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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Aug 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/70, The Linnean Society of London

Sending this letter and enclosed specimens via [James] Sowerby, contains 'Grimmia nigritia', 'G. inclanata', 'G. schisti', 'Bryum gulaium' and 'Bartramia alpina'. Also encloses mosses, a 'Lichen', and a grass found in the white mine near Forfar [Smith annotation: "'Aira caespitosa'"] in 1807. Intends to undertake botanical excursion to the Cairngorns and Clova Mountains soon, but is unsure whether to collect for Sowerby, having heard nothing from him about previous specimens. Requests seeds of 'Felia muscosa' and 'Limosella aquatica'. Requests Smith's opinion on these and previous specimens.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Apr 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/71, The Linnean Society of London

Still waiting to hear Smith's opinion on those plants he sent himself and via [Charles] Lyell. Numbered observations on enclosed mosses he previously sent to [Dawson] Turner, also without response: 2. [sic] a 'Grimmia', would like to name it after W Symonds, who died in Barbados; 3. a 'Grimmia', proposes name 'G. alpina' or 'G. nivalis'; 4. a 'Hypnum'; 5. another 'Hypnum'.

Numbered observations on enclosed plants: 1. 'Potentilla tridentata' [Smith annotation: "right"]; 2. 'Lychnis alpina' [Smith annotation: "right"]; 3. 'Ranunculus alpestris' [Smith annotation: "right"]; 4. a 'Silene' resembling 'S. alpestris' [Smith annotation: "the 'Silene' will be sent in my next"] ; 5. a 'Crepis' [Smith annotation: "'pulcra' HL"]; 6. 'Cochlearia groenlandica' [Smith annotation: "right HL"]; 7. the true 'Erigeron uniflorum' [Smith annotation: "right!"]; 8. a 'Saxifraga' cultivated for 2 years in strong, rich, wet soil [Smith annotation: "new, the 2 darkest specimens green specimens is cultivated in the wet soil!"]; 9. a 'Cerastium' [Smith annotation: "'Stellaria cerastoides'"]; 10. 'Fontinalis pennata' of Linnaeus [Smith annotation: "'Neckera pumila'"].

Enquires after specimens he sent some years ago as 'Spergula maxima' and 'S. arvensis' [Smith annotation: "both 'arvensis'"].

Two small specimens, labelled "2".

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Oct 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/72, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to queries in Smith's letter of 8 September [1809]: will send 'Lamium' seeds; has found no evidence of 'Lychnis alpina' being planted, despite rarity, difficulty of ascertaining how many seeds it proudces, describes similar instances with 'Gentiana nivale', 'Gnaphalium sylvaticum', 'Sonchus caeruleus', and 'Hieracium molle'.

Numbered remarks and observations on plants, headed 18 May [probably date of Smith's reply to Don's letter of 3 April 1809]: 1. will try to identify the 'Ranunculus'; 2. 'Saxifraga' new species; 3. 'Potentilla' new species; 4. 'Grimmia' new species. Obervations on 'Ranunculus alpestres'; 'Crepis pulchra'; species of 'Silene'; 'Cochlearia groenlandica'. Observations on numbered specimens in his last letter: 8. argues case for naming new 'Saxifraga' 'S. peduncularis'; 9. "certainly not 'Stellaria cerastoides' but a 'Cerastium'.

Will send seeds of 'Spergula maxima'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Dec 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/8, The Linnean Society of London

Has not received any answer to his previous letters, would be glad to have his queries answered.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Filago acaulis' [Smith annotation: "not at all like 'Filago acaulis'"]; 2. 'Hypnum riparioides' [Smith annotation: "right, but not rare"]; 3. possible 'Byssus lepro-viride' of [Alexander von] Humboldt distinct from 'Botryoides' [Smith annotation: "surely 'Botryoides'"]; 4. 'Spalchnum' species [Smith annotation: "'lingulatum'"]; 5. 'Bryum', in family 'Dicranum' [Smith annotation: "'D. virens' Schwartz new!"]; 6. 'Bryum ovatum' [Smith annotation: "'Gymn. ovatum'"]; 7. species of 'Eriophorum' like 'angustifolium' [Smith annotation: "'Erioph. polystachium'"].

Observations on 'Erigeron alpinum' found 6 miles from Perth; 'Linnea borealis' and 'Serapias grandiflora' of Lightfoot found in woods near Perth, as well as 'Boletus labyrinthiformis'. Asks Smith's opinion of specimen of plant "taking possession of the leaves of 'Pisum sativum' [Smith annotation: "'Aecidium'?"].

Suprised to find that on opening his specimen of 'Splachnum uncelatum' it separated, so doubts it is the same as 'S. lingulatum'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
James Brodie
18 Feb 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/9, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses specimen of 'Gymnostomum donnianum' [extant], named by Dr [James Edward] Smith and to be included in "English botany" for next April, also encloses a magnified drawing of it and letter from the artist [both extant]. Asks Brodie to transmit the whole to Smith. [Dawson] Turner thought it the 'Grimmea pusilla' of "Flora Britannica" but after examining five hundred specimens he is sure it is not.

Letter from James Neill, Lauriston Road, to George Don, Edinburgh, 12 February 1806: describes how he drew the magnified drawing of 'G. donnianum' with a solar microscope, a method he believes is new. Pencil drawing of 'G. donnianum' and specimen of same, wrapped in paper.

Note by Brodie to Smith on cover, forwarding the whole.

The Linnean Society of London