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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
7 May 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/49, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased to hear that Smith is in London and intends to visit him in Rochester; describes the comforts of his house and limitations of Rochester society, "we are all military, mercantile in a little way, or artificers". Has exchanged his living of Copredy, Oxfordshire, for the nearby Boxley, Kent. Received Smith's letters of 1 and 6 May. Asks Smith to defer his business to next week and stay with him this week; the journey from Charing Cross is only five hours. Intending to come up to London himself on 20 May. Has seen that Miss Mary Aynscombe has married Mr Mossop and settled eight miles from Boxley; recalls Smith once saying she was a "great botanist". Intends to attend Linnean Society anniversary meeting on 24 May after missing the last few.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jul 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/5, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulates Smith on his successes in Leiden. Asks after the health of the 'Chamaerops humilis' planted by [Carolus] Clusius [(1526-1609), Flemish physician and botanist]. Interrupts letter to say he has just caught a second 'Cimex personatus'. Has never seen more 'Musca bombylans', 'Musca mystacca', and 'Musca pellucens' than this year. Observes that particular insects can significantly fluctuate year by year; recalls an abundance of the moth 'Geometea sambucaria' eight years ago that has not repeated since. Asks Smith to take as many 'Curculio paraplecticus' as he finds. Believes the 'Ptinus elytris striatis' is Linnaeus' 'Ptinus mollis'. Brief details of plans for forming a new natural history society either within the Society for Promoting Natural History or independently discussed with Sir Joseph Banks, [Thomas] Marsham, and [William] Forsyth [(1737-1804), botanist and founding member of Royal Horticultural Society].

In a postscript Goodenough writes that his brother-in-law, Dr James Ford, has been appointed Dr Mours replacement as physician to St George's Hospital "to the total discomfiture" of [John] Hunter [(1728-1793), surgeon] and "the whole Scotch interest", who had been working to secure Dr Bailey's succession instead.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Dec 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/50, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Smith soon recovers from his illness. Concerned about the whereabouts of a packet sent to Smith. Indecision caused by [John] Sibthorp's stipulation for a "Flora Graeca" with descriptions and coloured plates as well as a "Florae Graecae Prodromus" without images and the consequent attendance to "proper Latin, & at the same time to perspicacity in dressing up such a thorough English circumstance" made him waver in his corrections. Discusses accentuation of ancient and modern Greek; believes all Greek should be accentuated but concedes it will be "very troublesome". Congratulates Smith on "the check which the great scoundrel of all the earth has at length received" [presumably the Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805, a victory for the Royal Navy against the French and Spanish navies]. Requests Smith to ask D[awson] Turner whether he received a packet containing wild specimens of 'Scirpus holoschoenus'.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Apr 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/51, The Linnean Society of London

Comments on Smith's Latinity in the "Flora Graeca" and justifies his use of "etc." for saving the trouble of listing every author of authority who has written on Greek flora. Advice on the delination of [John] Sibthorp's name. Small alteration to title page, and to the title of "Prodromus Florae Graecae".

Longs to hear when Smith will be in London. Attended Linnean Society meeting in March, "where to my astonishment, [Richard] Salisbury presented his printed squib against "E[nglish] Botany", ["Generic characters of "English Botany"]". Does not believe [William George] Maton, who was in the chair, should have allowed it to be read. [James] Dickson, [Thomas] Marsham, [Alexander] Macleay, and Sir T[homas Gery] Cullum were all of Goodenough's opinion that the Linnean Society "was not the arena on which any of its members ought to engage". [Jonas] Dryander also agrees with Goodenough. Pointed out to several fellows the weakness and impotency of the attack.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Apr 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/52, The Linnean Society of London

Invites Smith to Rochester whilst he is in London. Leaves the decision of his becoming a vice-president of Linnean Society to Smith, warning that his clerical duties restrain his abscences from home. Believes there will be no end to the war "while Buonaparte loves to play at sceptres & balls", has never heard of "such imperious doings [...] since the world began".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
2 Sep 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/53, The Linnean Society of London

