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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
9 Mar 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/15, The Linnean Society of London

Busy writing and delivering his zoological and botanical lectures, teaching Lady [Amelia] Hume, and preparing his "Icones ineditae" and "Icones pictae". Thanks for chamois horns and seeds. Discusses Davall's marriage and wife; he himself has been unlucky in love although there is one woman who would make him happy. [Edward] Forster's marriage. His servant François [Borone] has returned to England but not currently placed with him.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
30 Mar 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/17, The Linnean Society of London

Plants and drawings safely arrived but will wait for his zoological lectures to finish before commencing study. This year intends to bring out new edition of "Systema Vegetabilium" and a journal of his tour of the continent. Will inform [James] Sowerby of Davall's directions for the drawings. Davall should change name of 'Scirpus supinus' if certain it is Linnaeus' plant, otherwise call it 'Scirpus elongatus'. Received three proofs of Davall's work from Sowerby: the 'Spartium', 'Sisymbrium', and 'Crepis'. Davall's 'Scirpus triqueter' correct.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
25 Apr 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/18, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on some of the plants Davall sent him. Lady Rockingham has been ill but now recovered. Intends to bring out "Syst. Veg." next winter followed by "Obs[ervationes] Bot[anicae]". Warns Davall not to be cheated by [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] and [Jacob] Wyttenbach and to bring out his book as soon as possible, approves of title "Illustrationes Hallerianae". Received Davall's box sent via [Charles St Clair, 13th] Lord Sinclair [(1768-1863)]; thanks for 'Lichen cucullatus', forwarded parcel to [William] Curtis. Spoke to [James] Sowerby about copying 'Protea mellifera'. '[Tussilago] paradoxa' called 'Tussilago spuria' of [Anders Jahan] Retzius [(1742-1821)]. His 'Senecio nemorensis' has "eight or nine rays". Knows no good figure of 'Carex saxatilis'.

Flattered that Davall should wish him to be godfather to his child but could not promise to bring it up in the Church of England as he finds it too close to popery and "believes no nonsense under the specious name of mystery"; explains his own religious beliefs.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
11/14 Jul 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/22, The Linnean Society of London

Smith writes on 11 July: Suffered a slight pleuratic attack. [Edward] Forster's wife's sister, Mrs Wishaw, is dying after being improperly managed by Mrs Williams following birth of her child, eating beef steaks and drinking wine not being permitted to suckle her child; the abundance of milk has induced a milk fever and is now in hopeless state.

Thanks for Davall's assistance in determining 'Geranium molle', 'Geranium pyrenaicum', 'Geranium puscillum', and 'Geranium rotundifolium'. Responds to points in Davall's previous letters: happy to keep 'Schoenus ferrugineus'; 'Lamium laevigatum' not yet in seed; Davall can say what he pleases about 'Phaca alpina'; Davall's 'Stellaria biflora' correct, and also correct about [Anders Jahan] Retzius' [(1742-1821)] 'Tassilago'; will get hold of 'Onopordum dettoides' for him; Lady Rockingham recovered; [Jacques] Dorthes busy taking a degree.

Smith writes on 14 July: thanks for Davall's packet [mentioned in his letter of 31 May 1790] containing books, views, and plants. Responds to points in Davall's letter of 29 June 1790: all the names for his plates acceptable and [James] Sowerby has commenced work on them; has done nothing with 'Phytenma' so returning it; approves of Davall's title for his book; approves of Davall's differentia specifica; exhorts Davall to publish as soon as possible and before [Jacob] Wyttenbach and [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] [new edition of the elder Haller's "Icones plantarum Helvetiae"]; fears [Werner de] Lechanel's letter to him has been lost. Mrs Wishaw, Forster's sister, has died, and Miss Lee has returned home to die of a "deep consumption".

Numbered observations on remainder of Davall's former packet: 'Cistus marifolius' HL, 'Anemone sulphurea', 'Mentha aquatica', 'Galeopris villosa' Hudson, 'Sonchus plumierii', 'Hypochaeris helvetica', 'Achillea moschata', 'Micropus erectus', 'Betula incana', 'Quercus cerris', and 'Fontinalis pennata'.

