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Charles Robert Darwin
Moritz Friedrich (Moritz) Wagner
13 Oct 1876
Source of text:
DAR 148: 198; LL 3: 159

Comments on essays by MW [Das Ausland, May 1875]. Criticises his theory of isolation as source of species change: "But my strongest objection to your theory is that it does not explain the manifold adaptations in structure in every organic being". Believes MW has misunderstood his views: "I believe that all the individuals of a species can be slowly modified within the same district … I do not believe that one species will give birth to two or more new species, as long as they are mingled together within the same district."

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Moritz Friedrich (Moritz) Wagner
[Apr–June 1868]
Source of text:
LL 3: 157; DAR 148: 198

Thanks MW for his essay [Die Darwin’sche Theorie und das Migrationsgesetz der Organismen (1868)]. Is highly gratified that MW agrees with him to a considerable extent.

Almost wishes that he could believe in the importance of isolation to the same extent as MW.

Darwin Correspondence Project