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Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
20 Apr 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/10, The Linnean Society of London

Enjoyed his time in London with [Robert] Batty who now thinks of setting up as a surgeon and apothecary. Broussonet has been appointed professor of oeconomy at Paris and is working on a "Flora Monspeliaca". Returned [William] Withering's proofs, with comments.

His purchase of the Linnaean library and collections for 900 guineas; lists the contents, being everything owned by both Linnaeuses [Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), and Carl Linnaeus the Younger (1741-1783)], excepting the fossils of the elder which are given to the University of Upsal. Describes his luck of being friends with the man who was employed to negotiate a sale to Sir Joseph Banks. Estimates its value and ability to return. Intends to return to Edinburgh next winter.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Apr 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/11, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on acquisition of the Linnaean collections, "undoubtedly the most valuable that could come into the hands of any naturalist". Presumes Smith will part with some of the collection and retain the herbarium; comments on disposal of rare books, harnessing the value in the manuscripts, and selling off the shell, fish, and insect collections on account of their fragility. Discussed the purchase with Smith's father, who is happy with it and Smith's prudence that it will not interfere with his studies. Warns against Russian roubles.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jun 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/12, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased Smith's purchase of the Linnaean collections will probably exceed his expectations and that he is keeping the greater part; understands that the Professor of Botany at Oxford [John Sibthorp] offered a large sum for the herbarium. Suggests Smith write a "Flora Britannica" by comparing Smith's specimens against Linnaeus'.

Recently moved house. Commissions Smith to purchase the Aberdeen merchant's fossils before leaving London, directions for sending.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Aug 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/13, The Linnean Society of London

Sends specimens of 'Lycoperdon coliforme', 'Pervia cyathoides', and 'Lycoperdon phalloides' for [John] Pitchford, 'Lobelia urens' for Dr [John] Hope, and 'Lichen vulpinus' and a grass; observations and habitats. Reminds Smith of various promises regarding acquisition of mineralogy specimens and books in London.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Aug 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/14, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for catalogue of fossils and minerals [from the London "fossilist"]; queries and places orders for several items. Hopes the specimen of 'Lycoperdon coliforme' he sent was useful; will gather more information before Smith presents it to the "Edinburgh society". Fears a parcel of specimens he sent to Norwich is lost. Examined 'Liquidambar styraciflua' but found no gum. Details of Smith's payment for [Richard Relhan's] "Flora [Cantabrigiensis]".

Annotation at head of of recto of first folio on "mountain green" and "iron with arsenic" [presumably in reference to Woodward's mineralogy specimens]

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Jan 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/8, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for the "Monachologia", the truth in which must have "extremely enraged" the gentry concerned; reactions of [John] Pitchford, [James] Crowe, and [Robert] Stone [(c 1751-1829), botanist]. [James] Dickson's work on 'Cryptogams' progressing; Sir Joseph Banks is engraving the plates for him; 'Lycoperdon phalloides' is to be included; thinks 'Lycoperdon coliforme' should be; [William] Withering's reasons for not figuring it in his own cryptogamic plant catalogue. Withering thanks Smith for his paper, he knew of Smith from Dr Stokes. Severe frost, which has brought out a great variety of wild fowl, identified with [Thomas] Pennant. New fasciculus published by [Pierre Marie Auguste] Broussonet.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Feb 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/9, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Smith proofs of first sheet of [William] Withering's work, for Smith's comments; his own opinion; discusses pronunciation and accenting of trivial names; [John] Pitchford will be unimpressed that Withering has not inserted [John] Ray's synonyms. Thanks for 'Ulva umbilicalis'. Received a lichen from Devonshire, where many of the Scottish ones grow.

The Linnean Society of London
James Smith
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jan 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/30, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 4 [January 1784]. Apologises for tone of his last letter, which he knew would give Smith pain, but felt compelled to write it for love of his family [on purchase of the Linnaean collections]. Believes it is out the reach of their abilities to attain the collections, especially considering the "no small non-inelegant house" required to house them, and the claims of the rest of his children. Pleased that Smith has consulted Dr Pictairn and other "judicious friends"on value.

The Linnean Society of London
Nathaniel Edward Kindersley
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jun 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/31, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 14 October 1783, pleased to find he is not one of "those innumerable multitude of young men who are insensible to religion & virtue", as he feared, and pleased the person who had "the greatest share" in his friendship is of his religion. Pleased Smith is better, he is lucky to clear his pleurisy in Edinburgh climate._x000D_

He is assistant to Eyles Irwin [(1751-1817), Irish poet and writer], who is managing the Tinnevelly district of "the Nabob's countries", assigned to the [East India] Company for five years. Lack of integrity has hurt English name here more than anything. Insists that he has never received a bribe; effect this has on the people in knowing they can receive justice. His pay is "very handsome", and he keeps a palanquin and horse._x000D_

Describes the Tinnevelly weather and country, including floods and fires. Amused at ideas Europeans have of Indians; relates anecdote of a mutiny. Sends love to all his family, and his "charming Sally".

The Linnean Society of London
Henry Bryant
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Feb 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/103, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for "the very agreeable" description of the genus 'Monachorum' and praises the purity of the language. The very harsh winter has prevented him from botanising. Concern for the misfortunes of [William] Hudson [his collections were lost in a fire in 1783]. Criticism of writing capabilities of [James] Dickson and his intention to "publishing something new in the Cryptogamian way".