Numbered observations on packet of plants just received: 'Inula oculus-christi', 'Thymus vulgaris', 'Galeopsis villosa' Hudson, 'Aria flexuosa', 'Mespilus cotoneaster', 'Carduus crispus' HL, 'Carduus rivularis' Jacquin, 'Lathyrus latifolius' HL, 'Sisymbrium tanacetifolium', 'Dentaria pinnata', 'Draba fladnizensis' Jacquin, '[Dentaria] verna', 'Androsace villosa', 'Androsace lactea', 'Androsace obtusifolia' Allioni, 'Dianthus glaucus' Hudson, 'Tribulus terrestris', fungus on 'Euphorbia', 'Euphorbia', 'Carex argentea', 'Cheiranthus fruticulosus' HL, 'Lamium maculatum', and 'Euphorbia palustris' HL.

Numbered observations on packet of plants of 27 February 1790: 'Valeriana montana', 'Crocus vernus', 'Scirpus supinus', 'Phalaris alpina', 'Aria subspicata' HL, 'Briza eragrostis' HL, 'Poa eragrostis' HL, '[Festuca] duriuscula', 'Stipa juncea', 'Stipa capillata', 'Avena versicolor', 'Potamogeton retusum', 'Cerinthe minor', 'Lonicera nigra', 'Lonicera caerulea' HL, 'Lonicera symphoricarpos', 'Chenopodium atriplicis', 'Chenopodium murale', 'Bupleurum angulosum' or 'B. ranunculoides', 'Selinum chabraei', 'Laserpitium', 'Aethusa bunius' HL, 'Pencedanum silars', 'Juncus pediformis' Villars, 'Rumex lunaria' HL, 'Rumex aurens' J Banks, 'Saxifraga sedoides', 'Saxifraga biflora' Allioni, 'Sedum saxatile' Wiggers, 'Cerastiums', '[Euphorbia] gerardiana', 'Prunus padus', 'Crataegus chamaemespilus', 'Potentilla aurea', 'Potentilla minima' Davall, 'Potentilla subacaulis', and 'Papaver alpinum'.

Davall's 'Carex' is published as 'Carex bellardi' in [James] Dickson's "dried plants" and it would vex [Carlo Antonio] Bellardi to change it. Distributed Davall's seeds amongst [John] Fairbairn, Dickson, [James] Lee, [William] Curtis, and [Samuel] Goodenough, but forgot [William] Aiton; desperate to make peace with him as Aiton is secretely jealous of his ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum..."]. Sending seeds of 'Angelica archangelica'; bulbs of 'Dentaria bulbifera' from Dickson; 'Cineraria palustris', 'Artemisia carerulescens', 'Smyrnium olusatrum', and 'Holosteum umbellatum' from [Edward] Forster; and second fasciculi of Dickson's dried plants and ["Fasciculus plantarum cryptogamicarum Britannia"]. For forseeable future must labour for his support as he is too much of a burden for his "most indulgent father" who thinks physic would be more profitable, he himself knows "nothing is to be got by a young physician in London". Sending spare copy of Burman's "[Specimen botanicum] de Geraniis".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
28 Sep 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/25, The Linnean Society of London

Smith writes to Edmund Davall: Glad Davall's health is better; warns him not to fatigue himself with botanical pursuits. Charmed with letter from Davall's wife. Responds to Davall's letter of 27 April: pleased with the 'Lichen cucullatus', thinks 'Stellaria biflora' correct, Davall should publish 'Phytenma' if he thinks it new, his "Systema Vegetabilium" ["English Botany"] not out before March. Responds to Davall's letters [of 29 June and 14 September 1790]: thanks for trouble he took over 'Satyrium repens'; recovered from his cold; Davall should pay Sowerby when he can, although they both have little money having "drained their purses" to bring out their "great work without being under the thumbs of booksellers"; warns Davall not to lend his plates to [Jacob] Wyttenbach and [Albrecht von] Haller [(1758-1823)] [for their new edition of the elder Haller's "Icones plantarum Helvetiae"]; Davall should concentrate on completing his book and he can reserve new plants and observations for a second edition; responds to points on 'Hypericum', 'Arenaria grandiflora' and 'Arenaria triflora'; thought Bauhin's 'Arenaria laricifolia' was 'Arenaria striata', though Davall may be right to think it 'Arenaria liniflora'; assents to Davall's new 'Cerinthe'; 'Allium senescens'; agrees with Davall on 'Salsola prostiata' and 'Euphorbia gerardiana'; confusion over 'Crepis virens' and 'Lapsana capillaris'.

