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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
28 May 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/80, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens [some extant]: 1. a more mature specimen of the 'Juncus' sent in his last letter; 2. the 'Draba' sent in his last letter, with seeds; 3. the 'Cochlearia' sent in his last letter, with spotted leaves, proposes name 'C. maculata'; 4. a 'Poa' discovered last year; 5. a beautiful dwarf 'Geum' from Clova mountains; 6. 'Lotus alpinus; thinks the 'Eriophorum' sent in his last letter is still distinct; 7. a 'Carex' separate from 'C. caespitosa' and 'C. panacea'; 8. a 'Juncus' distinct from 'J. pilosus' and 'J. forsterii'; 9. possible 'Holcus odoratus' of Linnaeus; 10. a truly beautiful 'Viola', constantly blue; 11. another 'Viola' with crumpled leaves; 12. a new 'Lamium' formerly called 'L. intermedium' but nearer Smith's 'L. palmatum'; 13. another 'Lamium', thinks Smith's 'L. moschatum'; 14. a 'Saxifraga' Smith concluded to be 'S. pedatifida', differences; 15. 'Saxifraga angustifolia' of [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator of Cambridge Botanic Garden]; 16. a 'Saxifraga' between 'S. granulata'; 17. a 'Saxifraga' near no.15 but smoother and more blanched; 18. very rare and elegant 'Saxifraga'.

Five specimens.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Jun 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/81, The Linnean Society of London

Just received news of the death of [James] Donn [(1758-1813), curator of Cambridge Botanic Garden] of Cambridge, the last of his personal acquaintance he acquired whilst in London.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. a 'Marchantia', possibly 'M. androgyne'; 2. a 'Trifolium' from dry banks by the sea; 3. a 'Hieracium'; 4. a 'Hieracium'; 5. a 'Hieracium'; 6. 'Myagrum lanceolatum'; 7. a 'Rosa', differs from 'R. spinosissima'; 8. an 'Equisetum', proposes name 'E. alpinum'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jul 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/82, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. a 'Galium' he previously sent in 1810 and would like to be called 'G. rigidum'; 2. 'Galium perfectum' of "Flora Britannica"; 3. a nondescript 'Rosa', proposes name 'R. incana'; 4. a nondescript 'Poa'; 5. a nondescript 'Poa'; 6. an 'Anthoxanthum', if new proposes name 'A. alpinum' or 'A. longifolium'; 7. a 'Prunella', larger than 'P. vulgaris'; 8. a 'Pyrithrum' or 'Anthemis'; 9. a 'Hieracium', proposes name 'pubescens'; 10. 'Senecio lividus'; 11. 'Rosa gallina', requests confirmation; 12. an 'Adoxa', asks if different from 'A. moschatellina'; 13. a 'Pyrola', proposes name 'P. alpina'.

The Linnean Society of London