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William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/97, The Linnean Society of London

Asks if there is a "manufactory of cast chains" in Norwich. Thanks for Smith's introduction for Dr Morgan to [Jonas] Dryander and Sir Joseph Banks' library, which he intends to use to view works by Schreber and Bloch. Corrects Smith on Dr Morgan's identity, who is a young man. Offers to send copy of his work on Welsh music, knowing that Smith is musical.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Lamb
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/46, The Linnean Society of London

Asks Smith to sign certificate for his diploma so as to practice as MD, at request of Professor Beattie of Aberdeen. Has found 'Daphne laureola' growing near him; heard that 'Cypripedium calceolus' grows locally though yet to find it. Death of his wife, his youngest daughter dangerously ill with same illness.

Has observed 'Falio aeruginosus' ['Circus aeruginosus' ?] very common on peat moors, and 'Parus biarmicus' in the sedges, they hope to find nests and eggs of the latter, "an object much desired by ornithologists". Found an 'Orchis' very like 'O. monorchis'.

[Smith has briefly noted contents of his reply] happy to sign, suggests Dr [John] Sims, [William George] Maton, or [Robert] Batty for other signatory. Asks "who & what is Mr [James] Bicheno".

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Lamb
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/47, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 27 [March 1804] and for signing his certificate and suggestions for further signatories. Particulars of James Bicheno, whom he educated in botany, and details of their finding a plant later sent to Smith. Thanks for mention of himself in "Flora Britannica". Offers to send orchids.

The Linnean Society of London
Edward Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Mar [1804]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/54, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter; it will give him great pleasure to see Smith here, directions. Apologises for his blunder in naming 'Lichen varians' for 'L. varius'; [James] Dickson marked it 'L. varius'. Uncertain about his parasitic plant, which seems "materially different" from 'Vaccinium oxycoccos'; observations. Thanks for Smith's offer to fulfil his desiderata, remembers two years ago sending a list he concludes did not reach Smith. Pleased to hear third volume of "Flora Britannica" is likely to appear soon.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/64, The Linnean Society of London

Sends several copies of prospectus [for his work "Herbarium Britannicum" (1804-1812)], a sheet explaining his method for choosing habitats, preferring those not hitherto published by any author, and a magazine containing account by Mr Neil of the life of [John] Mackay [(1772-1802), employed at Dickson nursery, Edinburgh], errors with list of plants.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Lycopodium annotinum' of Linnaeus; 2. 'Erica vulgaris'; 3. a 'Galium' or 'Asperula' [Smith annotation: "'G. palustre' caule & pedunc. scabris"]; 4. a nondescript 'Saxifraga' he previously called 'S. tinctoria'; 5. a 'Draba' related to 'D. verna', cultivated 10 years [Smith annotation: "'verna'?"].

Has heard from [John Leonard] Knapp that he has found the 'Aira ulginosa' he [Don] sent Smith some years ago.

The Linnean Society of London
Francis Bowcher Wright
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/98, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his discovery of a new species of a red 'Paeonia' on Steep Holme [in Bristol Channel]. Was unable to gather specimens but did procure seed pods and roots, these are available to Smith. Two old fishermen living nearby have confirmed gathering the same plants between 60 and 70 years ago. Also has cloves of 'Allium ampeloprasum' from same island should Smith want them.

The Linnean Society of London