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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Apr 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/121, The Linnean Society of London

Condolences to Smith and Lady Smith on death of their "very near & dear relatives", including Smith's mother, draws comparison to [John] Fraser's [(c 1750-1811), botanist] death and Smith's contribution to the science of botany.

Has been extending and examining his collection of 'Scitamineae' with use of Smith's remarks in Rees' "New Cyclopedia", and living plants of the whole Indian family sent by Dr [William] Carey [(1761-1834)] and [Nathaniel] Wallich, the latter has also sent large chests of plants for the [Liverpool] Botanic Garden, just arrived. Lists plants he is anxious about, with Latin characters: 'Hedychium gardnerianum', 'Roscoea purpurea', 'Canna napalensis'; further notes on his arrangement of 'Curcuma', 'Hedychium', and 'Roscoea'. His business arrangements almost finally arranged but has not been able to escape unjust attacks from people wishing to take advantage.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Aug 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/123, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for not being able to spend more time with Smith and Lady [Pleasance] Smith during their recent stay in Liverpool. About to move to St James's Mount and unsure what course his life will take but hopes it will be removed from "mercantile speculations or the squabbles & quibbles of lawyers". Comments on remarks made by the Chancellor respecting an incident involving his business troubles and an imminent change in law.

Responds to Smith's letter of from Arley Hall [28 July 1820] and thanks for introduction to Lord Mountnorris [George Annesley], whom he first met in London when they helped establish the African Institution. Comments on the curiousness of Mountnorris' East India 'Scitamineae' drawings of, particularly 'Zingiber'. Reminds Smith of a letter he previously wrote on genus 'Thalia', which is still in need of elucidation. Since Smith's departure 'Hedychium angustifolium' has flowered and 'Hedychium excelsum' is about to, and 'Alpinia mutica' for the first time in Britain. Tormented with rheumatism but intends to visit Norwich before winter.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Dec 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/124, The Linnean Society of London

Cataloguing the Holkham manuscripts [home of Thomas William Coke] taking longer than expected but has revealed the collection's importance; believes a published catalogue would be well received. Lady [Anne Margaret (1779-1843), née Coke] is making copies of some illuminations. Constant use of Codington's balsam has improved his rheumatism from when Smith was here. Duke of Gloucester [Prince William Frederick (1776-1834)] and Duke of Sussex [Prince Augustus Frederick (1773-1843)] expected, current visitors include Sir Ronald Ferguson [(1773-1841), army officer and politician].

Postscript in margin of verso of first folio: beauty of the Coke ladies.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Dec 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/126, The Linnean Society of London

Nearly finished with his [cataloguing of Thomas William Coke's manuscript collection] at Holkham but thinks the project may have been beyond his capabilities. Ill-health caused the Duke of Sussex [Prince Augustus Frederick (1773-1843)] to defer his visit to Holkham. Dawson Turner visited and assisted with the manuscripts and has invited him to stay. Urges Smith not to invite too many people when he comes to Norwich as he is anxious for some rest following his two month stay at Holkham and the constant succession of guests. Mortal illness of Mrs Blackwell. Anxious about circumstances in Liverpool but confident he will not be called away.

The Linnean Society of London