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William Lloyd Baker
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/1, The Linnean Society of London

Observations on 'Lignum cyprinum', following an article in "Linnean Transactions"; has compared it with specimen of the same in [Richard] Pococke's herbarium, in the possession of Baker, and compares it to the 'Liquidamberi arbor' of [Leonard] Plukenet's "Phytographia", identified by [Paul Dietrich] Giseke as the 'Liquidambar styraciflua' of Linnaeus, and 'Acer campestre' from [Caspar] Bauhin's "Prodromus". Offers Smith any information from Pocoke's herbarium if required.

Outline sketch of leaf on verso of second folio.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Stewart Traill
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/1, The Linnean Society of London

Negotiations for fixing [William] Roscoe's pictures at the Liverpool Institution have failed and Roscoe is now pressing to auction the collection in London; suggests Smith approaching [Thomas William] Coke about purchasing it to prevent its dispersal. Collection valued at 1,500 guineas, but Roscoe offered it to the Institution for 1,200; lists some of the contents, contains 42-43 pictures.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel R Wood
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/68, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses "small volume" [unnamed but probably Augustus Hillhouse's "Description of the European Olive tree"], handed to him by Hillhouse in Paris; apologises for delay in sending it.

The Linnean Society of London
Nathaniel Wallich
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/68, The Linnean Society of London

Box of 66 roots [listed at end of letter] and chest of 10 live plants from Nepal and north-west frontiers of Bengal [listed at end of letter] dispatched via Captain James Jackson, commanding the Charles Mills. A similar box of roots sent to Revd H H Norris, Hackney, London, by Bishop of Calcutta [Thomas Middleton (1769-1822)]. The Nepalese plants were collected by [Edward] Gardner [(b 1784), resident at Court of Rajah of Nepal at Katmandu]. Observations on each of the live plants, some in Latin.

Growing plants sent: 'Primula prolifera' Wallich; 'Cypripidium venustum' Wall.; 'Cypripidium insigne' Wall.; 'Lilium napalense' Wall.; 'Chrysobaphys roxburghii' Wall. ('Folium petolatum' Rumph. Amb. VI.93 t.41.f.3); 'Saxifraga ligulata' Wall.; 'Epidendrum procax' (Exot.Bot.II.p.73 t.97. Broughtonia?); 'Convallaria oppositifolia' Wall.; 'Acrostichum flagelliferum' Wall. ('Panna-Mara-Masauasa' Rheed. Mal.XII. 39.t.19); 'Paris polyphylla' Buch. (Sir J E Smith in Rees' "New Cyclopedia" in loco).

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Dec 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/43, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's reply; recalls being given specimen of 'Oenothera purpurea' soon after its first introduction, and not having the new edition of "Hortus Kewensis" was unable to make out 'Chrysanthemum carinatum' but now uncertain whether it and 'Anthemis mixta' are not the same.

Sir Joseph Banks ill with gout but being treated with Sir [Everard] Home's [(1756-1832)] improved medicine, which anyone may now safely take [presumably Colchicum autumnale]. Lady Banks invited Goodenough to look over [Sarah Sophia] Banks' [(1744-1818)] antiquarian collections for disposal. Goodenough believes the King [George III (1738-1820)] is unaware of the Queen's death [Charlotte (1744-1818)].

[John] Barrow [(1764-1848), promoter of exploration] indignant that the captains of the ships of the polar expedition [to find the North West Passage] turned back just as they were about to make the discoveries for which they were sent out. [Edward] Rudge's candidate at Evesham, Worcestershire, came off "with flying colours", comments on hostility now existing between Rudge and Lord Northwick [John Rushout, 2nd Baron Northwick (1770-1859)]. Goodenough thinks he has a specimen of 'Dianthus arenarius' at Rose Castle. [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert completely absorbed by botany and does not mention anything of the failure of his brother-in-law, Mr Benett, in the election.

The Linnean Society of London