Smith writes to Henriette Davall, in French: [description to follow].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
15 Dec 1790
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/27, The Linnean Society of London

Davall is in danger of relapsing and overstraining his eyes: prescribes half an ounce of camphor dissolved in half a pint of rectified spirit of wine for bathing the temples; "an admirable thing for strengthening the eyes". Thanks for packet of plant specimens, 'Ribes petraeum' "surely right". Lady Rockingham sends Davall a large paper copy of his "Icones pictae" and invites him to see her 'Portlandia'; it frequently exhibits fifteen flowers "in full perfection" besides buds. Pleased Davall refused to allow his plates to go to [Jacob] Wyttenbach [for new edition of Albrecht von Haller's "Icones plantarum Helvetiae"]. Thanks for 'Schoenus ferrugineus'. Confirms Davall's order for Sowerby for coloured plates of 'Limodorum' and 'Strelitzia' and drawing of Miss Lee's 'Protea'. Editing a new edition of "Flora Lapponica" for White & Son, shall add new plants and put the trivial names to all, the original plates bought in Holland. Desires Davall's opinion of new number of "English Botany", currently writing it anonymously to gauge reaction but thinks it excels [William] Curtis' "Botanical Magazine" and it may also hurt Curtis' "Flora [Londinensis]" if he does not exert himself.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
4 Jan 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/28, The Linnean Society of London

Alphabetical confirmation and observations on specimens sent by Davall [on 12 November 1790], plants include: 'Allium angulosum', 'Phalaris phleoides', variety of 'Lotus corniculata', 'Selinum palustre', 'Agrostis calamagrostis', 'Arundo epigejos', 'Ribes petraeum', 'Coronulla minima', '[Gnaphalium] orientale', 'Hieracium molle', 'Rosa collina', 'Rosa arvensis', 'Androsaces villosa', 'Androsace lactea', 'Anemone alpina', 'Scirpus caespitosus', and 'Schoneus ferrugineus'.

Numbered observations on specimens sent by Davall in parcel of 27 February 1790, now complete. Will send 'Arundo epigejo' another time. Mislaid 'Saxifraga sedoides' so cannot give opinion.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
9 Mar 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/30, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to Davall's five letters [of 11 February 1791] and remarks further on plants sent by Davall on which their opinions differ. Thinks that Davall should either confide the Latin of his book to [Jacob] Wyttenbach, send his manuscript to [Samuel] Goodenough or himself, or communicate his findings in English to Linnean Society for second volume of "Linnean Transactions", so long as it appears in some form or other. Does not know 'Psora testacca' but Davall should keep it for his own work, as he would rather quote it from that to save himself trouble.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
27 May 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/35, The Linnean Society of London

The first folio of this letter includes receipt from James Sowerby for £20 from Smith on behalf of Davall. Numbered observations by Smith on plants sent by Davall in previous parcels: 'Lamium maculatum', 'Potentilla opaca' HL, 'Draba fladnizensis' Jacquin, 'Mespilus cotoneaster', 'Aria flexuosa', 'Astragalus montanus', 'Astragalus depressus', 'Leontod pyrenaicus' Gouan, 'Eriophorum vaginatum', 'Scirpus caespitosus' HL, 'Scirpus pauciflorus' Lightfoot, 'Agrostis halleri' Villars, 'Poa bulbosa', 'Carex curvula' Allioni, 'Carex hirta', 'Carex distans' HL, 'Carex leporina', 'Festuca duriuscula', 'Lactuca augustana' Allioni, 'Androsace lactea', 'Morbid euphorbia', 'Fontinalis pennata' HL, 'Medicago polymorpha-minima', 'Equisetum linosum', 'Cerastium tomentosum' HL, 'Sisymbrium pyrenaicum', 'Cytisus sessilifolius' HL, 'Corohilla minima' Jacquin, 'Polypodium montamum' Allioni, 'Festuca duriuscula', 'Oenanthe fistulosa', 'Allium schaenoprasum' HL, 'Carex rostiata' Stokes, 'Carex disticha' Hudson, 'Carex acuta' HL, 'Poa alpina', and 'Salix myrsinites'.

