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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Nathaniel Wallich
30 March 1850
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.271-272, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH has Nathaniel Wallich's [NW's] letter of 2 Feb recd via Dr Cantor. Came to Calcutta [Kolkata] to persuade Jung Bahadur [JB] to grant permission for Nepaul [Nepal] expedition. Thanks NW for friendly anxiety during his imprisonment. Highly gratified by Mr Grove's letter as Secretary to the Philosophical Club. All Calcutta is talking about the Sikkim fracas, JDH has been questioned by Lord Dalhousie, Sir H. Elliott, Halliday & Grey. Has endeavoured to place conduct of Mr L. [Lushington] & General in as favourable light as possible. [Charles] Thoresby, Political Resident to the Court of the Rajah of Nepal, arrives today. The huge bubble of Chinese jealousy & interference has blown away. JDH describes his visit to JB this morning. JB proposed JDH join an expedition to 'lick the Chinese' & make the 'Tsamper Yarroo', or Brahmuputra, the boundary of British & Ghurka power. JDH could see the 'barbarian' would like nothing better than another plunder of Shigatzi [Shigatse] & Teshoo Loombo. Thanks NW for account of the honours recently paid to Brown. Von Martius' letter is beautiful. NW's Amherstia now flowering at Sir Lawrence Peel's & at the botanic gardens. JDH has not yet seen [Hugh] Falconer. Lady Dalhousie left yesterday for Simlah [Shimla] via the Trunk Road. Lord Dalhousie brought JDH two polished tables made of various woods, from Malacca, & insisted they must not go to the museum. Only the Governor General & Aides de Camp, Metcalfe & Bowie, are at Government House. JDH has given up buggy driving & taken up a palkee gharry [palanquin]. Asks NW to give regards to Madden & Grant. Does not know Strachey. Left Thomas [Thomson] at Darjeeling to await news of Nepal negotiations. Sends regards to Mrs NW & family & Dr Boott.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Nathaniel Wallich
12 June 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.82-83, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH staying with Nathaniel Wallich’s [NW] old friend Brian Hodgson [BHH] of Nepal who talks much of NW & the Calcutta [Kolkata] ‘snobs’ as Colvile [JC] terms the pseudo-naturalists. Falconer [HF] very ill & at Spence’s. JDH received letter today from NW’s attached servant Caly Comar [CC] who is getting a portrait of himself done for NW. CC very kind and attentive towards JDH. Should anything happen to HF he must look to CC. JDH spent several hours with [Theodor Edward] Cantor [TEC] who has obtained drying paper for him, they went to Metcalfe Hall & the Agricultural Society rooms where they saw busts of Dr Spy, Dwarkanath Tagore, and NW. Discusses changes at the Calcutta Botanic Garden. JDH thinks whole should be remodelled. Had no other book till yesterday except NW’s TENTAMEN [FLORAE NEPALENSIS ILLUSTRATAE] sent by HF. Mentions Rhododendrons, Magnolias, Arums, Wallichia, Holboellias, Kadsura grandiflora, & wild plantain. NW’s Arum speciosum common but not A. nepenthoides. Flora generally different from Nepaul [Nepal]. Mentions ‘his’ mountain Kinchin junga [Kangchenjunga], Gossain Than [Gosainthan], & Chumalari. JDH feels happy & comfortable except he does not like Indian food. Discusses the Political Resident Campbell [AC] & obtaining access to travel to the snow. Thinks Nepaul would allow access to Gossain Than & would visit had NW not done so. Niti pass is open & JDH would like to visit another year with Thomson [TT] to measure height of plateau, collect plants, & see the Deodar. Strachy has been to Mansarovar, his narrative in the last ASIATIC SOCIETY JOURNAL is expected daily. JDH & BHH will divide the Himalaya into sections by physical characters deduced from watersheds. Currently territorials are arbitrary from the Mishmees [Mishmi?] to the Sutlej. JDH sends regards to old friends particularly Philosophical Club. Miss D’Aguilar spoke much of NW at Jackson’s. Asks NW what plant he named after old Barnes, JDH has spent a lot of time with Barne’s son.

Hooker Project