His periodical publications delayed by his long stay in London. Gives an account of his correspondence with and about [Richard] Salisbury: received copy of Salisbury's pamphlet ["The generic characters in the English Botany"] and letter signifying that if Smith made concessions he would not publish it. Contrary to Salisbury's claims Salisbury's sisters deny any knowledge of the business. Salisbury has told [Archibald] Menzies he would "give £500" to have never written it but has continued to attack Smith in "Paradisus Londinensis". Is particularly hurt by Sir Joseph Banks' obliviousness to the personal nature of the attacks but has long "been aware of the queerness of this great man" and is now glad he took Goodenough's advice and did name himself only the editor "Flora Graeca", as Banks wanted. As part of an experiment on Banks' humour requested a drawing for use in "Exotic Botany", which was grudgingly granted. Believes his work on 'Globba marantina' and other 'Scitamineae' in "Exotic Botany", in part assisted by [William] Roscoe's paper to Linnean Society, is excellent. [Francis] Buchanan has given him his whole collection of Nepal and Mysore plants, all his manuscript descriptions, and nearly 200 drawings for publication in "Exotic Botany".

Literary plans for winter: intends to finish "Flora Britannica", write a popular introduction to botany, to finish and publish Linnaeus' "Lapland tour", besides going on with "Flora Graeca" and his two periodical works ["Exotic Botany" and "English Botany"]. The first fasciculi of "Flora Graeca" has just printed but with possible errors to correct. Struggled with the 'Umbellatae', 'Silene', and 'Dianthus' in "Prodromus Florae Graecae". The sore on his leg has completely healed but left a "tremendous scar". Finances of the Linnean Society extremely healthy. The alarming state of the nation; "we have only the choice of evils, and perhaps not even that". The new Bishop of Norwich [Henry Bathurst (1744-1837)] a "very amiable, benignant character".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Sep 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/54, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 2 September. Describes charms of the neighbourhood of Boxlet, his new living. Discusses Smith's dispute with Salisbury: Salisbury's use of his sisters' names in a false manner "degrades him from the rank of gentleman"; believes Salisbury wishes he never wrote his pamphlet ["Generic characters of English Botany"] but does not know how to retract it; does not intend to read any of Salisbury's "Paradisus Londinensis"; has thought him "too wild to take a lead" since a conversation with him about Salisbury changing the nomenclature of 'Erica'; advises Smith not to enter into a squabble with Sir Joseph Banks [over his unsympathetic attitude towards to Salisbury dispute], "like all great men, he in his way is open to the tittle tattle of designing persons"; Smith should mortify Salisbury with "contemptuous silence"; blames [William George] Maton for allowing the pamphlet into the Linnean Society whilst he was in the chair.

Smith should use the verncaular form of [John] Sibthorp and [Peter Simon] Pallas in his Errata, suggests wording for an explanatory note. His aquaintance with the Bishop of Norwich [Henry Bathurst (1744-1837)]. A botanist, Mrs Brereton, is coming to Boxley. In Boxley has observed 'Hieracium umbellatum', 'Chrysosplenium oppositifolium', 'Hedypnois hieracioides', and 'Crepis biennis'. Has looked in vain in Rochester for 'Viola hirta'. Thinks 'Orchis militaris' is not a variety. [Thomas] Marsham visited after staying with [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, deplores Lambert's weakness in dispossessing himself of his landed property by giving the inheritance to his "unworthy sisters". His own daughters are still looking for husbands, "impoverished times for such a commodity".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/55, The Linnean Society of London

Praises the first part of "Florae Graecae prodromus", just received. Laments that because of "Bonaparte's rage" it cannot be made available in Europe, believes peace is impossible and he will not stop until he invades England and "the whole world is at his feet". Became involved in three contested elections for Parliament, upset to see Sir Sidney Smith lose his Rochester seat to a "monied banker who drove in the night before the election" [James Barnett (c 1760-1836)].

