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Jane Barrington
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
14 Nov 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/63, The Linnean Society of London

Offers to pay [John] Harriman's lifetime FLS subscription, following Lambert's assistance in having him admitted. Her gardener preparing the seeds Lambert sent.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Sep [1798]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/50, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter; account of their recent movements. [Johann Georg Adam] Forster's [(1754-1794), botanist] herbarium has now arrived in London for him, the original herbarium of "Florulae Insularum Australium Prodromus", details of arrangement; some of the New Zealand plants could be similar to their New South Wales plants, useful for Smith's "New Holland Prodromus".

Received [William] Sole's book on mints, and fresh specimens of all his species, anxious to hear Smith's opinion on them. Received confirmation that Sole's 'Mentha pratensis' is a garden escape. Asks if Smith received two copies of Jacquin's "Hortus Schoembrunensis". Requests specimens of all Smith's new genera in "Linnean Transactions" vol 4. Asks after [William] Roxburgh. Sent [James] Sowerby 'Polypodium oreopteris' of [James] Dickson.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
[May 1790]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/20, The Linnean Society of London

Plants found in the last month in Westport, County Mayo, [Ireland]: 'Andromeda daboecia', 'Empetrum nigrum', and 'Saxifraga umbrosa', remarking of the latter "the London Pride not in Hudson" ["Flora Anglica"]. Hopes to send an account of Mayo plants. Met Patrick Browne [(c 1720-1790) Irish botanist], "quite a cripple with old age" who showed him a copy of his "Flora Hibernica", believes it not much more than a catalogue [this remained unpublished until 1995]. Browne discussed Jamaican plants [Browne's "The civil and natural history of Jamaica"] and his correspondence with Linnaeus. At Lord Altamont's saw a "true Irish wolf dog", the seven Altamont owns are the only ones left in Ireland. The sheets of a botanical work left with Smith are from [Walter] Wade's intended "Flora Dubliniensi". Parliament have given £300 for Wade's campaign to establish Dublin botanic garden. Wade would like to correspond with Linnean Society and establish an Irish counterpart, requests copy of rules. Hopes [John] Fairbairn received West Indies seeds he sent. Will return to County Mayo for a few more months. Found 'Andromeda polifolia' growing in a bog near Althone.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Jan 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/21, The Linnean Society of London

Sends copy of "Bauer's drawing done by Ennis" [not extant]. Asks is Smith intends a paper on the new genera he mentioned [unnamed]. Sir Joseph Banks has undertaken direction of the engravings [for Lambert's book "Description of the genus Pinus"] after being shown the drawings. Asks if 'Pinus orientalis' is in the Linnaean collections or anything else worth observing, and whether there is any information in Peter Collinson's [(1694-1768) botanist] letters, mentions Smith's intention of publishing them. Presided at Linnean Society, paper read on "the zoology of Leith" by Robert Jameson. Mungo Park [(1771-1806) surgeon and traveller] has returned from Africa "with great discoveries".

The Linnean Society of London