Search: Weir, J. J. in addressee 
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Charles Robert Darwin
John Jenner Weir
4 Apr [1868]
Source of text:
American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)

CD thanks JJW for the mine of information his last "ten!" letters contain. Comments on sexual display of pheasants and colour preferences of pigeons.

Asks about hens that pair earliest in spring and about possible existence of unpaired birds.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
John Jenner Weir
18 Apr [1868]
Source of text:
Duke University, Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RL.10387)

Discusses rapid replacement of mates among birds. "I begin to think that the pairing of birds must be as delicate and tedious an operation as the pairing of young gentlemen and ladies. If I can convince myself that there are habitually many unpaired birds it will be a great aid to me in sexual selection". Notes rivalry of singing birds.

Heard from George Rolleston of the inherited effects of an eye injury.

Disagrees with A. R. Wallace’s idea "that birds learn to make their nests from having seen them whilst young" ["The philosophy of birds’ nests", Intellect. Obs. 11 (1867): 413–20].

Darwin Correspondence Project