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jan 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/56, The Linnean Society of London

Regrets the "gross prurience of Linnaeus's mind" as seen in the several genera of 'Testacea' and the "vulgar lasciviousness" of 'Clitoria'. Considers Linnaeus' reasons for choosing the latter name 'Clitoria' and concludes that a literal translation of the first principle of Linnaean botany would "shock female modesty" and it is possible that many virtuous students might not be able to make out the similitude of 'Clitoria'. The name, like 'Chenopodium vulvaria', is "disgusting and horrid". Does not look at [Richard] Salisbury's publications and has not discussed anything with him since he and [Jonas] Dryander contended with his renaming 'Erica', including changing 'Erica tetralix' to 'Erica botuliformis' - sausage-shaped 'Erica'.

Admires Dawson Turner and asks Smith to thank him for his letter on '[Fucus] discors' and '[Fucus] abrotanifolius', hopes he and Smith will work out the essential difference between the two. [William] Hudson's specimen of '[Fucus] abrotanifolius' in his possession is the same as all the specimens found by Mrs [Ameila Warren] Griffiths [(1768-1858), algologist].

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Apr 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/57, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his attempts to clear the Salisbury-Smith dispute whilst sitting as vice-president at Linnean Society: [William George] Maton excused himself from allowing Salisbury's pamphlet ["Generic characters of English Botany"] into the Linnean Society by pleading ignorance; told Salisbury at Sir Joseph Banks' that he was wrong to make the Linnean Society the arena for his and Smith's dispute and that the pamphlet should be withdrawn, to which he initially agreed and then reneged, Salisbury then gave him the roots of 'Crocus aureus' and seeds of a 'Dahlia'; attempted expunge the pamphlet from the Society with a Council but could not form one; [Alexander] Macleay has left the pamphlet out of the list of donations to the Society. Sorry to see that Salisbury has so many papers in the new "Linnean Transactions" volume but enjoyed [Thomas] Rackett and Maton's paper on British shells.

Was in London "when the explosion took place with respect to the late Ministers" [the "Ministry of All the Talents", a national unity government which was formed in February 1806 and broke up in March 1807 over Catholic Emancipation], the King [George III (1738-1820)] is "conscientious on the matter" and "would die before he consented to the giving of power to the R[oman] Catholics". [Jonas] Dryander has said both Smith and Salisbury have behaved badly, but Salisbury much the worse. Sees that Norwich has got rid Dr L Adkins, never could bear him.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
5 May 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/58, The Linnean Society of London

Advises Smith not to engage with or react to [Richard] Salisbury in any way during next trip to London. [Jonas] Dryander is against Salisbury. Wish he had known that Smith's papers for "Linnean Transactions" had been voted to be printed and yet left out of the last volume. Salisbury "commits himself in all his writings - it does not require so able a naturalist as yourself to cut him up by the roots".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Sep 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/59, The Linnean Society of London

Sometimes gains more from attempting to solve difficulties than the solution to the difficulty itself. Agrees with Smith regarding his "Syllabus" and that in Smith's plain illustration and management it would become a very popular "Philosphia Botanica". Believes the best mode of strenghtening the Linnaean system is to suggest criticisms and hints on improving it. Laments that Artistotle did not begin Linnaeus' work but believes Smith has "laid a foundation of solid & progressive improvement". Advises Smith with his new work to retain all the classes as they now stand, especially ['Monoecia'], 'Dioecia', and 'Polygamia' as they are necessary to a system based upon the structure and situation of fructification. Smith's term "diclinia" correct and compares with substantive terms such as 'Monogynia' and 'Polygamia' and discusses Linnaeus' use of Latin genders. Dissatisfied with the look of [Dawson] Turner's "Fucus". Informed that Turner using remarks of his, [Ameila Warren Griffiths' (1768-1858)] and [Elizabeth Hill's (c 1760-1850)] in stating [John] Stackhouse's 'Fucus abrotanifolius' and 'Fucus disours' are the same plant, hopes they are properly credited, Stackhouse was too jealous to do so.

