think nothing but the late sad event, it is truly deplorable, no one can calculate the effects" [probably reference to death of Princess Charlotte (1796-1817), only legitimate grandchild of George III].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
2 Jan 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/135, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses "curious communication" from DeWitt Clinton, Governor of New York, to David Hosack, on wild wheat; the latter wishes it to be read at Linnean Society. Clinton has sent specimens of the wheat but still awaiting receipt. Hosack wishes to join Linnean Society, suggests he does so as FLS rather than FMLS to save time. Pleased to hear [Alexander von] Humboldt and [Jean] Cuvier are proposed FMLS, , not yet received, wishes to become a Linnean member; glad to hear that Humboldt and Cuvier have been proposed, [Augustin] de Candolle should also be proposed.

Clinton a "very great friend to science, a practical naturalist, & of a most amiable character"; transcribes extract from letter by Clinton describing that "as yet clouds of darkness rest upon the Natural science of our Country". Hopes to send Macleay a Norfolk turkey.

Sorry to hear [Thomas] Marsham has been a defaulter to government, "he that was always so loyal, calumniating better men than himself, with all the cockney church & king cant", and compares him to the "great saints in religion, all with some sinister motive". Thinks the Linnean Society should now enforce payment.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
11 Jan 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/137, The Linnean Society of London

Frustrated in his attempts to send Smith a turkey. Comments on death of "good old" [Nikolaus von] Jacquin. "Extremely anxious" that [DeWitt] Clinton be proposed FMLS; praises his introductory discourse in first volume of the New York Society's "Transactions". Prefers [Augustin de] Candolle to be elected next, followed by [José Antonio] Pavon, will write to [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert on the matter, though he is "worried to death with writing letters".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
1 Feb 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/139, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses certificate nominating [DeWitt] Clinton for FMLS; [David] Hosack also wants him to be a fellow or foreign member of the Royal Society; hopes to be at Linnen Society meeting of 5 May but if there is any chance of Clinton being rejected would prefer he is not proposed.

Cannot justify prison for [Thomas] Marsham when the Linnean Society is "so highly indebted to his assistance". His own "private thoughts & speculations" on Marsham's character and financial history, asks for confirmation from Macleay.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
4 Apr 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/140, The Linnean Society of London

Sends what he hopes "will lead to a final settlement of this foolish & contemptible business" between [Patrick] Keith [(1769-1840)] and [Thomas Andrew] Knight [Knight was offended by remarks made against him in several publications by Keith, including "Linnean Transactions"].

His lectures begin on Monday for 4 weeks, hopes not to hear anything further of above affair as he has "enough business" of his own, and intends to be at Linnean Society for 5 May [1818].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
30 Jan 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/141, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased to see Macleay's handwriting "after so long an interval". Concerned to hear of the death of [Olof] Swartz, one of his "most constant correspondents", with death of [Carlo Antonio] Bellardi leaves 4 FMLS vacancies; nominates [Augustin] de Candolle and [José Antonio] Pavon, in spite of the latter's financial situation, Lamarck, and [Franz Karl] Mertens. Considered [Kurt] Sprengel. [Georg] Meyer dedicated his "pompous" "Flora Essequeboensis" to the Linnean Society and is ambitious of joining, but must not be chosen for FMLS yet.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
6 Apr 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/142, The Linnean Society of London

Originally intended to come to London after Easter but his "usual Spring disorder" delayed him; plans to leave on 30 April. Glad to hear "our valuable friend" Sir Joseph Banks "is rallying again". Sending this by Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough], being unaware whether Macleay's "miraculous gift of franking has ceased".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
26 Apr 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/143, The Linnean Society of London

Had hoped to dine at the Royal Academy on 1 May but detained by a bowel complaint, will endeavour to be at the Linnean Society on 4 May, offers to do any necessary work before the meeting.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
30 Apr 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/145, The Linnean Society of London

Fears he will be unable to come to London for Linnean Society meeting on 4 May; Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough] will take Chair. Alarmed by Macleay's statement that his pamphlet "could do [him] no good", and hopes he alludes to his first pamphlet and the Cambridge election, as the latter is "very little in [his] mind". Respecting elections for FMLS, would vote for Lamarck and [Augustin] de Candolle, fears [Louis Claude] Richard [(1754-1821), botanist] being a "bigotted anti-Linn[aea]n", and is made sick of [José Antonio] Pavon.

Suffering from a "terrible weakness of bowels, no pulmonary disorder, very tender & feeble".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
20 Dec 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/148, The Linnean Society of London

Macleay's letter of 17 [December 1819] "but a melancholy necrology"; sorry to hear of [Erik] Acharius, but fears [Christiaan Hendrik] Persoon was in uncomfortable circumstances and had faults, "somewhat in the [Frederick] Pursh [(1774-1820), botanist] style", which made him reluctant to be "his introducer here" had he come to England as he once discussed. Arrangements for Lamarck's and [José Antonio] Pavon's FMLS certificates. Laments death of [Thomas] Reynolds. Asks after Macleay's daughter, has learned "never to despair of young people".

Comments on death of [Thomas] Marsham; asks if they can give "any favourable acc[oun]t to the [Linnean] Society".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
27 Mar 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/149, The Linnean Society of London

Had planned to attend Linnean Society and Club on his way to Liverpool with Lady [Pleasance] Smith but forced to cancel this on account of Lady Smith's mother, "whose death is hourly expected". Now intends to come to London with Lady Smith at beginning of May, before proceeding to Liverpool. "Almost afraid to enquire the state of [Macleay's] family". He has been unusually well "this severe weather", but in the last two months the deaths of his mother and several other "dear friends" have brought on his usual headaches, eager to change the scene.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
9 Apr 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/151, The Linnean Society of London

Just returned from Lowestoft, [Suffolk], "after having paid the last duties to our beloved parent" [Pleasance Smith's mother, Pleasance Reeve, née Clerke (1739-1820)]. Condolences on death of Macleay's loss [his daughter], "more afflicting, as it was not in the course of nature"; like Macleay "never lost so many friends as in the late dreadful winter".