Responds to Davall's letters of 11 March and 30 April: [Joseph von] Jacquin generally worthy; intends to announce his "Systema Vegetabilum" in preface to the new edition of "Flora Lapponica". Received visit and parcel of plants from Dr [Franz Joseph] Maerter [(1753-1827)] who has been in South America and the West Indies; all of Jacquin's rare plants are from him though Maerter's collections have been seized at Brussels and their recovery is uncertain. Addresses Davall's remarks on 'Anemone', 'Dianthus glaucus', 'Potamogeton obtusum', and 'Potentilla'. Hopes "Icones pictae" will be profitable as his lectures are not but is determined not to give up botany. Intends to devote summer to his ["Sketch of a Tour on the Continent"], "Systema vegetabilum", and perhaps "Flora Anglica". His servant François [Borone] with him again. The Queen takes three large paper copies of his "Icones pictae".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
6 Jun 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/36, The Linnean Society of London

Sends first number of his "Spicilegium [botanicum]". Second number of "Icones pictae" in preparation. Also sending specimens of 'Lichen gypsaceus' and 'Lichen saxifragas' and describes both characters, to see if the latter is Davall's 'Psora testacea'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
6 Jul 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/37, The Linnean Society of London

Numbered observations on parcel of plants sent by Davall via Mr Mandrot in May, received June 1791: 'Turritis hirsuta' HL, 'Plantago', 'Cerinthe major', 'Cerinthe perennis' Davall, 'Thesium alpinum' HL, 'Bupleurum angulosum' HL, 'Laserpitium silaifolium', 'Dianthus', 'Arenaria liniflora', 'Potentilla caulescens' HL, 'Anemone fragifera' Jacquin, 'Ranunculus thora', 'Ranunculus pamassifolius' HL, 'Ranunculus alpestris', 'Ajuga genevensis', 'Ajuga alpina', 'Pedicularis sylvatica' HL, 'Antirrhinum arvense' HL, 'Hypericum tetragynum', 'Geranium pusillum', Geranium rotundifolium', 'Geranium molle', 'Crepis tectorum' HL, 'Ophrys cordata', 'Satyrium repens', 'Carex pauciflora' Lightfoot, 'Clutia pulchella', 'Chrysocoma coma-aurea' HL, 'Bidens pilosa', 'Coreopris leucantha' HL, 'Gentiana', 'Asplenium trichomanes', 'fastigiatus', '[Lichen] tiliaceus' Hoffmann and Smith, '[Lichen] saxatilis', '[Lichen] centrifugus', '[Lichen] aeruginosus', '[Lichen] fagineus', '[Lichen] subfucus' HL, '[Lichen] horizontalis', '[Lichen] chrysoleucus' Smith, and '[Lichen] encaustus' Smith.

Compliments them both on their ability to search for plants. Comments on box of lichens sent by Davall. Pleased to hear account of Davall's happy family life. [Edward] Forster disappointed that Davall has not written. "Flora Lapponica" has gone to press with fifty-five new species added to the flora. Hopes Davall will entrust [Jacob] Wyttenbach with correction of the Latin for his work. After consultation with [William] Hudson and [James] Dickson gives numbered remarks on box of lichens. Can only send Davall a few plants in return, including 'Arenaria saxatilis', but Davall should request [Dominique] Villars' 'A. saxatilis' for the true 'A. laricifolia'. Sends present of "two tinkling balls [...] of the very newest mode" for Davall's baby daughter. 'Nymphaea nelumbo' in flower at Bulstrode, [Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland] for the first time in Europe, it is a new genus to be called 'Portlandia' and the old renamed 'Catesbaea'.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
3 Sep 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/40, The Linnean Society of London

