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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jan 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/53, The Linnean Society of London

Suffering terribly from a fit of gout but thanks Smith for turkey. [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert likes to be asked out as much as possible, as long as Mrs [Catherine] Lambert's name is not mentioned. Lambert delighted with his new assistant, [David] Don [(1799-1841), botanist], son of George Don. Lambert gave a confused account of the "famous large plant of Sumatra" which grows in elephant dung.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Jan 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/54, The Linnean Society of London

Wrote to Lord Sidmouth [Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844), Home Secretary 1812-1822] in support of Smith for Edinburgh professorship and said that success there would end the "distressing contest" at Cambridge [also for the botany professorship], but Sidmouth thinks the appointment will be Scottish. [Robert] Brown reporting he refused the professorship after it was offered to him, Goodenough thinks if this is true then if it is offered to Smith it would secure the election.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Feb 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/56, The Linnean Society of London

Delayed writing following death of Smith's mother. The King [George IV (1762-1830)] almost died but is now recovering, dropsy was avoided after he lost 130 ounces of blood, the illness not caused by intemperance but was the same kind which killed the Duke of Kent [pneumonia]. Thinks ministers acted generously and wisely dissolving Parliament so early. A new Linnean dining club established at the Thatched House Tavern, dismisses concerns that it will cause a schism with those attending the club held at the British Coffee House. Two children of his son, Robert, died of whooping cough, his daughter Charlotte's ten children all had it but survived, she is now expecting her eleventh.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Apr 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/57, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 5 April; sorry to read of so many deaths. His son Edmund has been suffering from "this influenza". Goodenough has been housebound all winter on account of illness and bad weather. The Linnean dining clubs flourishing. Mrs [Catherine] Lambert unexpectedly recovering but [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert yet to see her. Sir Joseph Banks' stomach "fails to do its duty"; Dr [William George] Maton unsure what to do. Goodenough believes he has two octavo volumes of Linnaeus' letters. The King [George IV (1762-1830)] is "tolerably well again" but radicalism spreading; trouble in Glasgow and Paisley, hopes it will not spread to the Linnean Society, Goodenough horrified by disrespect being shown to the nobility.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Apr 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/58, The Linnean Society of London

No recovery as yet for Sir Joseph Banks; Sir Everard Home [(1756-1832), physician] says his stomach is failing but insists on eating pork, rejected Goodenough's suggestion of a milk diet. Does not think any attempt has been made to draw off attendance from the Linnean dining club held at the British Coffee House, which [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert now "disclaims entirely".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
7 Jun 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/59, The Linnean Society of London

Comments on Smith's delight at [Francis] Chantrey's [(1781-1841)] monument to the Dean of Lichfield's [John Woodhouse] two children, though he prefers [Louis-François] Roubiliac's [(c 1702-1762)] bust of [Alexander] Pope [(1688-1744), poet] in the British Gallery. Sorry to hear that the Dean of Lichfield is destroying old work in the cathedral and remodelling it in Roman cement, Goodenough recalls being pressured but refusing to do the same when superintendent of repairs at St George's Chapel, Windsor, and only replaced old work where it was already gone, as with the window mullions.

By coincidence witnessed the Queen's [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV] entry into London to a "huzzaing" mob; describes her progress from Pall Mall, Carlton House, St James's Street, to Alderman [Matthew] Wood's house in South Audley Street, accompanied by that "young boy or man ([William] Austin)" and a three year old girl she has adopted, at the same time the King [George IV (1762-1830)] was presenting papers in Parliament instituting proceedings against her. Goodenough not taking a side. Prince Leopold [(1790-1865)] wants to become President of Royal Society, Goodenough thinks him "too far above the level of mankind".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Jul 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/60, The Linnean Society of London

Mrs Goodenough taken ill with constipation then diarrhea on journey to Rose Castle but successfully treated her with Calomel. Sir Joseph Banks died day before he left London, initiating a contest for Royal Society presidency: Banks named [Davies] Gilbert; [William Hyde] Wollaston [(1766-1828), chemist and physicist] and Sir Humphry Davy have declared themselves candidates; [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert and Sir Alexander Johnson are urging [Edward St Maur, 11th] Duke of Somerset [(1775-1855)] to contest; and Carlisle the surgeon is canvassing for Prince Leopold.

