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Thiselton-Dyer, William Turner in correspondent 
1880-1889::1880 in date 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
1 January 1880
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.66, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH asks Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer [WTTD] about the schemes of [Sir George Christopher Molesworth] Birdwood and the India Office. He mentiosn Baddely. He advises WTTD on how to manage [John Reader] Jackson. JDH speculates on the amount of work it will take to accession the India Museum collections into the RBG Kew museums including the constrcution of new buildings: museum number 1 & museum number 2. He appreciates WTTD's zeal on the matter but warns him that these things usually move slowly thanks to 'indifferent masters'. JDH will take some work off WTD's hands when he returns, JDH cannot spend all his time working on the GENERA PLANTARUM & FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA, he must take on some of the less pleasant duties as well. He reminds WTTD that the fruit of all his labours can be seen in the [Annual Kew] Report. JDH has written to [John] Smith about RBG Kew staff changes & reassignment of gardening duties, specifically regarding Martin, Trueman, Sharpe & the latter's dereliction of number 4 greenhouse. JDH's health has deteriorated again but he will return to RBG Kew any way.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
15 April 1880
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.67, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes to Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer about the progress he & George Bentham have made sorting & packing the herbarium [of General William Munro] to be sent to RBG Kew. JDH & Bentham will go to Torquay the following day & JDH will return via Exeter to visit 'old family haunts'.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
23 August 1880
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.67a, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH reports that [John] Smith has returned to RBG Kew in good health & [George] Nicholson has gone on leave. JDH also informs Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer that [Robert] Cross has been in independent communication with Danvers of the India Office, pushig his own agenda regarding the transportation of certain Cinchona plants from RBG Kew. JDH reports Welwitschia seeds are growing well & more cow tree seeds have arrived. Bulbophyllum beccarii has been sent to RBG Kew to be drawn but the stench was so bad that the artist, Matilda Smith, had to give up. JDH & John Smith have surveyed the arboretum & reduced the lawn mowing, they will also surevy the King of Hanover's grounds. He mentions papering the musueum [of economic botany], where [John Reader] Jackson is hard at work. De Candolle & his wife are coming to London to meet Mr & Mrs Asa Gray. JDH has remonstrated [Lovell] Reeve about the bad colouring of the Harriet Thiselton-Dyer's Bucklandia plate [in CURTIS' BOTANICAL MAGAZINE], JDH has heard Reeve underpays his colourists.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
8 September 1880
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.68, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer [WTTD] that he is going to visit his children in Malvern before Asa & Jane Gray arrive for their visit. JDH updates WTTD on the current business of the gardens before he leaves. He reports that there have been a lot of Ward's cases to deal with, [John] Smith will reform the King of Hanover's grounds, Burt is improving, the Macrozamia is recovering, the Welwitschias are dying under [William] Watson's care, the Narras are also dead so the Doom palm [Hyphaene thebaica] & Balfour's things are to be cared for differently. Smith will leave soon, [George] Nicholson has returned. JDH has kept an eye on the museum & advised Jurd[?] about the pipes, they are now plastering. The fern house have been repaired. JDH has cleared a large paper cabinet some of which he will use for palms. [Charles] Flahault & Balfour are at RBG Kew, as is [Alfred] Coginaux studying Melastomads. JDH asks WTTD to start populating the palm house. He has cleared the tomato plants from the herbarium ground's walls where necessary. He askes WTTD to select some economic[?] plants for the walls of the new range house. Thanks WTTD for letter about his travels, wishes he has urged WTTD to cross the Monte Moro. The De Candolles will call later in the month to see the Grays. JDH thinks that Smith is right about the author of the RICHMOND TIMES articles being [James] Britten.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
15 November 1880
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.69, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH has received a letter from Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer [WTTD] about his recent holiday with his wife, Hooker's daughter, Harriet. He writes that there is no need for WTTD to rush back to RBG Kew but updates him on the recent garden activities including changes to staff. Walters is stationed in the Palm House & is nervous about rearranging independently, Leighton has been 'packed off', [William] Watson has taken over the orchids, JDH does not know what to do about Burt who attends well to the grounds but not to [museum] number 2, Truelove works hard in the woods but needs time consuming supervision. [John] Smith has recovered from an attack of sciatica. The work on the museums is progressing, but the staircase in [museum] number 1 is a failure. JDH has received correspondence about appointment of a clerk for [Henry] Prestoe [in Trinidad] & recommended that Governor Irving's advice be followed & a Colony man appointed on a modest salary. JDH has brought Smith round to Beischeles[?] coming & [George] Nicholson taking on more garden duties. JDH sends his love to his old friends Brian & Susan Hodgson.

Hooker Project