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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Feb 1814
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/6, The Linnean Society of London

Sorry to hear of death of George Don and comments how destructive this winter has been; five of his friends have died in the last three weeks. Encloses an appeal from [Patrick] Neill to raise a subscription for Don's widow and "spine-distorted daughter"; questions the likelihood of his proposal for providing a regular maintenance or whether a temporary relief would be more achievable.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Feb 1814
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/7, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for turkey. Had he known would have contributed to Smith's collection for George Don's widow instead of Patrick Neill's. Fears Neill may have endangered a reasonable subscription by aiming to raise enough for a permanent provision for Don's widow.

Many people, including [Amelia Warren] Griffiths [(1768-1858), algologist], [Elizabeth] Hill [(c 1760-1850), algologist], and Miss Hutchins, are complaining that [Dawson] Turner detains Sir Joseph Banks' collection, does not answer queries, or acknowledge or send back specimens. Many also complain that he has not published any numbers [of his "Fucus"] for over a year. Everyone anxious to see the outcome of Buonaparte's invasion of France but are baffled that after losing two armies of 500,000 each he has been allowed to return with a third army; Goodenough thinks Napoleon's case is "unique in the history of man".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Feb 1814
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/8, The Linnean Society of London

Has been unable to write after falling in icy weather, injuring his hand and leg and developing gout in the former. Hopes Smith received the oysters. Quantity and quality of members of Linnean Society improving but there is a dearth of papers. Thinks Buonaparte is in his last struggle. Everybody "more than complaining" about Dawson Turner and his poor communications. Asks after fourth volume of "Flora Britannica". Has given his son-in-law Mr Lynn, husband of his daughter, Charlotte, a valuable living.

The Linnean Society of London