Sir Joseph Bank's will: [Robert] Brown given £200 per annum, a poor pittance in London; Sir Everard Home's [(1756-1832), physician] omittance extraordinary but appears Banks borrowed £4000 of him without repaying; Revesby Abbey in Lincolnshire Lady Banks' for life and afterwards Sir Edward Knatchbull's [9th baronet (1781-1849)], Lady Banks' nephew. The Queen [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV] "engrosses all conversation at present", Goodenough thinks if even a small part of the rumours are true it would be shocking; Sir Humphry Davy, who lived near her abroad, has been closeted with the King [George IV (1762-1830)].

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Aug 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/61, The Linnean Society of London

Had never seen 'Hypnum recognitum' before and thinks it a rarity. Despairs at the Royal Society presidency contest: unsure why Davies Gilbert withdrew after previously indicating he would be willing to devote £10,000 a year to it, suspects his wife; [Edward St Maur, 11th] Duke of Somerset [(1775-1855)] not acceptable to the "valuable part of the Society"; Sir Humphry Davy the most eligible candidate; unaware that [William Hyde] Wollaston [(1766-1828), chemist and physicist] had withdrawn.

Glad that septuagenarians have been excused from the royal divorce case in the House of Lords, but sure that Bishop [Samuel] Horsley [(1733-1806) of St Asaph, Denbighshire] would have called for full attendance of bishops. The Queen's [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV] responses to the addresses, as reported in the press, are "shocking & inflammatory", and agrees with Smith that if she has "rope enough given her, she will do her own business". Surprised to hear of Sir Joseph Banks' £4000 debt to Sir Everard Home [(1756-1832), physician] as Banks' estates are worth £24,500 per annum. Duke of Marlborough [George Spencer-Churchill] and Bishop of Durham [Shute Barrington] now the only remaining Honorary Members of Linnean Society. The new Dean of Carlisle [Robert Hodgson] enthusiastic natural historian but fears he will not find a companion as "there is no gain in it".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Sep 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/62, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 28 August. Discussion of several stately homes: enjoyed Smith's account of the Duke of Rutland's old "magnificent" mansion [Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire ?], unsure why noblemen feel it necessary to rebuild such places but concedes that expensive and extravagant houses help the economy; glad to hear Smith speak well of Lord Mountnorris [George Annesley], never understood "how that scoundrel [John Bellenden] Gawler [(1764-1842), soldier] was let into his house" [in 1796 Annesley won damages from Gawler for committing adultery with his wife]. Asks if Smith had to pay 20 shillings for entry to Whiteknights [Berkshire home of George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of Marlborough]; imagines the 1100 feet long walk of 'Robinia viscosa' must be a wonderful. Shocked by the fall of the once "resplendent" Spencer-Churchills; recalls that his grandfather half ruined himself trying to secure the family and Goodenough thinks the present Duke "below contempt". Glad Smith enjoyed the British portraits in the British gallery. Followed Smith in visiting Claremont [house in Surrey bought for Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold]; Prince Leopold is "so affable, so very civil, so attentative, & withal truly princely".

Agrees with Smith that Sir Humphry Davy will be chosen as new Royal Society president but doubts it can keep its superior status; believes Sir Joseph Banks was wrong allowing the establishment of the Animal Chemistry Society as now only the chemical and algebraical pursuits are left to it, fears consequences of Davy's wife becoming involved.