Condolences on death of Davall's daughter, believes it must have been a very violent fever independent of teething. Transcribes part of an epitaph on four children who died of the plague 150 years ago, engraved on a monument in a field somewhere in England. Wishes Davall could visit England as his connections are now much increased: quite intimate with Lady Rockingham; made acquaintance with Sir Abraham and Lady [Amelia] Hume and stayed with them in Hertfordshire; recently stayed at Bulstrode, [Buckinghamshire, home of Duke of Portland]. Will send first volume of "Linnean Transactions" for Davall. Requests duplicates of ten or twelve plants for François [Borone's] herbarium.

Postscript at top of verso of first folio that he would gladly figure 'Cerinthe perennis' [in "Spicilegium botanicum"].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
30 Dec 1791
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/44, The Linnean Society of London

Note in Davall's hand that this letter was received 13 January 1792.

Acknowledges receipt of Davall's letters of 6 November, with seeds, and 2 December, and parcel of plants via Mr Mandrot. Observations on plants, ordered by Greek letters: 'Trifolium rubens' HL, 'Trifolium pratense' HL, 'Trifolium alpestre' HL, 'Trifolium filforme' HL, 'Astragalus cicer' Linnaeus, 'Serapias palustris' HL, 'Potentilla norvegica' HL, 'Gnaphalium sylvaticum', 'Filago germanica' HL, 'Crepis dioscorides' HL, 'Festuca', 'Cuscuta europaea', 'Veronica hybrida' HL, 'Centaurea paniculata' HL, 'Campanula rhomboidalis', 'Thalictrum lucidum', 'Geranium sanguineum', 'Geranium rotundifolium', 'Lotus maritimus' HL, 'Sisymbrium murale' HL, 'Cheiranthus alpinus' Jacquin, 'Sium latifolium' HL, 'Lychius quadridentata' HL, '[Lychius] alpestris' HL, 'Silene alpestris' "Hortus Kewensis" and Jacquin.

Observations on plants, ordered by Roman letters: '[Arenaria] ciliata', 'Anemone sulphurea', '[Thlaspi] alpestre' HL, 'Erysimum cheiranthoides' HL, 'Lathyrus cicera' HL, 'Lathyrus palustris' HL, 'Orchis palustris' Jacquin, 'Acrostichum ilvense' Hudson, 'Acer opalus', 'Lavatera punctata', and 'Carduus crispus' HL.

Responds to Davall's letter of 6 November: pleased by his approval of first volume of "Linnean Transactions" but thinks his scheme for Linnean Society figuring plants not feasible; has not heard from [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800)] or [Dominique] Villars, and Villars may have heard of his 'Arenaria' from Professor Wiborg at Copenhagen; thanks for seeds, gave most to Fairbairn and some to [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)]; [William] Curtis angry with Smith for helping [James] Sowerby with "English Botany" as he thinks it infringes on his domain, he owes Sowerby £50 and is a "man of very unsound principle, & a bad temper at bottom"; [Edward] Forster sorry Davall is not impressed with the specimens he sent, which he thought very valuable; does not know Davall's lichen 46, and 48 is found in England on Charlton Church and used to be called 'Lichen cretaceus'; will send on "English Botany" and box of lichens.

Responds to Davall's letter of 2 December: distressed by Davall's ill health, essential for him to exercise, asks if fruit is laxative or not for him and whether red port makes him costive; thanks Davall for enabling exchange of lichens with with [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure [(1740-1799)]; will write to [Carlo] Bellardi; wishes to settle about 'Davallia' as what he intended is a 'Trianthema', asks if he would prefer 'Trichomanes canariense' or an Indian genus from his uncoloured icones.

