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Sir James Edward Smith
Dawson Turner
3 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/95, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces [George Wilson] Meadley [(1774-1818)] of Bishop's Wearmouth, [Sunderland], friend of Thomas [Furly] Forster and author of a life of Algernon Sidney, and a life of Paley. Congratulates Turner on birth of another son.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
2 Jan 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/97, The Linnean Society of London

Has had letters from [Thomas William] Coke and [Andrew] Fountaine on their pleasure at meeting Roscoe. Describes recent extreme weather. Thanks Roscoe for his efforts advocating him at Cambridge [in his candidature for botany professorship]; aware of prejudice of St John's College but has support of [Charles Howard, 11th] Duke of Norfolk [(1746-1815)] who has great influence there. Expecting [William] Smith next week as steward of their ball, and they are to have a common hall "to give a kick to the income tax".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
21 May 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/99, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Roscoe's letter of 8 April, parcel of [Charles] Plumier [(1646-1704) botanist] drawings and book for Lady [Pleasance] Smith. Staying at his cousins the Kindersleys house; his wife at Lowestoft caring for her invalid parents._x000D_

With [Thomas William] Coke saw a picture of Napoleon being crowned king of Italy, painted at Milan, being sold for £1500. Details his and Coke's plans for their Lancashire visit and possibly Hafod, [Cardiganshire, home of Thomas Johnes]; invites Roscoe to join them. No comment on public affairs as it is all in the papers, excepting that there "still seems a backwardness for war". He is halfway through his lectures, which are well attended by a "very elegant & fashionable audience". Deaths of Dr [Joseph] Brandreth [(1746-1815), physician], and one of Mrs Reeve's sons. His mother thinking of travelling to Liverpool. Pleased that Roscoe is binding some of Coke's manuscripts. Received great encouragement from Bishop of Bristol [William Mansel] regarding Cambridge [his candidature for botany professorship].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
25 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/100, The Linnean Society of London

Received kind letters from Norwich [on death of his brother, Francis], and [Thomas William] Coke has arranged for him to spend a week in Liverpool with Fanny [Smith's sister], to then meet Coke at Lord Derby's, Allerton [Hall, home of William Roscoe], and returning to Shugborough [home of Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)] to meet the Duke of Gloucester [Prince William (1776-1834), chancellor of Cambridge University]. Arrangements for his return to Norwich and their visit to [Dawson] Turner. Account of his brother's funeral.

Account of his time here: visited Mr Tollit, whose wife is a great botanist; the Duke of Bedford [John Russell, 6th Duke] requested to become a FLS; the guests. [Francis] Buchanan[-Hamilton] returned from the East Indies and is to live in Scotland; they hope to meet occasionally in London.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
13 Oct 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/102, The Linnean Society of London

Describes party in the drawing room. Account of his time in Liverpool, including: visits to Fanny [Smith's sister]; heard Mr Houghton's and Dr Parr's sermons; took up his abode at [William] Roscoe's; saw Mrs Bickersteth; opinion of Fanny's children; improvements at Allerton [Hall, Roscoe's home]; meetings with Lord Derby [Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby (1752-1834)] and Lord Stanley [Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby (1775-1851)], has engaged the latter to become vice-president of Linnean Society after [Thomas] Marsham's death; [Thomas William] Coke's increased attachment to Roscoe; several great dinner parties at Allerton; met Dick Roberts, the "learned Welch fisherman, [...] more wonderful & horrible" than he had imagined; dinner at Ince with Mr Blundell.

After leaving Liverpool he and Coke went to Lord [John] Crewe's [1st Baron Crewe (1742-1829) in Cheshire; opinion of Crewe Hall and Lady Crewe, before returning to Shugborough to meet Duke of Gloucester [Prince William (1776-1834), chancellor of Cambridge University]. His plans for returning to Norwich. Continuing grief for Francis [Smith's brother].

[Letter incomplete: folio[s] presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
16 Oct 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/103, The Linnean Society of London

Given a frank by the Duke of Gloucester [Prince William (1776-1834), chancellor of Cambridge University]. Ambivalent about his return to Norwich, [Norfolk]. Thanks for note about the Master family. Met [William] and Mrs Hooker at Liverpool, and Simon Wilkin. Received a "most kind sensible" letter from sister Francis [widow of Smith's brother], who can live on what they have but is reluctant to give up the trade for the sake of her sons. Also received a letter from Frederick [Smith's brother], in financial difficulties. His high opinion of Lord Anson [Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)]. [Thomas] Marsham recovering but his affairs in bad order owing to his son's extravagance._x000D_

He has been free of headaches but his "fat or fulness" unaffected by travelling. Richard Kindersley [Smith's cousin] has attained his fellowship. Duke of Gloucester and Blackwells send their compliments.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
11 Jun 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/93, The Linnean Society of London

Directions for sending letters. Dined at Royal Society club, in attendance were the Duke of Somerset, 5 baronets, 6 esquires, Dr Herschell, and "your devoted knight". Dined at [William George] Maton's and afterwards attended Lady Anson's assembly; description. Visited the Duchess of Grafton and her daughters.

