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Constantine Samuel Rafinesque
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Mar 1811
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/24, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 28 October 1810. Sends paper for Linnean Society on two new species of crustacean and lists the others he plans to send. Plans to send package of 100 rare, new, or doubtful Sicilian plants. Comments and corrections on his plants: his 'Primula bicolor' differs from 'Primula acaulis'; lists differences that ought to to be obsevred if his 'Xolantha' is only a variety of 'Cistus guttatus'; plans to send his 'Crocus longiflorus'; question on calix of 'Sedum atratum'; confirmation of his 'Malva peduncalata'. Recently received books: Smith's "Prodromus Florae Graecae" is of great use in Sicily; "Hortus Kewensis", 2nd ed., useful for advancing his knowledge of new genera; and [George] Shaw's "Ichthyology" [presumably from "General zoology"], thinks it inferior to Lacépède, on which it was modelled. Offers to describe Australian plants. Asks after plants sent by himself and [Antonio] Bivona [Bernardi] including 'Orobus siculus' and 'Astragalus siculus'; asks if 'Orabanche rubia', 'Orchis undulatifolia', and 'Orchis bipunctata' are new.

The Linnean Society of London