Search: Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
Hooker, W. J. in correspondent 
1850-1859::1850::09 in date 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
24 September 1850
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.308-310, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH is travelling again. He has written to Humboldt, who mentioned JDH in his ASPECTS OF NATURE. JDH has received letter from WJH reporting safe arrival of his collections & also letter from Jock Smith on progress of Rhododendrons. JDH is collecting seeds for WJH as well as tree ferns, incl. three Alsophila & one with the coriaceous frond pinnate of Blechnum. He does not have much seed of Taenitis. [Hugh] Falconer [HF] informed JDH that Colvile was ill but recovered, however [Archibald] Campbell wrote that [Brian Houghton] Hodgson is still sick & his mind 'out of order'. JDH is now east of China & adding a lot to his collection, especially grasses, ferns & Orchideae with the recent addition of some Labiatae & Compositae & the expectation of Nepenthes. He has found a Geniosporum that smells of Patchouli & a Plectranthus patchouli that doesn't. HF says Kashmir shawls are scented with Kortus not Patchouli. The last Kew Annual JDH has is from Feb. JDH will send two Podostemon spp. He discusses Triurideae with reference to Mier's paper & Gardner & Lindley attributing them to Naiads or Smilacineae based on the characteristics of their albumin. JDH has found Nymphaea & Griffith's floating Eriocaulon in marshland but not his Hydropeltis. He mentions the presence of oaks. JDH writes about Jung Bahadur [Prime Minister of Nepal]: his character & expectations of meeting the Queen, & the tendency of 'orientals' to kill family members to gain positions of power. JDH asks about the distribution of Griffith's collections. He questions whether WJH has confused two species of Balanophora with the two sexes & a third with Phaeocordylis.

Hooker Project