[Letter incomplete: second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
21 Jun 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/94, The Linnean Society of London

Pleasance's "long bullace" curious, though the specimens now too dry to examine. Attended the theatre to see Miss O'Neil as Juliet [in "Romeo and Juliet"]; "not extravagantly delighted". His last lecture was on 14 June with plants from Kew, seemed well liked. Dined with Richard Kindersley [Smith's cousin] at Mrs Wiggin's, delighted with Miss Nicolay's singing; dined at C Scott's. Pleasance's writing box in "great honour, & much admired". Dined with the Hudson Gurneys, Mr and Mrs Hanbury alone; Jemima Kindersley [Smith's cousin]; saw Richard Westall [(1765-1836), painter], whose property all to be sold; dined at Mr Stracey's; Dr [Martin] Davy of Caius [College, Cambridge], who is interesting the Duke of Gloucester [Prince William (1776-1834), chancellor of Cambridge University] in his Cambridge concerns; attended Stephen Weston's "long promised" lecture on Chinese porcelain. His mother has departed for Liverpool, [Lancashire]. He has heard too many new waltzes to decide which to dance with Pleasance's mother._x000D_

Anxiety about politics; the engagement they had [Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815] a "serious one" and it is in vain the ministerial papers "make a triumph of it"; [Alexander] Macleay says the Belgian troops ran away. Plans for his return to Norwich, [Norfolk].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
7/9 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/95, The Linnean Society of London

[First two folios letter of 7 September from Holkham]: Thanks Robert [Pleasance's brother] and all concerned for the ring. Encloses copy of what [William] Roscoe has written in his "Leo"; the manuscripts "admirably restored & bound" and to fill a room next to present library and dedicated to Roscoe, with a specially commissioned portrait of him the only picture. Account of his journey to Holkham [home of Thomas William Coke] and its guests, including Dr [Martin] Davy, and Coke's heir, Sidney.

He and Coke leaving tomorrow for the Marquis of Tavistock's [Francis Russell, 7th Duke of Bedford (1788-1861)], Lord Bradford's [Orlando Bridgeman, 1st Earl of Bradford (1762-1825)], Wynnstay [estate of the Wynns, Denbighshire] for the Agricultural Meeting of 13 September, Hafod, [Cardiganshire, home of Thomas Johnes], Shrugborough [home of Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)], and Liverpool.

[Next two folios continuation of 9 September from Oakley]: Account of their journey from Holkham; [Charles] Abbot here, opinion of Lord and Lady Tavistock. Account of Sidney's illness.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
13 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/96, The Linnean Society of London

Spent an agreeable day at Oakley, [near Bedford, home of Lord Tavistock, Francis Russell, 7th Duke of Bedford (1788-1861)] with Lady Tavistock and [Charles] Abbot, whilst the rest of the party were farming. Account of their journey from Oakley to Weston, [home of Orlando Bridgeman, 1st Earl of Bradford (1762-1825)], via Woburn [Abbey, home of John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford], Ampthill, Northampton, Coventry, and Birmingham. Account of dinners at Weston. [Thomas William] Coke's indisposition. Kindness of the Duke of Bedford and Lord Tavistock, who spoke well of his Cambridge concerns; considers their acquaintance a "great acquisition". Impossibility of getting to Hafod [home of Thomas Johnes], Lord Grey's, or Rose Castle [home of Samuel Goodenough]. Their future movements. Indebted to Coke. Expects Sir Watkin's agricultural meeting to be "much fun", will also visit Llangollen and other celebrated scenes; badness of the roads for reaching Hafod.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
14 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/97, The Linnean Society of London

Shock at "miserable news" of death of "poor dear Francis" [Smith's brother], received in letter from Mr Martineau. Kindness of [Thomas William] Coke in delivering the letter, comforting him, cancelling their planned excursion to Wynnestay, [Denbighshire, for an agricultural meeting], and coming straight here [home of Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)]. Resolved to see Fanny [Smith's sister] in Liverpool; his grief.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
16 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/98, The Linnean Society of London

He has written to his mother and sister-in-law Francis [following death of Smith's brother, Francis]; anxious to hear news from Norwich. Describes the party and scenes at Shugborough [home of Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)]; George Blackwell is his constant companion. His grief. Intends to go to Liverpool to see [William] Roscoe and Fanny [Smith's sister].