Intends to be in London for Linnean Society meeting on 2 May [1820]. Received poor accounts of Sir Joseph Banks' health from Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough] and [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, but good account of Mrs [Catherine] Lambert's. Return's Joseph Smith's [(1775-1857)] paper with corrections, observations. Sorry to hear of [Linnean] Club "squabbling", which he thinks "more becoming a tavern than a literary society", but will "lend a hand to calm differences". "Sicken[s] at the thought" of Macleay resigning Secretary position.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
5 May 1822
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/154, The Linnean Society of London

Unable to go to London tomorrow as he is suffering from one of his "old inflammatory attacks on the lungs", but hopes to be well enough to attend Linnean Society anniversary meeting by staying at Mr [Thomas] Forster's in Hackney, [Middlesex], for a week beforehand. [Thomas] Brightwell [(1787-1868), entomologist] will attend Society on Tuesday to be admitted, will bring [Joseph] Sabine's paper.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
20 Aug 1822
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/157, The Linnean Society of London

He has been at home since middle of June and had recovered his health and strength until contracting a severe case of cholera, "very prevalent here"; hoping to recover his strength at Lowestoft, [Suffolk], before going onto Birmingham, [Warwickshire], to give another course of lectures at the Institution, beginning 16 September [1822]. Following this will visit Holkham [Hall, Norfolk, home of Thomas William Coke]. Suggests Macleay come to Norfolk in late autumn.

"There is no end of strange & awful events in the history of our times", comments on deaths of Lord Londonderry [Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (1769-1822), statesman, committed suicide], and Mrs [Charlotte] Lynn [daughter of Samuel Goodenough, died suddenly].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
21 Sep 1822
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/159, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Macleay's letter of 30 August [1822], sorry to not see him at Norwich, [Norfolk], this year. Enjoying his visit to Mr and Mrs Corrie, "she is one of the deepest botanists" he knows. His lectures "fully & brilliantly attended", hopes he is a "good milch cow to the Institution". Condolences on death of Macleay's sister-in-law, remarks on death of Mrs [Charlotte] Lynn [daughter of Samuel Goodenough, died suddenly].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
8 Jan 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/161, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Macleay's "kind letters" but has "very little time to write in reply" as the "Herculean labour" of his "English Flora" demands all his daylight and most of his evening time; current progress and publication plans.

Laments "most truly" Macleay intention to resign Linnean Society Secretaryship, suggests [Joseph] Sabine, Macleay's son, or [Robert] Brown as successor, asks Macleay's opinion. Will try to write a paper for Linnean Society for March. Thanks Macleay for suggestion of a bust of him, "should esteem the honour greater than being made a Baronet at the solicitation of the Soc[iet]y". Opinion on proposed index to "Linnean Transactions". Requests most recent "Linnean", "Horticultural", and "Philosophical Transactions". Proposes Dr [Christian Friedrich] Schwaegrichen [(1775-1853), zoologist] of Leipzig for FMLS vacancy. Respecting Society finances, proposes charging a guinea for each volume of "Linnean Transactions".

Approves of course of treatment for Macleay's ill daughter. He had "much illness" last year but is now "very well". Lectured at Birmingham, [Warwickshire], for a month "with good success, & hope [he has] "sown good seed"".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
1 Feb 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/163, The Linnean Society of London

Received Macleay's letter of 22 January [1823], pleased to hear of Miss Macleay's recovery. If the Linnean Society cannot afford to publish "Linnean Transactions" then they ought to either refrain, publish on some other plan, or sell their stock at a cheap rate to booksellers abroad or at home. [Francis] Hamilton's papers on "Hortus Malabaricus" are "extremely valuable to real botanists", but if they extend too far they must be delayed, anxious not to "disgust" Hamilton. The "Horticultural Society Transactions" "form a valuable mass of inform[atio]n & entertainment".

As Macleay has said nothing of his successor [as Society Secretary] hopes this means he is relenting in his intention to resign. Believes a voluntary contribution to the Society [to improve funds] would be "nominal" and feels it is his duty to "resist for others". Thanks Macleay for hint respecting Master of Westminster's [Edmund Goodenough [(1785-1845)] copy of "Flora Britannica" but finds his "own materials & observations best - do not think me a growing a coxcomb for this". Has finished one volume [of "English flora"] and hopes to have another finished by the time he comes to London.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
5 Apr 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/165, The Linnean Society of London

Cannot conceive that anything written for the Linnean Society by [Joseph] Sabine can require his revision. Had hoped to be in London for 15 April but this will now be 1 May in order for him to finish second volume of his "[English] Flora" and to correct sheets of the first. Received "melancholy letter" from Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough]; hopes he is better, "great pressure of his work" prevents him from writing to his friends.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
10 Apr 1823
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/166, The Linnean Society of London

Has read [Joseph] Sabine's paper and concurs with him in everything, except for minor changes to specific names. Sorry he gave Macleay "such a kettle of fish", had hoped it would be better. Hopes to be in London on 6 May [1823] but very unwell at present, being threatened with a pulmonary irritation and "a bad state of bowels". Macleay to "throw the Cornish paper aside if not quite worthy to appear".

The Linnean Society of London