The trial of the Queen [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV]: shocked by the "filthy memoirs" about her which are appearing, thinks bishops should not be allowed at such recitals; the radical papers call her "pure as unsunned snow [and] spotless innocence"; fears it will continue till his return to London; relates a jest by one of the lords who when compelled to take off his hat to the Queen said "hurrah, the Queen for ever, & may all your wives be like her".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Sep 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/63, The Linnean Society of London

Forwards an accidently opened letter intended for Smith. Does not think Sir Humphry Davy deserves suspicion of being "a talebearer from the continent"; his accounts agree with those of others and witnesses from Italy disclosing upon oath [in the trial of Caroline (1768-1821), George IV's queen ]. If Davy is chosen as Royal Society president it would be best to support him freely to maintain the dignity of the chair. Hopes Smith is completing the final volume of "Flora Britannica" whilst being kept from London in November.

Disheartened that the Queen's trial has so much left, thinks the country will be corrupted by what has so far been disclosed and from being "a sort of outcast" her stubborness is now causing dissension in the House of Lords.

Thinks [Robert] Brown can only let Sir Joseph Banks' Soho Square house left to him; hopes he has not paid legacy tax on all of it. Banks' heirs and executors "keen as razors"; cites their demands for the machine for weighing matter kept at Royal Society and previously considered a gift. Lady Banks' and heir Sir Edward Knatchbull [9th baronet (1781-1849)] making the most of the £25,000 per annum. Bishop of Durham [Shute Barrington] cannot get rid of gout in his hand.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Oct 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/64, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 22 September. By Smith's account Lord Mountnorris [George Annesley] "a very much injured man"; recalls how unkind people, including Sir Joseph Banks' and [Thomas] Marsham, were twenty-four years ago [in 1796 Annesley won damages from John Bellenden Gawler (1764-1842), soldier, for committing adultery with his wife]. Agrees it necessary to supporting Sir Humphry Davy for Royal Society presidency, recalls how it suffered in the contest between Banks and [Samuel] Horsley [(1733-1806), bishop of St Asaph].

Does not agree with Smith's disapproval of the proceedings taken against the Queen [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV] and believes that if even a small part of the allegations against her are true it leaves her unsuitable for elevated rank. Thinks Banks' peculiar attitude caused by his extensive travels, observing that travellers in Asia often return "neutralised in their notions of religion" so that Banks', after being interested in such a variety of people, objects, and events, became regardless of any. Would be happy to see "Flora Britannica" finished. The Dean of Carlisle, [Robert] Hodgson, a "zealous botanist". A recently arrived Italian has assured him that Italy is not angry with the Queen for anything except that she should not have engaged with such "a very low fellow as Bergami" [Bartolomeo Bergami, or Pergami, a pretended Milanese baron who became her courier, bodyguard, groom of the bedchamber, and major-domo].

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Dec 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/65, The Linnean Society of London

Arrived in London the first night of popular celebrations and illuminations for the Queen [Caroline (1768-1821), wife of George IV]; the people were "quite besides themselves, knowing nothing & hearing nothing but merely bragging that they had got the day" [following announcement on 10 November 1820 that the bill brought against her would not proceed to House of Commons].

Suffered an attack of gout shortly after arriving. Sir Humphry Davy elected president of Royal Society in spite of last minute canvassing by Mr Croker of the Admiralty for Lord Colchester [Charles Abbot, 1st Baron Colchester (1757-1829), statesman]. Lady Banks has left Soho Square and the house is let for £200 per annum by [Robert] Brown, doubling his still inadequate income. Equates the tumults in Parliament to those of "poor Charles I's time". Sent a barrel of oysters for Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
13 Jan 1820
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/55, The Linnean Society of London

The Edinburgh regius botany professorship is in the gift of [James Graham, 3rd] Duke of Montrose [(1755–1836)] and was given to [Robert] Graham [(1786-1845), professor of botany at Glasgow; doubts that it was offered to [Robert] Brown. Discusses the relationship between the university, the city, and magistrates of Edinburgh, who had proposed Brown. Smith only applied as a curiosity following an invitation of some professors and others. Feeling more and more indifferent about the Cambridge professorship.

The Linnean Society of London