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Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
17 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/53, The Linnean Society of London

Sends "Flora Lapponica" and final fasciculus of Dickson's "dried plants", "Icones pictae" delayed; Woodward's account. Sends specimens of 'Iberis amara' and 'Lycoperdon cancellatum' of Jacquin and Linnaeus "Supplementum" he found on pear leaves at Sir Abraham Hume's in Hertfordshire, which he almost certainly the work of insects. Thanks for turkey, on which he, [Samuel] Goodenough, and [Jonas] Dryander dined, and letters of 28 December [1791] and 5 January [1792]: intends to create the genera 'Woodwardia', 'Davallia', and 'Dicksonia' to go "hand in hand"; [William] Withering's election to Linnean Society "unanimous"; does not know [William] Sole except by name; thinks Woodward's disorder is gout. Only giving copies of "Flora Lapponica" to a few country friends and directing everyone else to purchase it from White's, as they print it at their "hazard & expense".

Arranging the Queen's [Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)] herbarium, late [John] Lightfoot's, on introduction and advice of Lady Cremorne and [Samuel] Goodenough; refusing payment; the Queen's character; is to give her and the Princesses a course of botany in the summer; expects a visit from the Queen. Studying Lightfoot's herbarium will be useful for his "Flora Britannica" as the British specimens are good and annotated by [John] Pitchford and Bryant. His old servant, François [Borone], is to accompany [Adam] Afzelius on a botanical trip to Sierra Leone for 18 months to 2 years, sent by the [Sierra Leone] Company to find gums and other profitable items of trade.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
20 Mar 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/55, The Linnean Society of London

Sends second number of "Icones pictae" and "Spicilegium botanicum"; Woodward's account. Tasted "the horrors of the damned" after "Icones pictae" was advertised in last number of "English botany" before it was ready and being repeatedly harassed by his friends for it. Sends missing sheet of "Flora Lapponica"; sent it as sheets supposing Woodward's bookbinders less corrupt than his. Delay in admitting Woodward's two nominations to Linnean Society.

The Reviews "very civil" towards "Linnean Transactions" vol 1, especially his "Introductory discourse", which has met with many compliments, including from Scarpa of Pavia who informs him of its translation into Italian by Father Fontana, professor of mathematics at Pavia University, and brother to Abbè Fontana; his own opinion of his discourse. Confirms that [Robert] Batty's [(1763-1849), apothecary] shop was destroyed by collapse of the Pantheon following a fire, his shop was under the stage. François [Borone] and [Adam] Afzelius had embarked [for Sierra Leone] but their ship had an accident at Deal, [Kent], and is being refitted. Can accommodate Woodward for anniversary meeting, though his brother, John, may also be in London.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
22 Jun 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/59, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Woodward's letter [of 19 June 1792]. His health bad since April, following various inflammatory attacks on his lungs, for which he has come to Matlock, several relapses but much recovered. Dr [Erasmus] Darwin is here, "a fine old man, full of enthusiasm", who wants to become a FLS, thinks Sir Brooke Boothby [7th baronet, (1744-1824), poet and writer] would, too. Admires Woodward's friend, Mr Favell. His new work is the second part of "Spicilegium botanicum".

Requests specimen of 'Ornithogalum pyrenaicum'. Abundance of bee and fly orchids here and he collected many lichens off the high rocks of Cromford moor, including: 'Lichen omphalodes', 'L. saxatalis', 'L. globiferus', 'L. fragilis', 'L. physodes', 'L. sanguinarius', 'L. ventosus', 'L. tartareus', 'L. calcareus', 'L. polyphyllus', and 'Jungermannia tridentata' but not in flower. Studied Hoffmann's works little but they seem very good, he is Murray's successor at Gottingen. Comparison of his "Flora Lapponica" with the original will show he corrected the citations very much. He has been lonely in Matlock.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
31 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/61, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to points in Woodward's letter of 31 March [1792] on use of Latin in "Icones pictae". Concerned Woodward has not yet received the "peculiarly good" castor oil he sent during stay at Norwich and Ipswich. Setting out for Frogmore tomorrow for 5 weeks to teach the Queen's [Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818)] and Princesses botany and zoology, hopes he will receive some recompense.

Sending lichens. Asks Woodward's opinion of enlarging "English botany" to 6 plants for 2s 6d, as currently [James] Sowerby receives little and he nothing from it. Intends to work on his "Tour" at Frogmore. Plants found by [James] Dickson in Scotland: 'Saxifraga cernua', 'Gentiana nivalis', 'Stellaria cerastoides', and others have found 'Eriophorum alpinum', 'Convallaria verticillata', and 'Pyrola uniflora'. The bad accounts from Sierra Leone are false, or at least the [Sierra Leone] Company know nothing of them.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
30 Nov 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/63, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Woodward's queries in previous letter [of 18 November 1792] concerning 'Fucus' specimens. Woodward's paper on 'Fucus dasyphyllus' was read at Linnean Society and will probably be added to "Linnean Transactions" vol 2. 'Fucus furcellatus' Linnaean herbarium different from all the other 'Fucus' he has seen.

Intends to rename 'Blechnum radicans', 'B. virginicum', 'B. japonicum', and a new one, as 'Woodwardia', as the first two grow in British gardens, and this will group it with 'Davallia' and 'Dickonsia'; [Jonas] Dryander approves. Dr [Erasmus] Darwin and Sir Brooke Boothby [7th baronet, (1744-1824), poet and writer] are elected FLS.

The Linnean Society of London