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David Hosack
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jun 1817
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/81, The Linnean Society of London

Account of the 'Lycoperdon tuber' of [John] Clayton [(1686-1773) plant collector in Virginia], being the 'Lycoperdon cervinum' of [Thomas] Walter [(c 1740-1789) American botanist] and species of 'Sclerotium' of [Christiaan Hendrik] Persoon, a subterranean fungus found in several southern states of North America, written in response to its general omission from publications, including [Friedrich Traugott] Pursh's "Flora Americana". Acknowledges Dr James Macbride of South Carolina as providing most of the information. Has sent specimens.

Separate note: "Psorex? A non descript species of mus, - see Bartram "Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia etc." Philadelphia 1791" [unclear what this relates to].

The Linnean Society of London
David Hosack
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Jun 1817
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/5/82, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces Theodore Lyman of Boston, Massachusetts, who is coming to Europe for second time to meet "the most distinguished literary characters". Encloses account of the "great 'Lycoperdon' of South Carolina" from information given by James Macbride, who is now a FMLS. Hosack's pupils are collecting the plants of New York, an account is being prepared which will be sent to Smith or Linnean Society.

The Linnean Society of London