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Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/23, The Linnean Society of London

His son's death last autumn; returned to England 23 December. Plans to summer in Brighton, [Sussex].

Suspects that the plant which poisoned two of [Charles Lennox, 3rd] Duke of Richmond's [(1735-1806)] horses is 'Oenanthe crocata', knowing that the pasture is next to a stream by which it grows. Has been confined last six weeks by infected toenail. Praises "English Botany" figure and name of 'Conferva rosea'; found it at Worthing, [Sussex], in 1782, and Exmouth, [Devon], [William] Hudson thought it his 'purpurascens', received larger specimens from Dawson Turner. His botanical library at Chichester consists of "Compendium Florae Britannicae" and most recent numbers of "English Botany". If there is a storm will try to find 'Fucus' about Bognor and Selsea Island.

The Linnean Society of London
Giovanni Battista Balbis
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/7, The Linnean Society of London

Sends his book on the local flora of Turin, and catalogue of the Botanical Garden at Turin. Asks for botanical correspondence with Smith on same terms Smith had with Dr [Jean Pierre Marie] Dana, who died a year ago. [Carlo] Allioni and [Carlo Antonio Ludovico] Bellardi are in good health. Requests seeds of 'Hedysarum gyrans' and 'Dinoaea muscipula'.

The Linnean Society of London
James Brodie
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/83, The Linnean Society of London

Has sent a package to Smith from [George] Don. Has been unable to answer Smith's previous letter due to demands and uncertainties of militia duties. Has asked the Duke of Gordon's agents about procuring ptarmigan eggs for Smith's friend.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Butt
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/63, The Linnean Society of London

Two coloured drawings each of flowers of 'Ophrys arachnites' and 'Ophrys apifera'.

Disappointed not to see Smith in London, wished to show him drawing of 'Ophrys arachnites' from Lord Valentia's [George Annesley] collection, originally from Switzerland; thinks it distinct from 'Ophrys apifera', drawings of each, corrections for "English botany", description of 'O. arachnites'. Observations on 2 hothouse annuals currently flowering: 'Mollugo stricta' and a new plant which came as 'Nama repens'. Found a new species of 'Carex' in his woods; observations.

The Linnean Society of London
Christiaan Hendrik Persoon
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/45, The Linnean Society of London

Has sent his 'Synopsis'; list of 44 species of mosses, lichens, etc., to be determined by the Linnaean system; wishes to make exchanges with Goodenough.

The Linnean Society of London
Olof Peter Swartz
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/93, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased Smith received the items he and [Erik] Acharius sent. Thanks for 'Carex' specimens Smith sent. Lists contents of a missing parcel sent for Smith in 1800, it was largely of cryptogamous plants and hopes to make it up again. Surprise at the accumulation of 'Carex' species in the Swedish flora. [Georg] Wahlenberg [(1780-1851)], who collected many of them, is on a return expedition to the north and hopes to go as far as Nordcap, a return journey of 2400 miles. Wahlenberg has described 170 species of 'Carex' in his paper on the subject, to be published in [Swedish] Academy [of Science's] "Handlingar", lists their intentions for enhancing it. Discusses lichens: possibly sent Smith 'Urceolaria gibbosa' instead of 'Lichen cinereus', discusses both. The Upsala 'Lichen calcareus' Acharius sent is not the old 'L. calcareus' but a true 'L. verrucaria' and not different from Smith's 'L. [tessellatus]', 'multipanctatus' comes near to 'verrucaria'.

Recommends [Johann] Hedwig for settling the mosses in the cryptogamic section of "Flora Britannica", his own opinion is that inflorescene cannot serve as a character for genera, further comments on multiple genera including 'Hypnum', 'Bryum', and others. Would like to correct the errors in Hedwig's "Species muscorum". Also recommends [Heinrich Adolph] Schrader's "Journal of Botany" for its cryptogamic content, there was recently an article in it on 'Filicum', asks Smith's opinion on it and sketches what he learnt from it. Sends specimen of 'Arenaria sulcata'. [Johan Gustaf] Acrel died more than a year ago after being weakened by apoplectic fits, his place [as professor of medicine at Uppsala University] has been taken by [Adam] Afzelius' brother. Afzelius is processing the "Sierra Leone novelties somewhat slow".

This letter mentions and discusses multiple lichen, moss, and fern species.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/1, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for letter of 6 March [1802], comments on dispute with [Arthur] Bruce [(c 1725-1805), land surveyor] over discovery of 'Convallaria verticillata'.

Numbered observations on 42 enclosed moss specimens [extant], including: 1. 'Orthotrichum saxatile'; 2. 'O. piliferum'; 3. 'O. tortuaforum'; 4. 'O.striatum'; 5. 'O. rupestre'; 6. 'O. obtusifolium'; 7. like 'O. saxatile'; 8-9. two unknown 'Phascum'; 10. 'P. corvicoulor'; 11. 'P. inundatum'; 12. 'Riccia fructicosa'; 13. possible 'Bryum splachnoides'; 14. unknown 'Lepidium'; 15. 'B. fasciculare' or 'B. paucifolium'; 16. 'Hedwigia fasciulatum'; 17-18. two unknown 'Bryum'; 19. unknown 'Hypnum'; 20. 'Splachnum rugosum'; 21. unknown 'Spalchnum'; 22. 'S. breviranum'; 23. 'S. vasculosa'; 24. 'S. mnioides'; 25. 'S. breviranum'; 26. 'Bryum tenuis'; 27. 'B. brevifolium'; 28. 'B. lineare'; 29. 'B.scoparium'; 30-32. three unknown 'Bryum'; 33. 'B. septentrionale'; 34. 'Polytrichum gracile'; 35. unknown 'Polytrichum'; 36. 'B. uncoides'; 37-38. new 'Bryum'; 39 'Hypnum filiforme'; 40. unknown 'Hypnum'; 41. unknown 'Lichen'; 42. unknown 'Hypnum'.

Requests English moss specimens. Would like to purchase Smith's book on cryptogams when it is published.

42 specimens of mosses, numbered.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/4, The Linnean Society of London

Despite not having received responses to either the letter he wrote to Smith some time ago or specimens of flowering 'Saxifraga' he sent to [James] Sowerby and Cambridge three years ago, he now encloses 'Saxifraga' specimens [extant] for Smith's opinion.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens [extant]: 1. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'caespitosa'"]; 2. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'palmata'"]; 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "'hypnoides'"]; 4. nondescript 'Saxifraga'; 5. 'Saxifraga' [Smith annotation: "unknown to me"]; 6. 'Viola protea' [Smith annotation: "perhaps Mr Crowe's new one"]; 7. 'Potentilla verna' [Smith annotation: "? 'verna'"]; 8. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "'verna'"]; 9. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "'aurea'"]; 10. 'Potentilla' [Smith annotation: "new?"]; 11. 'Bryum'.

14 numbered specimens: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Apr [1802]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/55, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces Mr Simmonds, who is studying medicine in Edinburgh; he is fond of natural history and has studied marine animals. Encloses specimen of 'Poa flexuosa' in rare state, collected from Ben Nevis in June 1794, a moss believed to be 'Fontinalis capillacea', and 'Marchantia androgyna'.

Three specimens, 1 grass and two mosses.

The Linnean Society of London
Dominique Villars
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Apr 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/54, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for books. Compliments on Smith's works. Lamarck and Linneaus. 'Salis'. Asks for news.

The Linnean Society of London