[Letter incomplete: lower half of second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Pleasance Smith
19 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/99, The Linnean Society of London

Irregular post. Their future movements, including trips to Liverpool to visit [William] Roscoe and return to Shugborough [home of Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)] to meet the Duke of Gloucester [Prince William (1776-1834), chancellor of Cambridge University]. Grief [at death of his brother, Francis], hopes to console himself with Fanny [Smith's sister]. Charms of Shugborough and its inhabitants.

[Letter incomplete: final lines of second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
15 Jan 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/88, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased to hear Macleay is recovered, knows "from frequent experience in the same complaint how tender one's whole frame is afterwards"; further advice for Macleay. Macleay's son should use him [Smith] as an introduction in Paris. Encloses some American papers for Linnean Society meeting. Congratulates [Robert] Brown. Leaves [James] Sowerby to "do as he will" with "Exotic botany".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
10 Feb 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/89, The Linnean Society of London

Satisfied with what Macleay says of [William] Travis [(1771-1851)] and will communicate it to Sir Thomas Frankland [who solicited Smith for Travis' readmittance to the Linnean Society]. Thinks the Society right in publishing [Edward] Rudge's papers, "as we may be glad of even imperfect information ab[ou]t New Holland plants", especially as there is no hope of the government asking [Robert] Brown to publish his plants properly, though he thinks it "a debt due to the public, who have paid for them".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
24 Mar 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/90, The Linnean Society of London

Returns proof sheet with necessary corrections. Glad Macleay's son returned safely from France; deplores the "unexpected return of war & desolation", and thinks it "ought to have been effectually guarded against" [return of Napoleon]; hopes the French can settle it amongst themselves, "for they are no more worth cutting honest men's throats about than the Spaniards"; glad the Duke of Wellington [Arthur Wellesley (1769-1852)] got away safely, expected him to be murdered.

Directions for forwarding seeds sent by [Andre] Thouin. Intends to be in London for 18 April, following a visit to Lowestoft, [Suffolk], on account of his mother-in-law's paralytic stroke.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
5 Sep 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/91, The Linnean Society of London

Sends paper from [Erik] Acharius to be read at Linnean Society in due course. "Grieves [...] deeply" to hear that "it is all over" with his "old & valued friend", [Thomas] Marsham; but takes consolation that "the warning afforded by losing elderly friends is rather soothing than dreadful", in comparison to sudden sorrow of losing younger friends.

He is setting of on a 6 week tour tomorrow with [Thomas William] Coke, one of his "best-loved friends", to Staffordshire, Wales, Lancashire, Cumberland, and Northumberland; looking forward to seeing [William] Roscoe, [Thomas] Johnes, and Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough].

Sorry to hear that Marsham has disappointed [James] Sowerby as to money, fears "all is not right".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
4 Oct 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/92, The Linnean Society of London

On tour with [Thomas William] Coke, not home before end of the month. Anxious to hear news of [Thomas] Marsham, dreads the worst. His "most beloved" brother, [Francis Smith], has died since his departure, leaving a widow and 6 children. He has been much with [John Russell, 6th] Duke of Bedford, and proposes him as FLS. He will be at Anson's [Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson (1767-1818)], Shugborough Park, Staffordshire, from 10 to 15 October.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
12 Oct 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/93, The Linnean Society of London

At Lord Anson's [Thomas Anson (1767-1818) 1st Viscount Anson] with [Thomas William] Coke and [John Russell, 6th] Duke of Bedford; encloses latter's certificate for FLS, "truly a practical Linnaean botanist" who would make a good Honorary Member in due course. Grief at death of his brother, Francis Smith, and impact on his tour. Anxious about [Thomas] Marsham, in event of his death proposes Lord [Edward Smith-]Stanley as replacement Linnean Society vice-president, his qualities.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
14 Oct 1815
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/95, The Linnean Society of London

Rejoices at news of [Thomas] Marsham's recovery but laments his "suspicions relative to his concernes prove too well founded". Agrees with Macleay's proposal of Edward Forster being next Linnean Society Treasurer and approves of [William George] Maton's idea, returns his letter. His plans for returning to Norwich, [Norfolk]. [William] Smith, who first introduced himself and [John Russell, 6th] Duke of Bedford, would probably like to sign latter's FLS certificate.

The Linnean Society of London