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Woodward, Thomas Jenkinson in correspondent 
1780-1789::1782 in date 
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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Feb 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/1, The Linnean Society of London

Smith's medical and botanical studies in Edinburgh, and lichens. Requests specimens of the 'Fucus' figured in [John] Lightfoot; notes on how to mount them. Requests all possible minerals and fossils, particularly the two kinds of asbestos known as "mountain flax" and "mountain leather"; hopes this task will inspire Smith to form his own collection. Takes up Smith's offer to purchase natural history books for him; happy to receive any book not already in his possession, list of he already own and those he would particularly like to. Seeds from Dr [John] Hope would be "highly acceptable".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
20 May 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/2, The Linnean Society of London

Sends coloured drawing of 'Lycoperdon coliforme' [extant] from [William] Withering's "Botanical Arrangement", found near Bungay, [Suffolk]; observations with reference to [John] Ray's and [Joseph Pitton de] Tournefort [(1656-1708)] figures and descriptions; differences between 'L. fornicatum' and 'L. stellatum'. Dissatisfaction at [Charles] Bryant's [(d 1799)] forthcoming 'Lycoperdon' monograph [see RelatedMaterial below]. Discusses 'L. pedunculatum' of [William] Hudson with reference to Ray, Tournefort, and [Albrecht von] Haller [(1708-1777)], and 'L. fraxineum', 'L. pisiformis', 'L. nigram', 'L. varialossum', 'L. fuscum', and 'L. epidendum'.

Thanks for the books Smith acquired for him, particularly the "Plantae Capenses"; his own recent sales and acquisitions. Accepts offers of Scottish pebbles and marbles. Recommends [John] Latham's "History of Birds"; comments on vastness of modern discoveries in ornithology. Possible visitors to Smith in Edinburgh. Directions for sending books and specimens of lichens, 'Fucus', and 'Conferveae'.

Drawing of 'Lycoperdon coliforme' [on verso of first folio]

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Sep 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/4, The Linnean Society of London

Discusses his figure of 'Lycoperdon coliforme'; would like a specimen of Smith's 'L. fragile'. Describes [James] Dickson's method for preserving fungi. Found 'Hydnum infricatum'; observations, sent specimen of that and 'Agaricus' species to Dickson. Unfavourable season for fungi. Added 'Leonurus cardiaca' and 'Alopecurus ventricosus' to the Norfolk flora. Has a specimen of 'Lysimachia thrysiflora' but would be glad to see the true 'Elymus arenarius'; previously saw [James] Crowe's and [William] Curtis' specimens.

Asks after the mineral specimens Smith offered to procure for him. Has acquired copies of [Sébastien] Vaillant's [(1669-1722)] "Botanicon parisiense" and Phillip Miller's copy of [Pietro Antonio] Micheli's [(1679-1737)] "Nova genera plantarum".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/6, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for box of books, especially the [Leonard] Plukenet [(1642-1706), botanist], marbles and pebbles, and plant specimens. Discusses the specimens, including plants: 'Aralea', 'Sitbaldier', 'Acrostichum septentrionale', 'Gnaphalium alpinum', 'Silene acaulis', 'Empetrum nigrum'; requests 'Saxifraga nivalis', 'Saxifraga caespitosa', and 'Ranunculus reptens'; lichens, including: 'Lichen laratus', 'L. pubescens', 'L. plumbius', 'L. ventosus', and 'L. gildius'; gathered 'L. omphaloides', 'L. scrobiculatus', 'L. geographicus'; and 'Juncus', including 'J. spicatus', 'J. campestris', 'J. biglumis', also the 'Arundo epigeios' he sent Smith. Smith's 'Lycoperdon' is clearly new.

Charles Bryant [(d 1799)] published and dedicated his pamphlet to Sir Joseph Banks; thinks Banks cannot have read it as he sent a letter of thanks, and in doing so "prostituted his pen", especially as he is the "present head of English botanists"; Bryant's errors.

Lists his Lightfoot desiderata. Has not said anything on the mosses Smith sent; [John] Pitchford thinks Smith's 'Fontinalis pennater' is 'Hypnum crispum'. 'Fontinalis squamosa' or 'F. minor' appears to be 'F. antipgretica'.

The Linnean Society of London