His brother Richard spending the winter in a lodging by himself, "doing nothing, & burying good taste & abilities in mere sloth". Lady Rockingham in good health. Many seeds from Botany Bay lately.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
21 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/47, The Linnean Society of London

His street was not affected by the fire at the Pantheon, although [Robert] Batty's shop was destroyed and he and his family took refuge with Smith.

Responds to Davall's letters of 31 January and 3 February 1792: promises to visit Davall soon but wants to publish his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" and "Systema vegetabilum" first; François [Borone] to be [Adam] Afzelius' assistant in Sierra Leone, commissioned by the new Company to collect plants for at least a year, advantageous situation for Borone, and Smith will receive a share of the plants, roots, and seeds collected; when François returns Smith intends to tour to Genoa to visit Davall and Mount Cenis again; impatient to hear from [Dominique] Villars; applauds Davall's comments on naming of plants after botanists, shall give Davall's name to 'Trichomanes canariense' but requests a paper from him for second volume of "Linnean Transactions"; has no duplicate of 'Smithia sensitivia', it flowered and seeded at Turin in 1790; admires Davall's manner of drying plants.

[Carl Peter] Thunberg compared specimen of his [Smith's] 'Festuca' with [Joachim] Burser's [(1583-1639)] original specimen at Upsala, so there is now no doubt, but [Martin] Vahl [(1749-1804)] has published discovery as his own in second volume of "Symbolae botanicae" but made mistake of saying he learned what 'Anthoxanthum paniculatum' was from the Linnaean herbarium.

Has been introduced to the Royal Family as this summer he is to arrange the Queen's herbarium, previously [John] Lightfoot's, give the Queen and princesses a course of botany; comments on the Queen's behaviour and dignity. Has not taken any salary for the job for the sake of dignity and future influence and interest.

Prescribes a tablespoon of melted butter with the salt skimmed off before bed for Davall's costiveness; excellent for bowel complaints but "neglected for nasty drugs & irritating oils". Eager to see vegetable part of [Johann Friedrich] Gmelin's [(1748-1804)] "Systema naturae". Glad Davall found [Johann] Hermann agreeable, "an excell[ent] & pleasant man". Pleased Davall likes his figure of 'Festuca spadicea'. Waiting for lichens before sending parcel of plants, will also send second edition of "Flora Lapponica".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
17 Mar 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/48, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in sending lichens and can only send thirty for Davall's collection. Parcel of newspapers from [William] Este still waiting for Davall, the paper is now at an end and he is fled abroad for debt.

Asks Davall's opinion of "English Botany", which he now claims as his own and its aim "to make botany pleasing & popular, so [Davall] must pardon trifling". Took more pains with "Flora Lapponica", especially the synonyms as he means to correct citation, so it requires more serious criticism. Sends [James] Dickson's third and fourth dried plant fascicules which completes the work, relieved to be free from its drudgery. Sends pamphlets on the slave trade, "a matter much talked of now". [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] have sailed [for Sierra Leone]. Sends capsule of 'Mesembryanthemum' from Cape of Good Hope, gives care instructions; a German professor has figured it as a flower under new genus 'Redeviva'. Arranging his shells. [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)] delighted with seed of 'Arenaria grandiflora'. Davall owes [James] Sowerby and Dickson money.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
27 Jun 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/50, The Linnean Society of London

Following pleuritic attacks in spring and summer has come to Matlock Bath for air and waters. Sending locally gathered mosses and lichens with this letter. Responds to Davall's letter of 18 May 1792: has not yet received Davall's two packets; recommends he take the Bath waters or similar for his stomach; condolences on death of his baby; entreats him not to overexert himself in the garden or fields, to avoid damp and evening air, and wet feet; thanks for seeds of 'Carduus crispus'; spending two or three weeks at Windsor soon [teaching Royal Family botany]; [Dominique] Villars correct in what he says, he [Smith] will write preface for his paper on 'Arenaria' for second volume of "Linnean Transactions" in which he will fully explain his method of ascertaining the Linnaean species from original numbered and marked specimens, and show in what cases synonyms are to be greater authority than the herbarium, citing example of 'Carex pilulifera'; thanks for quotation from Schreber, pleased with his praise and has written to him on the strength of it.

