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Francis Boott
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Oct 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/119, The Linnean Society of London

Intends to winter in South of France and reside in Nice; requests introductions. Suffering from serious indisposition which makes him dread an English winter.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Oct 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/45, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses engraving [extant] of a fossilised tree about 30 feet high, which was standing in 1803 on cliffs at Bog Hall near Newbiggen, Northumberland; fragments of other trees, at the time the drawing was taken, were scattered on the shore. He is on his way to Oxford but had intended to call on Smith in Norwich to enquire about preserving birds with "corrosive sublimate", as practised by one of Smith's friends.

Engraving of fossilised tree.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Oct 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/42, The Linnean Society of London

Death of Sir Joseph Banks' sister, [Sarah Sophia Banks (1744-1818)]; unsure how he and Lady Banks will cope without her as she managed everything at Soho Square. Sends two specimens for identification [not extant]; one used to be called 'Oenothera purpurea' or 'mollissima', the other like a 'Chrysanthemum'. Hears that [John] Barrow [(1764-1848), promoter of exploration] is "triumphing not a little" in the prospect [John] Ross' [(1777-1856), Arctic explorer] expedition [to find the North West Passage]. Will plant 'Corydalis' seeds next spring as Smith sent them so late. Asks if [Edward] Rudge was elected for Evesham, Worcestershire. Supposes [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert's brother-in-law, Benett, ruined through electioneering. Strife in Westmorland carrying on with "acrimony".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
31 Oct 1818
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/61, The Linnean Society of London

Has been busy with Sessions week, a visit from his brother-in-law, James Reeve, and wife, and a feverish cold. On his way to Liverpool stayed at Dunston Hall, Derbyshire, Reeve's new home. Gave twelve lectures in Liverpool supported with abundant specimens from the "fine" botanic garden, they were enthusiastically received with about three hundred in attendance, mainly women, including Lady Crewe. Pleased to see [William] Roscoe so well respected. Some Cambridge men in the audience were "abundantly flattering" and indignant "at the behaviour of the Johnians" to him [College of St John had been obstructive in Smith's campaign for Cambridge botany professorship].

Believes Dean [of Norwich, Joseph Turner (1747-1828)] correct to say that the Cambridge establishment only objects to Smith on grounds that they do not want to see the £200 a year for the botany professorship go to one who is not a member of the university. Bishop of Winchester [Brownlow North] recently blind but enthusiasm for botany still active and he was pleased with Smith's pamphlet ["Considerations respecting Cambridge..."]. Collected rare ferns from high rocks of Cromford Moor, near Matlock, [Derbyshire], will raise them from seed by following instructions of the Liverpool gardener who has raised 'Acrostichum calomelanos' from a fifty year old specimen of Forster's. Has deferred a visit to Holkham, [Norfolk, home of Thomas William Coke] but glad Cullum enjoyed his time there.

The Linnean Society of London