Discusses sending and receipt of letters.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Sep 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/6, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 8 September. Account of discoveries found on his expedition with [William] Curtis along the Essex coast from Maldon to Harwich via Mersey Island. Insects included: 'Typha major'; 'Festuca fluitans'; 'Sphex fissipes'; Smith's 'Cantharis miniata'; a great variety of 'Coccinellas', 'Muscae', 'Cardui', and 'Cerasi'; many 'Ichneumon', particularly 'Ichneumons sarcitorius'; several new bees including one with red thorax and blue abdomen, fasciated with white; many of 'Sphex'; new 'Chrysis', and 'Carabi'; collected between 50 and 100 new insects. Plants included: 'Lepidium ruderale' on the sea marshes along the coast; Hudson's 'Dactylis cynosuroides' and 'Poa loliacea'; 'Lolium bromoides'; 'Sasola fruticosa'; 'Brassica campestris'; 'Atriplex laciniata'; 'Atriplex serrata'; 'Chara flexilis'; 'Ruppia maritima'; 'Aegilopsincurva'; and 'Bunias cakile', amongst many others.

Excited for Smith's return on account of the new [Linnean] Society; has not been able to see Sir Joseph Banks. Thanks Smith for 'Agrostis minima'. Would be grateful for Smith to acquire any of his desiderata for him, particularly 'Gnaphalium luteoalbum', and 'Origanum'; asks if Smith comes across 'Origanum aegyptiacum' or 'Origanum syriacum' to have "very correct" drawings made of them. Has not seen [Thomas] Marsham since returning from Essex on account of Marsham's bad leg and his own painful boil. Advises Smith to think on conchology when he nears the Mediterranean and informs him of an Egyptian correspondence at Leghorn that may result in 'Origanum aegyptiacum'. Preparing a complete list of Linnaean nomenclature through all classes from 'Mammalia' to 'Lapides' for publication on Smith's return to England.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/60, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's "Introduction to Botany", Smith writes with "great spirit". Believes "all natural history should be turned ot the mental imporvement of mankind", asks if Smith has seen [Samuel] Vince's "4 Sermons against atheism" ["A Confutation of Atheism" (1807)] in which he makes "astronomy speak in this high strain".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/61, The Linnean Society of London

Fears letter sent to Smith on immediately of learning of his "advancement" [appointment as Bishop of Carlisle] is lost. Reassures Smith that he will not change or forget old friends, nevertheless flattered to find the King [George III (1738-1820)] taking the lead in bearing testimony to him.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
28 Mar 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/62, The Linnean Society of London

Had hoped to congratulate Goodenough in person on his appointment as Bishop of Carlisle at Linnean Society anniversary meeting but his wife and three servants have been suffering from "a sort of rheumatic epidemic" and so has delayed coming to London. The symptoms include intense pain in the back of the limbs, insomnia, and in some cases considerable emaciation and debility. Sending some Latin for "Flora Graeca" for Goodenough to correct. His sister in Liverpool invites Goodenough to stay on his way to Carlisle.

Asks Goodenough to frank an enclosed letter to John Hawkins, Dallington, near Northampton, [Northamptonshire].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
3 Apr 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/63, The Linnean Society of London

Has still not received a letter from Goodenough. Wants Goodenough to read his paper on the new genus 'Hookeria', named after William Jackson Hooker, at the Linnean Society and asks that Goodenough overlook the clash with [Richard] Salisbury's 'Hookera', named after [William] Hooker [(1779-1832)], botanical artist for "Paradisus Londinensis", a "man of no knowledge & of even less character". Has found that Salisbury and William Hooker have been stealing copies of Sir Joseph Banks' drawings and publishing them as drawn from Lady Essex's garden. His wife still helpless with a painful rheumatic illness. Intends to be at the Linnean Society on 19 April.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Apr 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/64, The Linnean Society of London

