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Sir James Edward Smith
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
12 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/3, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Woodward for his "excellent" drawing of 'Lycoperdon coliforme'; discusses other species including 'L. pedunculatum' and 'L. fraxineum'. Sorry Charles Bryant [(d 1799)] is publishing "his folly & obstinacy to the world"; intends to defer his own paper on the subject. Found 'Lycoperdon stellatum'; his observations, and a new species he is calling 'L. fragile'; definition.

Recently spent two months in Yorkshire and Westmoreland; found many lichens, sent some to [John] Pitchford. Planning an expedition to Loch Lomond, Ben Lomond, Taymouth, Blair, and Dunkeld. His future plans: will spend time in Norwich and London, graduate, and undertake a tour of Europe.

Dr [John] Walker [(1731-1803), Scottish minister and natural historian] has found plants in Scotland not in [John] Lightfoot, including: 'Rubus arcticus', 'Lysimachia thrysiflora', and "indubitable" 'Elymus arenarius'; comparison of latter with other specimens.

The Linnean Society of London
James Smith
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/18, The Linnean Society of London

May accompany Smith on a tour of Cumberland and Westmorland, "there is ever a degree of horror in the grand and majestic prospects of Nature in solitude". Glad both their spirits were better at their recent parting than on their first. Hopes for Smith's future career and success. Account of his journey from Halifax, [Yorkshire], to Norwich, including trip to the theatre, where Frank [Smith's brother] "first saw a Montebank on the stage", disappointed by Lichfield, [Staffordshire], expectations of Birmingham, [Warwickshire] exceeded, ascended [John] Wyclif's [(d.1384), English theologian and reformer] pulpit at Lutterworth, [Leicestershire]. Norwich news.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Smith
6 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/19, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his journey from Carlisle, [Cumberland], to Edinburgh, via Moffat, where there is a "sulphureous spring much resorted to". His return met with great congratulations. Dr [John] Hope did not publish his competition [for best Scottish herbarium] in his class, only in their Natural History Society, which he thinks an oversight, Hope thinks Smith will win it. Intends to soon set off for tour of Loch Lomond and Taymouth for a fortnight.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Smith
19 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/20, The Linnean Society of London

Glad to hear of his safe return home and that their parting was easier for him than last time. Setting out for their Highland tour tomorrow with Mr Hardy, Thomas Hope [son of Dr John Hope], and himself, and one of Dr Hope's gardeners for their baggage, details of their expected journey. Dr Hope did not publish his medal in his class [for best Scottish herbarium] as he did not want to revive the custom, and only meant it as a compliment to the Natural History Society, expects no one but himself to try for it. Urges caution over keeping of Mr Bayfield's herbarium of supposed East India plants

The Linnean Society of London
James Smith
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/21, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 6 August [1782]. Surprised to find that Dr Walker is a divine and not a physician. They hope Smith will win [John Hope's] Gold Medal [for best Scottish herbarium]. Norwich news. Francis, [Smith's brother], has left with Charles [as cloth journeymen], received letter from Ixworth, [Suffolk]; John, [Smith's brother], does not have same business aptitude. Does not want Smith to become proud or self-important. Mr Cooper is coming to Edinburgh, may call on Smith's assistance. Mr Masham observed that the oak leaves did not appear this year till 44 days later than in 1779.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
James Smith
29 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/22, The Linnean Society of London

Received his father's letter of 20 August [1782]. Will assist Mr Cooper if he requests it, would be wrong for him to show any "extraordinary reserve". Responds to Norwich news. His tour to Loch Lomond shorter than expected, owing to bad weather, but was "agreeable & successful"; account of the journey to and stay in Glasgow, and onward journey to Loch Lomond, met Mr Stewart, companion of [Thomas] Pennant in one of his tours, ascent of Ben Lomond, and their return journey to Edinburgh. Dr Broussonet sent him copy of his new work on fish.

The Linnean Society of London
J Baker
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/47, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces Mr Cooper, who has left the Church of England to study physic. Asks if Dr [William] Cullen [(1710-1790), chemist and physician] proposes publishing another volume of his "First Lines [of the Practice of Physic" (1777-1784)]; asks after progress of Ferguson's ["History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic" (1783)] and Dr [William] Robertson's [(1721-1793), historian and Church of Scotland minister] "History of America" [(1777)]. Comments on "savage" Bruno. Norwich news.

The Linnean Society of London
Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Aug 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/1/98, The Linnean Society of London

Leaving London for Paris and is sending various items for Smith to send on to others. 'Lichen ventosus', others will be sent by Mr Dickson. Books for Smith, Professor [John] Hope, [Joseph] Black and Dr Walker, a parcel for Dr Irvine. Asks to be remembered to Dr Hope. 'Portlandia grandiflora' in flower at Kew.

The Linnean Society of London