[Joseph] Gaertner has died but finished his book in second volume ["De fructibus et seminibus plantarum" (1788-1805)], he is very severe on Linnaeus "but a good author may be pardoned for a few prejudices'. Surprised at the attention his "introductory discourse" has received; Father Gregorio Fontana, mathematical professor at Pavia, has translated it into Italian.

Received parcel of plants from Botany Bay, many unknown to [Sir Joseph] Banks and others, with coloured drawings of most, and if Banks will not publish his work sees no reason not to publish these. Paper on 'Filices' not quite finished. Considers it settled that 'Trichomanes canariense' is to be 'Davallia'. Sending Davall a "choice copy" of second part of "Icones pictae", a present from Lady Rockingham, and second part of "Spicilegium Botanicum"; hopes he approves of 'Ligusticum cornubiense'. Encloses part of 'Byssus aurea'. Also encloses for Mrs Davall a small smelling bottle made of the "beautiful spar of this place".

Note at end of letter: "to remark that 'Poa salina' of Pollich is = distans as well as the retroflexa of Curtis".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
26 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/53, The Linnean Society of London

Shortly leaving for Windsor to give the Queen and princesses five or six week course of lectures on zoology and botany, not going into detail "on the various structure of vesiculae seminales, nor on the "vulva hiaus" of the Viola (see "Flo[ra] Lapponica")". Compliments the Queen and princesses Augusta and Elizabeth. No payment has been mentioned as he initially only undertook to organise [John] Lightfoot's herbarium and the lectures have been proposed since. They think him "a wondrous learned philosopher" and cynically comments on getting a share of the "plunder" of the Church and King, though to do so would have to pray that "light & liberty may never make any progress in the world"; he prays most "fervently" for "virtuous" liberty and "not the sight of cutting off any body's head at pleasure". The "Magnificent Lords" of Geneva "cut a ridiculous figure" and are "quite a joke with the French", presumes the Berne aristocracy are anxious [threatened invasion of Switzerland by French] and will not write to Turin as they too must be anxious and not thinking of botany.

Delessert going over his [Smith's] herbarium. Progressing well with his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent". Responds to Davall's letter of 12 October: nothing to fear from the French and blames the Genevans who "had no business to put on a warlike appearance" and that it is only their own tyrants that make the Swiss fight the French; detests the Geneva and Berne governments. As the French behaved well in Savoy and Nice thinks they will not come for plunder, and as Davall is English he should not be hurt.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
9 Nov 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/54, The Linnean Society of London

Writing on gilt paper to express his joy at Davall's escape [from threatened invasion of Switzerland by French forces]. Hopes that France "will settle into that manly rational liberty at which they professed to aim", only wishing that they has "some principle of religion & less debauchery". His lectures to the Royal Family: the Queen takes his notes to copy and asks questions, followed by half hour conversation, "nothing can be more easy, polite or pleasing".

Numbered comments on plants in Davall's sent July 1791: 'Geranium sanguineum biflorum', 'Pyrola secunda'; notes that 'Pyrola uniflora', Convallaria verticillata', 'Saxifraga cernua', 'Gentiana nivalis', and 'Stellaria cerastoides' have been found in Scotland; 'Mespilus amelanchia', '[Ranunculus] thora', 'Hypochaeris helvetica', 'Potamogeton marinum' H L, 'Veronica praecox' Allioni, 'Andropogon distachyon' and 'Andropogon ischaemum' extensive comments, 'Cerastium manticum' H L, 'Globularia cordiflora' H L, 'Thesium linophyllum' H L, 'Lotus angustissimus' H L, 'Cistus fumana' H L, 'Linum angustifolium', 'Linum tenuifolium' H L, 'Juncus bulbosus', 'Tussilago paradoxa', and 'Salix [incubacea]' [note H L probably signifies Herbarium Linnaeus].