Insists that he sent a franked letter to Smith after leaving Rochester, it included praise of Smith's "Introduction to Botany" [not extant]. His new duties at the House of Lords more time consuming than he anticipated. Thinks naming plants after unworthy people "lowers the science" [in reference to Richard Salisbury naming 'Hookera' after his botanical artist William Hooker [(1779-1832)]. Sends back Smith's work [for "Flora Graeca"] with queries on Latin usage for several items. Spent the day with [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert who has just received large addition of [New] South Wales plants to his herbarium. Sir Abraham Hume, Admiral and Mrs Essington, General [Francis (c 1758-1814)] and Mrs Grose, [Alexander] Macleay, [Thomas] Marsham, and Lord Seaforth were also there. Wrote to Dawson Turner correcting 'Griffithsii' to 'Griffithsiae'. Persuaded Hume to become a FLS. Shall discuss the new Geological and Entomological societies the next time he sees Smith. Mrs Lynn in decline. Hopes to visit Smith's sister in Liverpool on his way to Carlisle.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
6 Apr 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/65, The Linnean Society of London

Grateful for Goodenough's comments on "Flora Graeca" manuscript, discusses use of 'Atho', corrected by [John] Hawkins to 'Athone', and other Latin. Laments the loss of Goodenough's critical letter on his "Introduction to Botany", a similar thing occured when the Duke of Portland franked a letter to him on his "[Sketch of a] Tour [on the continent]". Pleased that Sir Abraham Hume is to become a FLS. Dawson Turner grateful for Goodenough's correcting [of the name 'Griffithsii' to 'Griffithsiae'] and it shall be published in "English Botany" as 'Griffithsiae'. His wife has relapsed into her rheumatic illness. Lord Seaforth an "excellent & very acute man". Directs Goodenough to [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert for news of [Richard] Salisbury stealing a figure of 'Byblis' from Sir Joseph Banks.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Samuel Goodenough
7 Apr 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/66, The Linnean Society of London

His need to vent with Goodenough like the Suffolk baronet and wife of their acquaintance, who when apart write to each other every day with minimal formalities, and when Sir Thomas Frankland used to write to him with the "most delightful epistolia" of the moment. Recollects the day he spent with Yeates and Broussonet in the woods of Corby Castle, near Carlisle, where he caught and gave to [Thomas] Marsham 'Elater cuprens' and 'Scarabaeus arvicola', wonders why Marsham has only named Yorkshire for the former species and not mentioned him [in "Entomologica Britannia"]. Found 'Elater pectinicornis' on Cromford Moor near Matlock. Noticed that Dr [Samuel] Johnson [(1709-1784), author] explains the "shard-born beetle" of the poets as born or produced among broken stones or pots, Smith thinks it must mean "borne, or flying about, on shards, or shells (testae)".

Argues for his new 'Hookeria' [after William Jackson Hooker] and 'Brodiaea' genera being put forward in spite of [Richard] Salisbury having already published Smith's 'Brodiaea' as 'Hookera' [in "Paradisus Londinensis", after William Hooker (1779-1832), botanical artist]: wrote his papers on 'Hookeria' and 'Brodiaea' before hearing of Salisbury's intention for 'Hookera' and would not normally object except that Salisbury's Hooker is not a botanist and an associate "in an infamous fraud" on Sir Joseph Banks [stealing figures of 'Byblis' and other plants and presenting them as their own]. Urges Goodenough to read his letter in the "Monthly Magazine" [April 1808 edition] which addresses an erroneous statement in the botanical report in [the February 1808] issue of the magazine conjecturing on the nature of the dispute between himself and Salisbury, which is independent of botany.

The Linnean Society of London