Search: Murray, Andrew in addressee 
Murray, Andrew in correspondent 
1860-1869::1860::04 in date 
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Charles Robert Darwin
Andrew Dickson (Andrew) Murray
28 Apr [1860]
Source of text:
Dartmouth College Library (MSS 000566); R. D. Pyrah (private collection)

Has read MS of AM’s review [of Origin, read at Edinburgh Royal Society, 20 Feb 1860]; has no complaints. Has never heard of a hostile reviewer’s doing so kind and generous an action [as sending his MS for CD’s criticism?]. Sends some remarks on details.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Andrew Dickson (Andrew) Murray
28 [Apr 1860]
Source of text:
R. D. Pyrah (private collection)

In his former note CD omitted to criticise AM’s explanation that the function of hybridisation is to prevent extinction should the males of a rare species die out.

Disputes that "Oken, Lamarck & Co throw some light on Classification, Embryology & Rudimentary organs". In the case of embryology there must be introduced the principle of variations not supervening at a very early age and being inherited at corresponding ages. In classification descent alone will not do; it must be combined with the principle of divergence of character and descent from dominant and increasing forms.

Darwin Correspondence Project