The Linnean Society of London
John Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jan 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/14, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for seeds. He was lucky to get copy of Linnaeus' "Supplementum plantarum"; wishes he could get Hedwig's "De Muscis"; impatient to see Linnaeus' "Amoenitates academicae" vol 8, though he admires Linnaeus more as a naturalist and systematist than philosopher. Laments death of the younger Linnaeus, "a severe blow to the progress of Botany & Zoology". Wishes to see [William] Aiton [(1731-1793), director Kew Gardens 1759-1793] "Hortus Kewensis". Thanks for Smith's attentions to his desiderata. Requests advice and information from London hospitals on improving hospitals here.

The Linnean Society of London
John Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Oct 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/15, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Hedwig and Broughton books, specimens of British plants, information on a cabinet for dried plants, and list of botanical books. List of books to be purchased for University Library, including: [William] Curtis' "Flora Londinensis", [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Flora Austriaca", "Icones plantare rariorum", and "Miscellanea Austriaca", [Casimir Christoph] Schmidel's "Dissertationes botanices", [Anders] Retzius' "Fasciculus observationum botanicarum", and Meerberg's "Icones Ludg. Bat.".

The Linnean Society of London
John Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Nov 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/16, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces Dr Young of the island of St Vincent's, where he had charge of temporary botanic garden.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Jan 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/18, The Linnean Society of London

Has been waiting for a letter from Smith. Fears Smith will only be able to continue his botanical studies in London by studying herbariums. Concerned to hear of a dispute at the Royal Society between Sir Joseph Banks and Mr Hutton. [William] Younge now President of the Edinburgh Natural History Society. Asks if Smith made a catalogue of the plants he collected from around Edinburgh; difficulties of collecting.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Feb 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/19, The Linnean Society of London

Lists requests made by his father, [John Hope] for Smith: list of the latest botanical works; list of new genera and species not included in "Supplementum plantarum"; best form of cabinet for a herbarium; copies of Dr [Arthur] Broughton's abridgement of "Flora Anglica", and Hedwig's "Historia muscorum"; and bark of the new 'Cinchona', a 'Carbaea'. Thanks for Smith's list of Scottish plants and habitats, including 'Verbascum massus', 'Eonymus europaeus', 'Polygonum pensylvanicum', 'Adoxa morchalellina', 'Chrysosplenium alternifolium', 'Drosera longifolia', 'Lathrea squamaria'. Lists various plants for Smith to provide habitats for. Asks if Smith is still a Brunonian. A one-day exhibition of air balloons.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Jul 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/20, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on acquisition of Linnaean collections; speculates on their worth. Requests copies of works by Hedwig and [Arthur] Broughton. His growing herbarium. Physical Society laid foundation stone of a new Hall. Smith's Society [Edinburgh Natural History Society] is become "by no means inconsiderable" owing to number of respectable members; anticipating seeing Smith in Edinburgh.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Oct [1784]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/21, The Linnean Society of London

General regret at Dr Lubbock's departure from Edinburgh. Account of botanical expedition to Ben Lomond in the autumn, previously undertaken with Smith and Hardy, lists plants found, including: 'Lythrum salicaria', 'Lysimachia vulgaris', 'Sedum rubens', 'Telephium', 'Convolvulus sepium', 'Malva moschata', 'Scirpus maritimus', 'Ruppia maritima', 'Lobelia dortmanna', 'Isoetis sacustris', and bark of 'Osmunda regalis'. Asks if Smith has ascended the highest English mountain, in "Yorkshire", as he intended. Comments on 'Cynosurus caerulens'. Comments on the "pompous" Dr Samuel Ferries, who has moved to London from Scotland.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Oct [1784]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/22, The Linnean Society of London

Disappointed to not be seeing Smith in Edinburgh this winter. [William] Younge "storms & rages" at Smith's change of plans. Arrival of frost and snow here disrupting cryptogamic studies; difficulties of studying such plants. Account of Dr Walker's autumn botanical expedition to Ben Lomond, found 'Anthericum calyculatum', 'Dryas octopetala', 'Scutellaria minor' and 'S. galericulata'. Asks if Smith is acquainted with Dr Parsons. Hardy and Ainslie are competitors for a vacant professorship at Oxford or Cambridge.

[Note by John Hope at bottom of verso of second folio] comments on 'Gentiana' root of the shops, said to be root of a cultivated plant.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Charles Hope
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Dec [1784]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/23, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on safe arrival of Linnaean collections; warns against spending too much time studying it. Death of [William] Younge's father. Growth of the [Edinburgh] Natural History Society, though number of naturalists not considerable; Mr Alexander the principle botanist. Death of Dr Lubbock a "blow" to the Brounonians; medical lectures.

The Linnean Society of London
John Latham
Robert Batty
15 Nov 1784
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/52, The Linnean Society of London

[Note: letter written to Robert Batty] Thanks for news of safe arrival of Linnaean collections; he had seen some of the books at Customs House whilst collecting a parcel of insects sent from St Petersburg. Sends his compliments to Smith and invites him to Dartmouth, and asks to view the Linnaean collections when possible, never thought it would "fall to the lot of an Englishman to possess" them.

[Smith has noted his reply:] invites Latham to see the collections.

The Linnean Society of London