Received faint congratulations from Sir Joseph Banks on his royal lectures. Wishes that if either of them should die their letters be returned to the other. [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] doing well in Sierra Leone and sending plants, bulbs and roots home but no specimens.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
26 Feb 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/56, The Linnean Society of London

Continues his numbered comments on plants in Davall's packet of July 1791: 'Salix incubacea', 'Dianthus carthusianorum', 'Dianthus virgineus' [Nikolaus von] Jacquin "Florae Austriacae" vol 5 t 15 also 'Dianthus rupestris', 'Arenaria dianthoides', 'Dianthus diminutus', 'Arabis bellidifolia', 'Arabis hispidia' "Hortus Kewensis", error in 'Arabis hispida' "Systema Vegetabilum" ed 14, 'Turritis hirsuta', 'Turritis alpina', 'Cheiranthus erysimoides', 'Cheiranthus fruticulosus', 'Rannunculus gramineus', 'Arenaria pubescens', 'Cynoglossum'. Transcribes extract from his fern paper on genus 'Davallia', observations and species. Puzzled by 'Thlaspi', fears he told Davall wrong about his C in parcel of 1791, and that it is 'perfoliatum'; intends to tackle this genus after 'Arenaria'.

His "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" taking much of his time. Responds to Davall's letter of 11 January 1793: agrees with Davall on the French character; has communications with the Queen on plants; thinks he will soon be able to live by his own means; thanks Davall for recommending him to the Duchess of Devonshire [Georgiana Cavendish (1757-1806)].

Thinks Lady Rockingham is "too much a slave to her servants" and does not like her gardener, Greg. Will send plants for Davall from Botany Bay by Mr Mandrot. Not yet started on [Horace Bénédict] de Saussure's [(1740-1799)] lichens. Received encouraging letter from [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] in Sierra Leone; account of violence reported in Berne Gazette was probably occassioned by disturbance at Bulam. Glad to give 'Linum tenuifolium' to English botanists as they considered it an English plant. Aims to write six printing pages of his "Tour" every day. Hopes to get Davall a Dillenius ["Historia muscorum" (1741)] for about £10.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
12 May 1793
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/59, The Linnean Society of London

Note by Davall letter received 31 [May 1793]. Resonds to Davall's letter of 5 April 1793: congratulations on birth of son; grieved by state of Davall's health, approves of taking 'Cinchona' and recommends red port wine for costiveness.

Success of his lectures: zoological had seventeen subscribers and botanical twenty-four, including eight or nine ladies "of distinguished rank & elegance", they are beginning to be celebrated so another year would be better attended, and enjoys delivering them. His publications are bringing him some money. His "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" now printing after having held it back from diffidence and fear of altercations for "I must & will shew myself the friend of truth & humanity".

Receiving good things from François [Borone] in Sierra Leone, he proposes to return next December. Reports on Mr Este, who is very friendly and came to his lectures, believes he was distressed and ill used by Captain Topham and went abroad, but now editor of "The Courier", "a very democratic paper, but a very clever one", and he is going to Pavia soon. If he earns enough money and the political situation is quiet hopes to take a trip on the continent, but would contemplate going with a young man as a "bear-leader" to Italy.

"English Botany" after no.24 is being enlarged to six plates monthly and charge to half a crown. Justifies making a profit by the trouble it gives and inclusion of original material. Nearly 900 are sold and last month owned it as his in the "Gentleman's Magazine". Davall's accounts with [James] Sowerby and [James] Dickson, asks if he wants Dickson's "Hotus siccus Britannicus". Pleased Davall now has Dillenius' ["Historia muscorum"] though despairs of finding him [Paulo] Boccone's [(1633-1704) "Museo di piante rare" (1697)]. 'Celsia linearis' Jacq now common in gardens, it is 'Hemimeris'. There are only fifty copies of [Richard] Salisbury's "Macaroni" book, as [Jonas] Dryander calls it [probably "Icones stirpium rariorum" (1791)] but catalogue of his garden will do him much honour ["Prodromus stirpium in Horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium" (1796)]. No news of Duchess of Devonshire [Georgiana Cavendish (1757-1806)] yet.

[Note in Davall's hand] "wrote in haste 4 June about sending me "English Botany" &c.".

The Linnean Society of London