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Sir James Edward Smith
James Smith
18 Nov 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/41, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his and Dr Younge's journey from Paris to Montpelier, via Lyons, including details of people they stayed with, inns, and country. Account of their activities in Montpelier, staying with Professor Broussonet, father of Paris friend [Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet].

Thanks his father for "liberal provision of money". Reasons for journeying to Rome and Naples. Their route to Genoa.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Nov 1786
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/7, The Linnean Society of London

Grief at the death of his daughter. Thanks for Smith's letter of 21 October and its account of the morals of Paris. Envious of Smith for examining [Joseph Pitton de] Tournefort's [(1656-1708)] herbarium, hopes Smith will be able to study [Sébastien] Vaillant's [(1669-1722)]. Recommends [Carlo] Allioni's collections in Italy, and [Albecht von] Haller's in Switzerland [(1708-1777)]; recommends his former pupil, Lord Compton [Charles Compton, 1st Marquess of Northampton (1760-1828)], for the latter. Account of the anniversary meeting at the Society [for the Promotion of Natural History]: a motion was passed to reduce the four presidents to two, Dr Fordyce and Dr Pitcairn, and a new committee was formed of [John] Hunter [(1728-1793), surgeon], Home, [William] Curtis, [William] Swainson, Lee, [Thomas] Marsham, Mithcell and [Dru] Drury [(1725-1804), silversmith and naturalist]. Goodenough so disillusioned has refused to serve any office in it.

The second part of the letter is written on a printed list of his "Desiderata Hudsoniana". Reminds Smith to procure 'Gnaphalium luteoalbum' for him and to look out for 'Origanum' as he hopes to publish a monograph on it. Has purchased an insect cabinet through [Thomas] Marsham. Smith's translation of Linnaeus' "Dissertation on the sexes of plants" well received by the "Monthly Review". Implores Smith to focus solely on scientific matters and not to "berthen the mind with remembrances of houses & churches" whilst in Europe. Using example of a defunct Society in Brussels illustrates the value of "members of wealth" in society "to purchase, reward, publish" and advises increasing members of the [Linnean] Society "as far as may be safe".

Several plants on the printed list of desiderata have been marked or struck through.

The Linnean Society of London