Search: Westwood, J. O. in addressee 
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Charles Robert Darwin
John Obadiah Westwood
25 June [1860]
Source of text:
Oxford University Museum (Hope Entomological collections)

Would like to borrow the bees that, as reported in Gardeners’ Chronicle, were sent to JOW with pollen-masses of orchids sticking to them. CD has never seen a bee visit an orchid. He believes he could identify the genus and perhaps species of the orchids the pollen comes from.

His health is too bad to attend the meeting [of British Association for the Advancement of Science].

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
John Obadiah Westwood
9 July [1860]
Source of text:
Oxford University Museum of Natural History (Hope Entomological collections)

Thanks JOW for the bees. The pollen-masses that were attached to one of them have unaccountably been lost.

Does not know of a paper by Charles Morren on orchids and insects, and would be glad to have the reference [see 3267, and Orchids, p. 270 n.].

Has spent so much money recently he is unwilling to subscribe for the purchase of T. V. Wollaston’s collection for the [Oxford] Museum.

Darwin Correspondence Project