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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Feb 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/11, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased that Lord Gainsborough [Henry Noel, 6th Earl of Gainsborough (1743-1798)] has been elected [to the Linnean Society] but intended for the proposal and election to be at different meetings. The King [George III (1738-1820)] is "so far better to have grown perfectly harmless & quiet, but he wavers almost every quarter of an hour" and informed that Dr [Francis] Willis [(1718-1807), physician to George III] thinks a perfect recovery will be accomplished in time with the attentions of friends. Goodenough concerned that people in the King's situation often relapse or continue with irregular waverings. The Chancellor [Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron Thurlow (1731-1806)] saw the King yesterday and left convinced of necessity of immediately declaring the Regent, Goodenough convinced this likely and concludes that he understands that "the string upon which he goes off is Politicks particularly the German". Had not heard of the D of P [William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)] declining a part in the admininstration, hopes it is not true.

Could not attend meeting on Tuesday because there was no moon for the return journey, fears his Royal Society certificate has been forgotten and asks Smith to ask Mr Greville, Mr Marsden, or Mr Blagden to sign it.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Nov 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/12, The Linnean Society of London

Has just returned from Oxford. Already has a copy of second edition of [Johann Daniel] Leers [(1727-1774)] but asks Smith to look out for a first edition. Arrangements for purchasing L'Heritier's "Sertum Anglicum". Asks if Smith has a spare copy of [Johann Christian Daniel von] Schreber's "Grasses" [ "Beschreibung der Graesser"?]. Asks after progress of Smith's next fasciculus and for Smith to send it him as soon as ready. Argues the value of giving a preface to every fasiculus for saying something upon the nature of work; additional remarks on previously published plants; and prepatory annotations on forthcoming plants. Saw at Oxford Smith's friend Dr [William] Thomson [(c 1760-1806), mineralogist and physician]; persuaded him to give him the plants Smith provided for his abandoned "Materia Medica". Also saw [John] Sibthorp who gave him Cyrpus wine and Hymettian honey and gave him a tour of the rarities of the Sherardian library and garden. Next time Sibthorp is in London intends to compare all the Sherardian collection with Sir Joseph [Banks'] or Smith's collections. Sibthorp's thousand drawings "very excellent" and he has added Linnean names to the Sherardian and Morrisonian collections in his keeping; the garden is superior to the one at Cambridge.

The Linnean Society of London