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Gray, Asa in addressee 
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Charles Robert Darwin
Asa Gray
19 Apr [1865]
Source of text:
Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (77)

Congratulates AG on the "grand news of Richmond".

Still interested in dimorphism and would welcome new cases.

Working on Variation

and correcting proofs of Climbing plants.

Would like seed of AG’s dimorphic Plantago.

Cannot understand how the wind could fertilise reciprocally dimorphic flowers.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Asa Gray
15 Aug [1865]
Source of text:
Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (87)

Gratified by AG’s praise of "Climbing plants".

Thanks for Specularia seed.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Asa Gray
19 Oct [1865]
Source of text:
Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (93)

AG’s article on climbing plants [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 40 (1865): 273–82] is admirable and complimentary.

Reports Fritz Müller’s observations on climbers.

Experiments on dimorphism with Mitchella and Pulmonaria.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray
1 February 1865
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.19, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH writes that he has no fruit of Fothergilla & asks Asa Gray whether it's Endocarp separates as coccis. Mentions Parry's seeds. Has been busy with GENERA PLANTARUM, describes the work he has been doing on various orders, genera and tribes for the book incl.: calyciflorous orders, Cucurbitaceae with input from Charles Victor Naudin, Melastomaceae, Abobreae, Elatereae, Loaseae, Passifloreae, Papayaceae, Modecca, Acharia, Begonias, Cartesia[?], Hamamelideae, Saxifrageae, Bruniaceae, Grubbia, Santalaceae & Corneae. [Letter incomplete, it bears no valediction or signature but is written in the hand of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker].

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Asa Gray
29 September 1865
Source of text:
JDH/2/22/1/1 f.20-21, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH tells Asa Gray about the death of his father William Jackson Hooker, at age 80. A few days before his death WJH had given Queen Emma of the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii] a tour of RBG Kew, walked in the gardens with [Thomas] Thomson & [Miles Joseph] Berkeley & went with JDH to see the subtropical plants in Battersea Park. JDH's mother [Lady Maria Hooker] returned from Yarmouth to be by her husband's side. There is an epidemic of throat infections in Kew. JDH himself got sick with Rheumatic fever, possibly as a result of keeping vigil over his father. He went to stay with [Archibald] Campbell in Notting Hill to recuperate. He mentions some of the treatments he had & some lingering symptoms. [William Francis] Cowper [Temple] wrote offering JDH the Directorship of RBG Kew & proposing some changes to the Gardens. JDH wants proper scientific help & another assistant such as [Daniel] Oliver to help handle correspondence & work on Ferns. Discusses what assets his father leaves & the inheritance that his children will get, incl. herbarium & library which are left to JDH with instruction to offer them to the nation at a reasonable rate. JDH has heard that [Charles Robert] Darwin's health is improving under Dr [Henry] Bence Jones. JDH gives a report on the whereabouts of his children: William Henslow Hooker, Charles Paget Hooker, Harriet Anne Hooker, Brian Harvey Hodgson Hooker. Adds that his Mother and his sister Mrs [Elizabeth] Lombe are in Yarmouth & Norfolk respectively & will winter at Torquay. The only mourners at WJH's funeral were JDH's sister Maria [McGilvray], his brother in law Thomas Robert Evans Lombe, his uncle Thomas Brightwen & some old RBG Kew foremen including the old & new John Smiths.

Hooker Project