Search: Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
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Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/4, The Linnean Society of London

Gave his 'Confervae' drawings to [Wilson] Lowry [(1762-1824)] to be engraved but unaware of their progress as his London contact and brother-in-law is in Bristol with his ill wife, Frankland's sister, who is being treated with foxglove. Criticises [James] Sowerby's "English Botany" of July, "he is more slovenly in his engraving as he advances". Smith forgot his habitat for 'Carex digitata' of Thorp-arch woods near Wetherby, Yorkshire, gave some to Mr Peirson and Dr White. Knows nothing of [William] Curtis' affairs and whether his works will be continued [Curtis died 7 July 1799], though expects the "[Botanical] Magazine" will be as it is so profitable.

Sir Joseph Banks is marking his sheep with earrings and amused by Frankland's method of calculating cattle breed developed from a genealogy table he created for a litter of pigs, which he copies for Smith on recto of second folio.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Frankland
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/15/5, The Linnean Society of London

The moors so wet this season that riding is impossible and game is scarcer. Encloses undisclosed package. Mr Peirson an unambitious man who will be gratified by Smith's insertion of any two of his habitats; his qualities. His sister's illness: since marrying at 18 she has had 11 children, is now 39 and breeding and anxious attendance of children have worn her out; Dr Fraser diagnosed tubercules on her lungs, she came to Bristol after lowering plan, hemlock and herbane failed; Dr Moncrieffe confirmed Fraser's opinion and at first gave fruit and cooling diet alone and since then foxglove; in letter of 12th her pulse varies but is sometimes 100 and when the fever is on her cough abates and vice versa, complains of difficulty of access to the wells from Clifton, a great evil considering bad season in which he does not see fruit or corn ripening.

The Linnean Society of London
James Beattie
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/15, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for letters and offer of admitance to the Linnean Society, plans to visit London in 1800. Due to the slow progress of his botanical pursuits some of his discoveries have been anticipated by [James] Dickson and others. Researches have been confined to Aberdeenshire, Mearnshire and Angushire but this includes the greater part of the "Flora Scotica", rich in 'Gramina' and 'Carices' ['Carex']. Has an almost complete collection of Scottish grasses but had trouble with 'Carex'. Anticipates publication of [Samuel] Goodenough's "Monographia" [unidentified]. Anticipates publication of "Flora Britannica" and the positive effect it will have on the difficult parts of British botany. Praises "Linnean Transactions". Has sent specimens for comment of most of his 'Carices' including a 'Festuca duriuscula' or 'Festuca rubra'. Having compared inland and maritime specimens of 'Silene marita' argues that it belongs in its old genus 'Cucubalus'.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/88, The Linnean Society of London

Sending specimens to [James] Sowerby for "English botany", plants and habitats: 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'Carduus helenoides', 'Veronica hybrida', 'Polypodium viviparum', 'P. oreopteris', 'Hypericum pulchrum', 'Cochlearia danica', 'Samolus valerandi', 'Drosera rotundifolia', and 'Drosera longifolia'. Mr Atkinson of Dalton to send 'Geranium lancastriente', 'Artemisea maritima', 'Selinum palustre', 'Massica monensis', 'Inula helenium', 'Crithmum maritimum', and 'Papaver maritimum' of Withering. Shown habitats near Halifax, [Yorkshire], of 'Anemone apennina', 'Arbutus uva', and 'Andromeda polifolia'._x000D_

Now thinks the 'Saxifraga palmata' he sent last year is more likely 'S. hypnoides'; observations. Offers to send Craven and Lancashire specimens of 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'S. aizoides', 'Arbutus uva-wisi', 'Polemonium caeruleum', 'Dryas octapetala', 'Pyrola rotundifolia', 'Sedum vellosum', 'Polygonum vivparum', 'Melampyrum sylvaticum', 'Centunculus minimus', 'Drotera longifolia', 'Veronica hybrida', and 'Satyrium albidum'._x000D_

Thanks for Linnean Society application certificate. Desirous of seeing Smith's "Flora Britannica" before he publishes account of his Welsh Tour, as he wishes to insert list of habitats of rare Cambrian plants as useful tool for young botanists making same tour.

The Linnean Society of London
Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/19, The Linnean Society of London

His recent visit to Norwich. Stayed with [Dawson] Turner at Yarmouth, Norfolk, noticed that the variety in Mr Downe's garden was much reduced. Saw Mr Reeve and young Mr Reeve at Lowestoft, Suffolk. Also visited Ipswich, Suffolk, and Harwich, Essex. Consulted by Lord Bessborough [Frederick Ponsonby (1758-1844) 3rd Earl of Bessborough] and the Cavendishes as to the "bathing places", recommends Lowestoft and comments on "how tired they grow of all their fine houses!". Enjoyed "The Heir at Law" at the Playhouse but complains of the "scandalous"behaviour in the lobby. Has enjoyed Smith's recommendation of the poet [Albrecht von] Haller [(1708-1777)]. Reminds Smith of their agreement to "keep no letter tally".

The Linnean Society of London
Richard Relhan
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Aug [1799]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/87, The Linnean Society of London

Explains that the authority for habitats in "Flora Cantabrigiensis" and his supplements are all his, except 'Phleum paniculatum' which is on [James] Crowe's authority, and except for 'Salix rubra' found by [Samuel] Goodenough at Ely the other ['Salix'?] habitats are wrong. Lists two pages of new habitats for plants in "Flora Cantabrigiensis" for insertion [in "English Botany"]. Has sent [James] Sowerby and now Smith specimens of 'Potamogeton gramineum' and his Burwell plant, thinks it is the plant in "Flor. Dan. t.222" ["Flora Danica"?]. Lists two pages of new Cambridgeshire plants and habitats found since his last supplementum [over following two sides of the letter]. Commencing study of mints ['Mentha'], offers to send specimens of any not described by [William] Sole. List of plants sent, five are unnamed with habitats, but presumably 'Mentha'; plus 'Potamogeton gramineum', which Smith has annotated "only 'compressum'"; and possible 'Salix caprea', asks Smith to figure it if so.

The Linnean Society of London